Thursday, April 26, 2012

Isabella Cruise Moves In With Her Boyfriend

The first time anything heard about Isabella Cruise dating someone was back in January. It turns out that is also the time that Isabella moved into the place of her boyfriend. According to Now Magazine, the couple moved in together a couple of months ago into a really bad part of downtown Los Angeles. You know though, they don't exactly say where and there are some very very expensive places downtown that just happen to be in bad locations. The article implies the couple is living in squalor, but do you really think that Tom Cruise would have his daughter living in squalor? Not even so much out of fatherly love, but she could always run to the press and start yapping. So, I think she is doing ok.


  1. I hope it's true love. I think she's probably not known a whole lot of unconditional love.

    And if she's not still connected with Scientology, Tom probably doesn't do much for her, if anything.

  2. I always thought she was a lesbian. She was such a cute little girl, but since Suri was born, she has not looked so cute...

  3. She probably moved in with her boyfriend to get away from her crazy father and his crazy cult.

  4. Anyone know if he is also CoS? HOPE NOT! I'm rooting for her.

  5. Good for her, get the hell away from the Co$ clutches.

  6. Think again...

    The teen moved into a love nest in the Wholesale District of downtown LA - nicknamed Skid Row - with her scientologist boyfriend Eddie Frencher, 23, two months ago.

  7. Good for her. She never really seemed to be on Tom's radar like Connor. Ever since Suri stepped forth from the Dianetics volcano, you only saw Isabella playing the role of handmaiden.

  8. oh wow. is sex allowed in scientology? tom must be freaking. i'm liking the posts today!

  9. Well, that sucks, Grape. I guess she'll never escape.

  10. OH my, a 19 yr old kid moved out of her parents house! BIG NEWS!
    It must have been due to some deep, dark issues...not because it's TYPICAL teenage behavior.

  11. Thanks Grape. Well there goes any theory on running from the church.

  12. This must be moobs week. He's too young to have moobs like those. His bra size is bigger than hers.

  13. Yep, his dad is CoS, and this b/f has been in the church all his life. *sigh*

  14. skid row in downtown la is NOT necessarily what it sounds like. like enty said there are million dollar lofts down there. johnny depp lives there too.

  15. Steppy is back defending a COS member...

  16. Wait - is that her bf in the photo, or her brother? Do they look alike?

  17. I really thought (or hoped) that she was Gay. Gay or straight though, she's too young and if this guy was NOT in the church I bet daddio would have kept this from ever happening.

  18. She's been pushed way way into the background I wonder if she considers herself lucky that Tommy Boy is otherwise occupied.

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  20. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I'm sure this boy is very nice...but my god, couldn't she do better? Her last name is Cruise, she's got plenty of money behind her, and she picks a guy who, on my drunkest day, I would not consider dating.

    I've always felt sorry for her, she seemed like Cinderella. Maybe he's her version of a fairy godmother.

  21. Sometimes it's not always about looks.

  22. Anonymous11:59 AM

    But at 18 it usually is.

  23. I still think it is strange how rare photos of her and Conner were when they were little, and then BAM hurricane Suri pops out and that little hot mess is all over the place.

    One has to wonder if Nic was the one proctecting them?

    1. I very much think so

    2. I thought the same thing. Both of Nic amd Tom's first kids were never mentioned hardly and the Suri was totally papped. What gives with that. And hate that I'm agreeing with Steppy here but it truly isn't odd for a 19 yr. old to move I'm with their boyfriend. I did it too. And my boyfriend wasn't a dreamboat but he treated me well. Still friends to this day some 33 yrs later.

  24. Think this is the first time I've seen her smiling in a photo... that's got to be a good sign (I hope)

  25. She is unfortunate looking herself and always wears that Debbie Gibson hat.

  26. I hope she's okay. Tom never seems very interested I. The older two, but who knows the truth but them? I always thought he adopted the older two for p.r. reasons and lost interest when Suri came along.

  27. Maybe it means that she's out from under Tom and his followers thumbs. Seems like if she needed money Nicole would give it to her, she could afford to contribute if Tom was holding out.

  28. Anonymous12:47 PM

    it is weird that he looks like her brother

  29. WHOA didn't the very disturbing blind from yesterday talk about a girl that doesn't date much or was it a male? Can she be tied to a blind bc I find it odd that the first sentence for the photo was "The first time anything heard about Isabella Cruise dating someone was back in January" Maybe she's not yesterdays blind but that's a weird statement. Have I been reading too many blinds so now I'm suspicious of every little thing I see?

  30. He does look like her brother.

    And if she was gay, COS has probably audited it out of her by now, like they did with her dad & Travolta.

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  32. @car54 - see @ Tempestuous Grape - her BF is Co$ Eddie Frencher - thanks, Grape

  33. Why isn't Nicole involved with Isabella or Connor? I always wondered about that. Was she cut out in the divorce?

  34. Dia-- I thought it was becausewhen she left Tom and CoS that shebasically hadto give up the kids.

  35. Yeah but according to that blind about the Ice Bitch which we all believed to be Nicole, once she was with Tom she learned to calculate everything for the pr thing, and behind closed doors she'd yell at them to go away.

  36. She pretty much keeps out of the spotlight and probably has had very little 'normal' in her life up to now. Tone down the mean, she didn't ask for any of this.

  37. She may not have asked for it, but she will be culpable for it as an adult. If they haven't already, COS will use her to shill for the "church," and she will be responsible for the damage she causes.

    She's not just another COS automaton, she's Scieno royalty by virtue of being Tommy's kid. She can't "distance" herself from COS the way some COS kids do to have a semi-normal life. She will be expected to be in 100% lockstep with COS.

  38. Okay, I know she's adopted, but I see Nicole in her. Look at that face!

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  40. iknowpeople - what the heck are you talking about?

  41. I also thought she was gay. I had thought she had somewhat outed herself a few years ago.

  42. Maybe that is why her b/f has moobies.
