Sunday, April 01, 2012

Jerry Lee Lewis Marries His Nurse

A couple of weeks ago Jerry Lee Lewis got married again. Even though he is 76, the singer decided he would go ahead and try another cousin. OK, so not really a cousin, but an ex-wife of a cousin. The woman, Judith Brown has been Jerry's nurse for some time and the couple kept the wedding secret, even from Jerry's daughter which means that she probably would have disapproved. Want to know how incestuous this gets? Judith was previously married to Rusty who is Jerry's cousin. Rusty is also the brother of Jerry's third wife. Can you imagine going to a family reunion with these people. It would be 30 people and they would have all been married to each other. One of my all-time favorite photos is above. Jerry Lee with Elvis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins with the guitar.


  1. In the US, cousin marriage wasn't legislated against until the 1880's. Today the two countries with the most prohibitions are the US and China. Cousin marriage is still common in the Middle East. Cousin marriage was of course prevalent in early history.

  2. She was actually his first cousin once removed, but she was also 13 so regardless of how much DNA they shared it's still icky.

  3. And I believe a couple of wives died under strange circumstances. The Killer!

  4. Sounds like some of the family reunions where I live.

  5. I love the picture!

    It's either a family with no secrets or lots of secrets.

  6. This is a great shot. I love me some Elvis - I'm one of the people who do not believe he died on 8/16/77. However, my issue here is the way Elvis is gazing oh so lovingly at Carl. He looks like one of his own teenage girl fans gazing oh so lovingly at him at the time. Creeps me out a little.

    1. @Nola--Are you for real? Do you believe he died on a different date or that he's still alive? Please elaborate. No disrespect intended, just genuinely curious.

  7. As I said when I saw this pic for the first time last week- I want to do physical things to this picture!

    If you could harness the sheer talent and epic prettiness from those 4 men you could probably do things like pull the moon closer or change the Earth's rotation...FACT~

    Also, yeah. Jerry Lee Lewis is a hot mess. He's obviously got boundary issues, beginning with marrying his 2nd cousin when she was 13 (she was the daugher of his 1st cousin who was in his band btw), and culminating with his SEVENTH wife (!) who looks just like him in drag (also Fact). dude.

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I love Jerry Lee, he's put out some good music and nobody is crazier on stage or plays the piano like he does. I went to see him in concert a few years ago, and he no longer plays with his feet or jumps around, but he still plays that piano and can still sing. He's one of a kind.

  9. The family tree only has about three branches.

  10. I'm shocked that JLL is only 76 yrs old.

  11. His newest wife looks like him in drag!

  12. @couriergrrrrl - I'm serious. The conspiracy theory is that his death was faked that day so that he could get out of the life he was living. People at Graceland the day of the funeral said he looked like wax. His father ordered the headstone - and on it his middle name was spelled wrong (indicating he wasn't really in that grave). There were other "clues" as well. I don't believe he's alive present day necessarily, but I believe he made it past 1977.



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