Friday, April 20, 2012

Four For Friday - The Girl Who Got Pregnant

As is the case every Friday, I like to direct you towards my Twitter which is over on the right somewhere. Usually I use the little -----------> thing, but I thought I would be different today. Counting down to 4:20 and all that. Oh, you thought. No, that is when I get to leave work today. Anyway, on my Twitter I have blinds that I don't have on the site. I had one this morning as a matter of fact. Oh, and here on the site on Saturdays I reveal a blind from my archive.

This show was on a few years ago, but most the leads in the show are all working still and are solid B- listers. It was a modest hit show which was part of a hit night for a network. Yes, a network. Not an almost network or cable, but a network. It was supposed to be good family fun, but behind the scenes were some truly nasty things going on. The object of the entire mess was this teen who has not really done anything since because she was so traumatized by what happened. When she first came to the show she got involved with one of the actors on the show who was slightly older than her. He was experienced and she was not. He was really into drugs and she was not, but she thought he was the greatest and in love and they had sex all the time. While this was going on, one of the older actors on the show also wanted the teen. She thought of him like a father figure, but he wanted to be more than a dad. Well, one day he had way too much to drink and came on to the teen. She didn't want it, but she also didn't want to get fired so went along with sex. To this day she refuses to eat the food she was eating right before this happened and has a loathing for the cologne he was wearing. When she told her "boyfriend" about it he blamed her. When she told this B- list actress on the show about it, the actress told her to never tell anyone and that kind of thing happens and it had happened to her in the past before she got too big and they couldn't take advantage of her like that anymore. Well, our teen got pregnant. When she talked to her boyfriend, he said it was not his and that she deserved what she got. When she talked to the older actor about it, he said that he was married and had a family and none of this could come out. He then had his assistant make an appointment for the teen to get an abortion and to make sure the assistant went and made sure the procedure was completed. About three days after the procedure our teen got a call from the older actor. The teen though it was to apologize or to see how she was doing. Nope. He wanted to know if she wanted to come over to his place for sex.


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