Friday, April 13, 2012

Frances Bean Says Dave Grohl Never Hit On Her

There is no point in really talking about Courtney Love and her Twitter rants because she switches Twitter accounts all the time and most of them make no sense. Now, that being said, if you have the time and energy I could see turning her Tweets into a television show. If you put her rants in a show on HBO or somewhere where they would not be turned into sitcom mediocrity it could be pretty good. Of course then you would be giving Courtney more spotlight which is something she doesn't need. Courtney had accused Dave Grohl of hitting on her daughter and possibly having sex with her too. Dave said no and now Frances Bean says no and that Twitter should ban Courtney for life. Without these rants though, Courtney might explode with all the rage she has inside. You think the Bean likes her mom? How about this warm and loving Hallmark like statement.

While I'm generally silent on the affairs of my biological mother, her recent tirade has taken a gross turn. I have never been approached by Dave Grohl in more than a platonic way. I'm in a monogamous relationship and very happy. Twitter should ban my mother.


  1. I hope it is not some front but she seems like a well adjusted individual considering who her nutbag of a mom is.

  2. Calling Courtney "my biological mother" pretty much says it all.

    I don't know how Frances turned out so seemingly normal. It appeared the odds were stacked against her from the get-go.

    And Courtney has always hated Dave Grohl and Krist Novocelic, especially after they sued her to share rights to Nirvana's music.

  3. Wow. That poor girl having to put up with that crazy woman.

  4. a classy way to say "shut up"
    and all said in "my biological mother"

  5. Adding the word "biological" says everything. I love Frances Bean so freaking much, she has turned into such a beautiful and well adjusted person (at least as far as I can tell).
    I wonder if she thinks Courtney was behind her Kurt's death.

    1. ...not her Kurt's, just Kurt's

  6. This is why Lindsay has no excuse. Frances was raised by a raging lunatic, which was either caused by the drugs or she self-medicates with drugs. Similar crazy public parental rants, and yet she managed to respond like a gracious human.

    The main difference is that both of Lindsay's parents suck and she has stuck close to the one who enabled her best.

  7. You go Bean!! :)

  8. Probably the only thing Courtney deserves credit for in the parenting department was employing what could only have been an excellent nanny.

  9. I have a cousin with borderline personality disorder and she and Courtney are so much alike. When my cousin gets mad, she blows up Facebook slandering everyone and everything. I'm glad Frances has got it together so well, because my cousin's daughter is so dysfunctional, it is the saddest thing.

  10. Frances Bean has turned into my favorite celebrity spawn. She had everything going against her, yet she has come out seemingly normal and well adjusted. She isn't doing reality shows or feeling entitled to her 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, she will always have to deal with her biological mother, who is a pathological liar and has serious mental and drug issues.

  11. I thought Kirk's mother had custody of Frances Bean for most, if not all, of her life?

  12. @Cake, you may be right. Clearly someone other than Courtney provided a greater and better influence.

  13. from what I have read Kurt's mother & sister raised Frances and Courtney would only trot her out when she wanted a magazine cover or interview and then would exploit poor Bean by reading Frances' diary to the interviewer. Classy.

    The only reason Courtney won't OD is becuase she loves fame too much.

  14. Good for Frances, for knowing what her mother is.

  15. I normally don't comment very often so I hope I don't offend anyone here. I have to say I'm very disappointed by the people who believe that say since Frances Bean has grown up to be (from what we can tell) well-adjusted and normal with Courtney Love as a mother, that Lindsay Lohan has no reason to act the way that she does. I have to say, I really disagree with that. I have a degree in Psychology/Family studies and I also grew up with very dysfunctional and abusive home life. And something that is important to recognize is that some children are born with an innate ability to thrive even in the face of adversity, in fact, some children grow up stronger than their peers if they had to grow up fast and experience a lot of pain or trauma. I think Frances falls under this category, by all accounts one would expect her to be a drug addict, mentally ill, in and out of jail, etc given that she was raised by Courtney Love and her father committed suicide and was a well-known drug addict. Other children unfortunately tend to crumble under abuse and dysfunction. It's not their fault, but for whatever reason the balance between nature and nurture makes it difficult to learn effective coping skills early in life that leads to greater and greater disaster as you get older, because from the start you don't understand boundaries or healthy relationships and you learn all of the negative behavior of your family and grow up to believe that it is normal and you seek out destructive behavior because it's all you know. I personally fall into this category, as I suspect Lindsay Lohan does. Just looking at what is publicly known about Michael and Dina Lohan, they are obviously dysfunctional and had a very unhealthy relationship. Growing up in that environment can have a profound effect on young children, sometimes leading to Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, etc. Now Lindsay is an adult and in that respect she is responsible for her actions and is responsible to get treatment for herself, but she has to want it for it to do any good, and as I see it, she isn't even equipped enough to realize she has any problems, let alone severe ones. For a normal person, being in and out of the court system would be a wake-up call but she grew up believing this behavior was normal, and she probably be doing the same stuff she's doing if she had done a movie and become famous. However, she did become famous and at a very young age and I can only imagine how that kind of money and clout would corrupt an already dysfunctional family. If I had grown up rich and famous instead of in a lower-middle class family I can only imagine how the dysfunction would have only snowballed. With all this said, I hope Frances Bean is as happy and healthy and well-adjusted as she seems, and that Lindsay someday gets the help she needs before she ends up dead. Ok, sorry, end rant!

