I really thought Five Year Engagement would do well. I saw it and thought it was very funny. Not as funny as Bridesmaids but still good. I was never a person who thought it would be the number one movie because an R rated movie will not usually beat a kids movie like Pirates!, but Think Like A Man did just that and in its second week which is pretty impressive. Five Year Engagement did awful. Like it finished in 5th place awful. It finished behind The Hunger Games even though Hunger Games has been out a month. Actually Hunger Games is doing really well and only finished out of second place by a few hundred thousand dollars.
Good. Fucking tired of Jason Segel.
ReplyDeleteJust because it didn't get good numbers doesn't mean it isn't good. If the numbers meant anything, then twighlight would be good. That and I think this movie will do better on DVD.
ReplyDeleteJason segel is becoming overexposed and it is obvious HE thinks he is adorable. Can't stand Emily Bl(c)unt. Movie looks way too meet-cute crappy
ReplyDeleteReally dislike Emily Blunt, I don't like looking at her/listening to her. Segal, meh. Overall this movie has no appeal to me.
ReplyDeleteThat's a bummer - I saw it Saturday and enjoyed it. It had a LOT of holes and stupid writing in some places, but over all I enjoyed it as much as any other rom com.
ReplyDeleteThe reviews were awful....
ReplyDeleteEnough with the wedding comedy movies. Not every women's whole existance revolves around our wedding day. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteI'm still gonna see it. It looks pretty funny to me!
ReplyDeleteThis movie was filmed where I went to college and from what I hear, the town plays a pretty big role in it, so I am really looking forward to seeing it.
ReplyDeleteJason Dude - it wasn't even a year ago that you were running all over the place acting like you were the only one who loves a muppet. Your face is on every other cable channel with HIMYM reruns - please take a vacation
ReplyDeleteI like Jason Segel and want to see this movie, but I would like to see him in something other than romantic comedies, stretch his range some.
ReplyDeleteI liked HIMYM, but now that he's everywhere and he only plays the Naked Doughy Manchild That Inexplicably Gets the Hot Girl in every movie, I can't stand him or the show.
I saw Pirates! over the weekend and laughed a lot.
ReplyDeleteThe landscape is littered with box office bombs that were good movies and/or went on to enjoy massive success. One example, if I remember correctly, is It's a Wonderful Life.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I have no interest in this movie. Maybe when it's on cable I'll land on it while I'm channel surfing, but I won't go looking for it.
I'd really like to see this movie but not in the theatre, I'll see it at home. It will definitely do better on DVD/onDemand.
ReplyDeleteAnd his face in the Muppets commercial makes me insane with rage.
Ok, a lot of hate permeating the comment section. I like Jason, he is in a lot because that is sort of the point when you become an actor. Why would he not grab it while he can? What is wrong with that? Not to mention that he seems to have some writing talent, which is a rarity, not to mention, he seems like just a nice guy. I also like Emily Blunt, I don't know her personally, but she seems nice enough. As for the movie it looks cute and funny. It's a Rom Com there is just so many places these things will go. It's the kind of movie where you can go, not think, laugh a little and enjoy the premise that love is a wonderful thing, you know, fantasy. I have not seem it, but probably will give it a go on DVD or Netflix.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Michelle Williams and since he has attached himself to her, I don't care about him or his movies.
ReplyDeleteFriend on facebook saw it and said it was the worst thing she's ever viewed. Well then.
ReplyDeleteWorst movie I've ever seen is The Breakup. Who wants to go to the movies to spend a couple hours watching a couple fight and split? I can watch that for free by going to a friend's house. A real Debbie Downer movie. Bleh.
ReplyDelete@Cathy, from what I've heard, Ann Arbor is treated with slight disdain in the movie. They don't refer to it by name and kind of treat it like a hick town, which, as we know, it is absolutely not.
ReplyDeleteI still want to see this, but I reckon I will wait until it comes out on DVD.
I am a Jason Segel fan and love what he did with The Muppets, but I agree, he's becoming too overexposed.
I thought I was the only one who finds Jason Segel annoying. I'm glad to see I'm not.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the problem is Jason; the commercials made the movie look stupid and annoying to me. Since some of you say it's funny, I might check it out on DVD.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with Vicki..Jason is over exposed at this point as a lead..he should downplay like Jessica Chastain and take smaller roles but keep working if he can.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to see this when it comes out on DVD. I like Jason, but can't think about Emily w/o thinking about everything Enty's said about her and her marriage.
I dont have a prob with jason or emily. Im just not a fan of rom com. I do think the movie was trying to hard.
ReplyDelete@Beth - from what I heard, Ann Arbor (and lot's of places in and around campus) is absolutely referenced by name, since they moved there when Emily Blunt's character gets accepted into U of M and Jason Segal's character gets a job baking bread at Zingerman's.
I enjoy Jason Segel a lot and I think he's very good at his job. For some reason his "face" doesn't test well, he's said so in interviews. I don't get why, but given the comments here...
ReplyDeleteThe Hunger Games movie is so boring...
ReplyDeleteI didn't care for the Muppets or Bridemaids and I saw Chimpanzee this past weekend and was disappointed in that too.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure people couldn't imagine Emily Blunt trying to be funny and didn't want to waste their money.
ReplyDeleteI saw it and thought it was pretty cute. Ann Arbor is heavily featured and not at all depicted as a hick town, it is depicted as a college town. Despite the rumors of her constantly cheating on John K, I like Emily and enjoyed the movie for what it was. My only complaint is that it was a tad bit too long. Chris Pratt and Alison Brie absolutely make the movie though.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that it a romantic comedy wherein 50% of the audience hates Jason Segel and the other 50 can't stand Emily Blunt-- so nobody went to see it, go figure.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny that we consider a 5th-place finisher a bomb? That means this movie finished ahead of dozens of other movies out there, but because it didn't make the most millions, it's a failure. When did this kind of thinking become normal?
