Thursday, April 05, 2012

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Worst Idea Ever

Jennifer Love Hewitt is on Ellen today. That is not the worst idea ever. Her trying to make a living playing that hooker role is not a great idea, but it is a paycheck and it is not like anyone actually watches Lifetime anyway, so who will even notice or see her except for guys who mash together all the PG sex scenes. Anyway, her worst idea ever is that Jennifer tells Ellen that she is single and now that Adam Levine is single, she would not be averse to dating him. Seriously? Jennifer Love Hewitt makes the worst decisions when it comes to guys, but this would be the worst. First, Adam usually dates way younger so that is not going to happen and Jennifer should be grateful for that. Even if Adam did go out with her it would be for one reason only. He would crush her. Jennifer falls in love in a second and she would and we would not see her out of her UGGS and sweats for months. She would be walking the streets of Los Angeles just like that and looking morose and repeating, "He said I moved like Jagger."


  1. Anything that keeps her away from Johnny Depp works for me.

  2. ROFL @ "He said I moved like Jagger"

  3. least she puts out there what she wants! Ya never know..might work for her one day.

  4. I'm past my prime but whats wrong with a booty call? The sex could be fun for both of them and no feelings would be hurt?

  5. I thought the "worst idea ever" thing was in reference to the pants she's wearing in the photo. They're no friend to the curvy gal.

  6. "he said I moved like Jagger."


  7. I think her worst idea probably occurred when she wrote that relationship book. Isn't that like Snooki writing a book on etiquette? I mean, really. (Anyone read it, BTW? I admit that I kind of want to, just to see what her "advice" could possibly be.)

  8. She is really cute, IMO. As annoying as she comes across to me, I really hope she can find happiness sooner rather than later. She seems to have a genuinely kind heart so, yeah.

    Maybe she should audition the other team for a bit..

  9. I don't get how this girl has such horrible self-esteem. It's puzzling to me. She always comes across are so needy and desperate. I feel sad for her.

  10. You know, I agree, Dixie. She DOES seem kind and down-to-earth, she's very attractive, she's not been in any drug/alcohol messes (or any scandals at all for that matter that I can recall), she's not stupid, and she's not a horrible actress. I don't even find her annoying...just more like the friend whom everyone has who just can't get it together and pick good decent guys. And it IS unfortunate.

  11. Count me with Dixie and AKM. I feel bad when people rag on Hewitt. She seems so sad to me. And doesn't she have a weird, bizarre relationship with her pushy, overly involved mother? Am I right in thinking that or am I confusing her with someone else? Anyway, I like that even though she's been in the public eye since she was pretty young, we've never seen her stumbling drunk out of a club and flashing her privates at us or seen multiple mug shots of her. Yes, I agree she's kind of annoying, but I feel more sorry for her than annoyed. I think she's the real-life version of Jennifer Aniston that the tabloids keep writing about. Jennifer, meanwhile, is the female version of George Clooney and damn happy with her life.

  12. Thank god she didn't say Colin Farrell. Colin was on ellen Monday and ellen vowed to get him a gf

  13. @RJ - I think you are right about her mom but I could be confused too.

  14. Ugh. She's such a cute girl. She needs to learn that men hate girls who are desperate and throw themselves at them.

  15. I am definitely sympathetic to JLH. I have fallen very quickly in the past and it about killed me(physically and emotionally). I am seeing a wonderful man now (2 months today) but we are in different stages of life (I would like to get married/ have a kid, he is coming out of a 13 year marriage with an 11 year old daughter) he wants to have fun and not have to answer to anyone. We love spending time together and the sex is amazing, we had a good talk the other day and he said that he knows I want to focus ob work/ school right now but he can see in my eyes I want a family and he can't give it to me right now. He wants me to find someone that will have what I want. But we are still friends w benefits and can honestly say both the friend and the benefit part is true.
    Maybe JlH needs to try this route

  16. I need to contact Ellen about hooking me up with Colin.

  17. Hey Jennifer, you need to get a hobby, girlfriend. Or a pet. How about volunteer work? The bottom line is: STAY AWAY FROM MEN. You need to take a break from the male species. Adam Levine??? I'm very worried for you, lady.

    If you have to be with a man, find a nice guy who's not in the business. Maybe a lovely, quiet accountant from the Valley that will treat you with love and respect. You deserve it.

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I find her beyond pathetic. Go to Dlisted and check out her birthday pictures where she's out for lunch and keeps flashing little signs at the paps. So very pathetic. And in a few pics, her face looks seriously weird. I'd include a link but I'm in a cab using my iPhone (that was for Susan).

  19. Lol @frufa. My first thought was the pants too.

    It's not so much that I feel sympathetic for her as I slightly pity her. She seems so desperate for love or a relationship she'll force anything,like trying to make a square fit into a circle. She already has three engagement rings picked so they were available to all previous boyfriends. She gets her boyfriends each the same ring after dating a few weeks. She should try to figure out what she really wants in a SO and who she really is instead of just seeking out a warm body.

  20. @frufra - Ha ha. I was thinking the same thing, but you said it much better than I could have.

    I think she just says this stuff to get press. I also do not get why anyone would want to date Adam Levine, but that's just me.

  21. It could be worse. She could want to date Wilmer ValderPerv.

  22. Adam Levine is really cute so I can see why she would want to sleep with him. If he can't be faithful to a Victoria Secret model then there really isn't much hope for the rest of us. She should probably plan for a one night stand.

  23. "we've never seen her stumbling drunk out of a club and flashing her privates at us"

    No, instead we have to listen to her stories about vajazzling them.