  16. Jeannie- I think you make some really valid points about LL, especially in regards to what LL thinks is "normal" behavior. I still think that Frances Bean was not raised by Courtney for the most part, so I do not think this is a good comparison. Also, based on some of the blinds from the last few weeks about the Hollywood pervs going after young actresses, I would guess that LL could have suffered some of that abuse as well. It does not seem like FB was around that when she was with her grandmother.

  17. Thank you Jeannie, that was interesting (no snark).

    Yes, Frances certainly seems to be remarkably well adjusted and Courtney is an awful mother. Lindsay's just an asshole and (as Jeannie points out above) probably would be whether she was famous or not.

  18. We should lock Courtney Love and Mel Gibson in a room together for 28 hours and see what happens.

  19. I don't think she could have said it any better. Agree with those saying she appears to be well adjusted. Well wishes to her.

  20. If Courtney is not embarrassed by this, then I am embarrassed for her

  21. @ Jeannie interesting feedback/comparison. I think Frances Bean's advantage was that she was effectively raised by Kurt's side of the family, and in particular Kurt's sister who is by all accounts pretty grounded. It also helped that she was raised in Aberdeen, which is pretty off the beaten path even in the Pac NW context (I lived in the Seattle area for about 25 years).

    I don't think Lindsay had that advantage, and while I would say yeah that's unfair, she can't continue falling back on that as an excuse when she is purportedly a working actor with a career of her own. Ditto Courtney. Especially Courtney.

    Speaking as one who escaped an abusive parental situation himself, and as one who underwent a lot of extra therapy and growing in his 20s because of it.

  22. Frances is stunning, especially in B&W and sepia photos.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Farking double posts.

  25. Yeah, Mango, she really rocks that armpit stubble!
    JK... FBC is really very beautiful and I love the way they style her in photos -- she has such a unique look.

  26. Ever since the reveal the Courtney Love made Frances get the lap band surgery for them both when she was just 16 AND made her pay for it....I began to really really hate Courtney Love. Moreso than I already did, which was substantial.

    Whomever kept Courtney from completely ruining Frances' life/mental health deserves some sort of honour bestowed upon them, because that couldn't have been an easy task.

    I wholeheartedly wish someone would drop a house on Courtney Love.

  27. Don't mess with the Grohl. Love that man

    Bean is proving to be remarkably well adjusted. However, I remember an interview with Courtney where she proudly proclaimed Bean as "the adult" in their relationship. She was something like 8 at the time. I was NOT impressed

  28. @Marisa(9:18 AM) -
    And with Joe Eszterhaus hiding in the closet, crying and documenting everything

  29. Electric Warrior said...

    Ever since the reveal the Courtney Love made Frances get the lap band surgery for them both when she was just 16 AND made her pay for it
    Where was this reveal?

  30. well, Enty hit the Trifecta today...Courtney Love, Mindy McCready and Michael Lohan....I cannot take it anymore today...too much mind-blowing irresponsibility all in one place.

    Until next week.

  31. I admire Frances. She had all the odds against her, and is more well adjusted and mature than most people twice her age (not to mention her nutjob mother who is a special brand of crazy.) The girl has been through some heavy shit in her short life, and she handles it all with seeming grace. Methinks Kurt would be mighty proud of her.

  32. While I think the praise for Ms Cobain is well-intentioned, I would point out that a young woman who hates her mother to this extent is probably saddled with a few developmental and life-stage issues that are going to be difficult for her to get through easily. Also, a heredity that includes two hard-drug addicts and a tragic suicide? She's never had a job and she instead lives in a celeb world of "being famous for being famous," which we all make fun of when it's Paris Hilton but we're supposed to admire when it's Kelly Osbour--oops, when it's Courtney Love's daughter? I'm not getting it. I hope she is okay, but I don't get a sense of healthy balance from her.