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of how one year Exxon was in the news because they "lost" a billion dollars. When you actually read the article, they made 12 billion, but because they had forecast they would make 13 billion, they "lost" a billion and were panicking.
I don't get all the hate for Jason Segel. First of all, if it weren't for him, the latest muppets movie (which was GREAT) never would have happened. Second, I find it refreshing to see a male lead (in a rom-com, no less) who doesn't fit into our society's pigeon-holed definition of what a sex symbol looks like.
ReplyDeleteI found the commercials really irritating and was put off completely. I don't mind EB or JS--but they didn't seem like a great screen match to me. It seemed to be trying too hard.
ReplyDeleteAnd joining some of the other commenters about the worst movie they ever saw, I have to give that one to Knocked Up. God was that horrendous. That guys voice is like 2 hours of fingernails on chalkboard. And Heigl was ridiculous - yet that movie made millions and it is on cable all the friggin time. Awful awful movie.
ReplyDelete@Princess - Knocked Up wasn't my favorite movie, but I liked it. Definitely agree that it's overplayed though - you'll notice it's almost always on E! (probably because Heigl's character worked there in the movie).
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but Jason Segel kind of sucks. He has zero range, and once again, some lacking talent person is being jammed down the adorning public throat. The same b/s goes on in the music industry, while pirates are blamed for the shrinking cash box totals. Just maybe the public has grown bored with the same stories being told, without much change. Retread movies logging old titles and storylines can't save it either.
ReplyDeleteIf that poster is what they used to try and sell the movie, I would blame it on marketing. Looking at it makes me want to avoid the movie because it is so unappealing.
ReplyDelete, I saw the movie on Saturday. I enjoyed it and laughed through the whole movie, but I agree Chris Pratt and Alison Brie were by far the best part of the movie. I havent watched HIMYM or the Muppets, and I dont have cable, so I guess Jason Segel doesnt bother me too much.
ReplyDeletei think the problem is emily blunt is totally unappealing to everyone. she seems like a cold bitch.
ReplyDeletethe previews for this movie did not make it seem like a comedy but more of a downer movie about planning a wedding.
Jason Segel will forever have my respect from just having been a cast member on Freaks And Geeks. He'd have to do something really bad like open fire on a shopping mall to erase that F&G goodwill. That being said I have no desire to see his movies and I stopped watching HIMYM years ago, which is pretty amazing because HIMYM has F&G Goodwill and Buffy Mojo working for it. Ted Moseby blows.
ReplyDeleteI think these wedding movies are just overplayed. I'm kind of sick of them. Oddly enough, people are not getting married as much as they use to. For the first time in history, there are more single people than married ones. Leave it to Hollyweird to jump on the wedding movie train when the ship is sinking!
ReplyDeleteFreaks & Geeks 4evah!!!!!!!11one!
ReplyDeleteyeah, he's a little overexposed and she's meh.
Just go to vegas or whatever. it's just a wedding, why does hollywood have to make it such a big deal? if it takes you 5 years to close the deal, just take the hint and break up already.
oh, and I'm sooo not going to spend eleventy billion dollars just to see a "meh" movie.
ReplyDeleteMovies are way too expensive and that's not counting all the popcorn and I'm glad I have a big purse so I can sneak in soda and lotsa snackies. $3.50 for Junior Mints?!? Hell to the No! $1.00 from CVS I say! *shakes fist*
The problem isnt Jason for me but rather the whole Jason and Emily combo.
ReplyDeleteNo offense to the gorgeous thin women out there but being a comedic actress cant simply be done by handing someone a script. I think what we have hear is a case of HOllywood handing said script to a thin glamazon hottie chick who, while talented, simply doesnt have the comedy thang.
Often comedy comes from a dark place where you've been through some real shit, either being picked on as a kid or feeling like you have to entertain ppl so they like you. And I do not see Emily Blunt pulling from experiences like these AT FUCKING ALL.
I like Jason Segal and I hope he is as nice, kind and humble as he seems to be. I just have no affinity for Emily Blunt, so will probably not see the film.
ReplyDeleteWhat would be REALLY refreshing would be if BOTH leads were played by average looking people, not just the guy's. I'm sick of seeing Hollywood give a pass to the schlubby guys like Segal, Jack Black, Will Ferrell, etc. bc their comedic acting is so good, but only cast women like Blunt, Jennifer Aniston, Mila Kunis etc. as their counterparts. Enough of the sexism, already!
All I saw in the trailers/ads was actors over-mugging. Especially after the "black peonies" reference, I thought, well, this is one I won't go see. Not my tastes, too old. Just too old for it.
ReplyDeleteI saw it this weekend and it definitely had hilarious moments, over the top moments, and some touching moments too. I was very entertained.
ReplyDeleteJason is neutral for me, having not seen Muppets and I don't watch HIMYM, but I am a big fan of Emily Blunt.
So yea, if those two annoy you then you better stay home.
I happen to think it is a lot better than many films I've seen in the past year. And I like to go to the movies!
I thought Emily Blunt was quite funny in The Devil Wears Prada. The uptightness of that role suited her perfectly, and her timing was great!
ReplyDeleteI saw it this weekend and I absolutely loved it! Chris Pratt stole the movie, his scenes were hilarious...
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have read, Jason Segel co-wrote the movie FOR Emily Blunt. He created the role specifically for her.
One of the best films I have seen in a long time... but I'm a bit of a fangirl for Segel. I'd date him :)
I was great but honestly... 2.5 HOURS?!??!! UNNECESSARY! a romcom should ONLY be 80 mins MAX!