Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Frasier's Celebrity Callers

You have to watch this. It is an amazing job of just putting it together and it is all the celebrity callers to Frasier in one six minute video. The first one is Christopher Reeve. I didn't know he had done one of the calls.


  1. that was great! Thanks for sharing it

  2. That was fun.I always wondered how the callers were chosen?

  3. Wow, that was great. I didn't even realize they used celebrity voices. Gives me another excuse now to watch some reruns.

  4. I'm on the rerun watching train too and just the other day noticed a bunch of famous names in the closing credits and thought it was a joke. I never paid much attention to the callers because Frasier's responses were always so entertaining. I'll have to listen closely the next time I watch another Frasier marathon.

    1. Thanks califblondy! You just saved me an IMDB search...lol I was wondering about that! I didn't like Frasier at first, because Kelsey Grammer seemed like such a jerk. Then I read about the horrible deaths of his siblings and wound up falling in love w/the show and the entire cast, including Kelsey, bad press and all!

  5. So wild. Even some people we think of as having distinctive voices (Billy Crystal, Ben Stiller) aren't distinctive enough when anonymous. I never would have guessed the callers were famous. Makes you wonder whether the show had that many famous fans, or if Kelsey has that many friends in Hollywood. Of course everyone KNOWS each other in Hollywood, but I never thought of him as someone with many friends.

  6. That was awesome. I love Frasier. I think it's totally brilliant.

  7. I can't believe so many people didn't know they were celebrity callers. It's not like it was a secret...?

  8. I didn't realize it either!? And I'm usually really good at picking out voices, too. I watched some old Frasier episodes on TBS last week. It was such a funny show.

  9. This was one of my favorite shows. I actually liked it better than its parent show, Cheers. I knew the callers were famous, and I was always trying to figure out who they were. The only one I ever guessed right was David Duchovony

  10. Really cool. What's interesting is that even with a few lines, the great actors in the bunch manage to give the "caller" they are portraying a defined sound and personality.

  11. nunaurbiz, I also thought it was a well-known fact. That was always part of the fun of the show - trying to see if you could recognize the callers.