  33. I should confess that I'm not totally in the "hating Courtney Love" camp. She's turning into a weird cross between Phyllis Diller and Bea Arthur, and she might outlive all of us.

  34. @Barton, give her some time and cut her some slack. She's still a student (at Bard College in upstate New York), and nothing at all like Paris or Kelly OR her mother thank gawd.

  35. The story might have a happy ending, I'll admit. Maybe it's the coy armpit photos that make me mistrust her.

  36. Her mother has mental issues obviously. She is also probably running out of money and would do anything to get some of it from Fancis Bean. That I believe is at the root of all her rants. Noveselic and Grohl have no kind words for Courtney and I cannot blame them. When you look at the prolificness (sp?) of Grohl (drool!) it's obvious Cobain didn't write everything for Nirvana. Not to bash Kurt, mind you. Also FBC has so much money she doesn't need to attend college and yet she chooses to. Good for her!

  37. I don't know where you all (or most) are seeing a "well-adjusted" young woman.

    This is a 19-year-old who appears to have (for now) cut off contact from her mother; who, after all her life begging her mother to stop smoking, has taken up smoking herself; has already had several plastic surgeries done to her face; whose sweet 16 birthday party's theme was "suicide"; who goes by the "artistic" moniker "scumfuck".

    I hope she gets an education and stays off the drugs, and does manage to find real happiness.

    And to answer the question if she loves her mother... It's her only parent. She wasn't raised by Kurt's mom Wendy.

    My guess is she loves her mother despite all the hurt and disappointments she has caused, just like Courtney loves her daughter despite being so consumed with her own narcissism and addiction problems that she has not been capable of being a fit mother.

  38. Sherry,

    Grohl may be prolific, but the music he writes bears no comparison - in style and in quality - to the music Nirvana made.

    Kurt was the dominant creative force in the group by far, and neither Dave or Krist ever debated that.

    Even the drum parts. Dave was an outstanding drummer, but most were written by Kurt, and Dave would execute them.

  39. @Giulia -- Outside of a symphony score, no one "writes" drum "parts." Probably Kurt ran through the drum licks of their established sets perfunctorily to get Dave started, but Kurt was no drummer and Dave is. Kurt never told Krist what bass lines to lay down. Kurt did the lyrics and the chord textures of Nirvana, but that wasn't the whole.

    My cousin knew them from the pre-Dave days when they were "the junkie losers in the practice space next door" in Ballard. Kurt would have died OD-frozen in an alley in Fremont or Capitol Hill long before fame if it wasn't for Krist.

    The Elvis of grunge? Please.

  40. B.Profane - If he did't "write" them - as in putting pen to paper - he came up with them and showed both Dave and Krist what he wanted them to play, and often, how he wanted them to play.

    Being a suicidal drug addict didn't stop him from being a very driven songwriter, and he effectively had absolute control over the creative process.

    I have watched and heard numerous times the band members discuss how songs were written, and it all amounts to Kurt having written them either in their entirety, or written the greater part of a song with Krist and/or Dave contributing to it.

    I still have an interview from the In Utero days in which Kurt says that Krist came up with a riff for a song and played it to him, but he was reluctant to use it because it was Krist's riff, and "he's such a bonehead"... until eventually he realized he liked it and capitulated.

    At the time I found his dismissive attitude strange. I had assumed that the song writing was a rather democratic, collaborative effort.
    Not so. Kurt was the leader, and a very confident and assertive leader, as far as music was concerned.

    After Nevermind became the huge commercial success that it was, Kurt demanded the original record contract re-written and the royalties re-distributed to reflect his greater share in the songwriting.
    This was with retroactive effect, meaning that both Krist and Dave had to pay back the difference from what they had already earned under the original contract.

    And they agreed to it, and not only because they are such nice guys - but because he had indeed written most of the songs.

  41. Funny the term she chose - for several years I have used the term "biological father" to describe the monster parent I had to endure. And like Francis, I did not turn into a drug addict, prostitute or mental case. My mom was no picnic either, but at least she gave us a stable home and loved us. Good luck to Francis. And she chose a great college - small, supportive and smart.

  42. Bean was very respectful saying 'biological mother'. Could have been 'that woman' or plain old 'she'. Courtney needs to stop now.
