The good news is the deal the Kardashians signed with E! is just for three more seasons of all things Kardashian. That means that potentially there is an end date. The bad news is there are three more seasons of Kardashians which means three more years of made up drama and attention and $40M that will soon be lining their pockets. The money is supposed to be divided equally, but you already know that Bruce Jenner signed over his share to Kris and that he will get an allowance of $100 a week and once a month be allowed out of the garage and into the house.
I don't know what is left to say for three more years of Kardashian. I hope E! loses a ton of money on the deal and regret every second of it and that someone eventually gets fired for the decision and that the deal goes down in a glorious ball of flames. I think it is a possibility. I think they are reaching for controversy now and when you start pushing that envelope you have to be careful not to lose the rest of the people that watch you. For my part, I am going to continue to rarely, if ever write about them.
Thank god I don't have a TV.
ReplyDeleteRidiculous. I would rather watch a colon cleanser infomercial. I am dumping the cable and going with Netflix.
ReplyDeleteI have never watched and will never watch...pure garbage.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to call Frontier again and BEG for them to disconnect my cable. I've called them 3 times in the past month requesting a disconnect and it's still on. This is going to motivate me to be relentless until they shut it off.
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched either, but SOMEONE is!
ReplyDeleteThis makes me want to cry. I thought their 15 minutes were almost over. I don't understand people supporting the K's famewhoring.
I don't watch and I don't think the market will support 3 more years of this trash.
ReplyDeleteI don't know one single person who likes this show or the terrible people on it. Who is the target market? Lower class, middle aged housewives? 9 year old girls?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that reality seasons follow the same schedule as network seasons (i.e. one season per year). Something like DWTS is in its upteenth season and it's only been on the air a few years.
ReplyDeleteEmEyeKay- My thoughts exactly! They are the scum of television and the Internet, maybe instead of going after them to get off the airwaves we need to go after whoever is watching them!!
ReplyDeleteSadly I'm only half kidding. I have daughters and it's sad to realize how much reality television has spurred the decline of good viewing habits (and morality?)
Blecchh. Never have watched, never will.
ReplyDeleteFamous all because Kim was friends with Parasite and let Ray J piss on her on video.
ReplyDeleteShameful and shameless.
I haven't had cable in a few years, so I thought their exposure had really slowed down. I guess not? I don't see as much of them on the internet anymore at least.
ReplyDeleteCDANers have done their small part. I realize I'm feeding the machine by even commenting on this post but I'm angry this morning. We asked for a boycott, and Enty did it. There was TONS of Kardashian news during the boycott and he didn't touch it.
ReplyDeleteDammit, this really is kind of sick.
My boss is a Kardashian freak and would talk about them constantly. I used to get super stoned and watch the shows, its pretty hilarious but it made me feel awful afterwards. But thanks to this site, I know not to ever watch E! For the next 3 years atleast.
ReplyDeleteWorld's thinnest book - Things We Would Not Do For Money by The Kardashian's
ReplyDeleteWhy anyone has ever been interested in the antics of what amounts to a group of very expensive, high-maintenance prostitutes is beyond me. IMHO, no one in the family has even a trace of real talent, if one leaves out their relentless type of self-marketing. Obviously, however, my view is a minority one, or E! would not have spent the money on this tribe of money-grubbers which they already have, and clearly intend to continue to do.
ReplyDelete@Patty - GREAT POINT!!! 3 seasons does not equal 3 years.
ReplyDelete**huge sigh of relief**
E should bring back Pretty Wild if they want to showcase talentless vapid women. I LOVED THAT SHOW, and I don't care who knows it.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the people who do not know one person who remotely likes them or their show. I truly hate them. One case where I don't mind being called a HATER.
Haha! I knew E would do this! Dont forget E entertainment is a famewhores home, they fit quite nicely! I have never seen the show and still wont watch but they r getting a shit ton of money!
ReplyDelete40 million? Really?? Who is Kris Kardashian fucking over at E! programming?
ReplyDeleteThis makes me completely HATE E. I may need to avoid E at all costs now.
ReplyDeleteI like watching the Kardashian shows, they're always on when I'm at the gym. Not embarrassed to admit I enjoy them. :D
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, out of curiousity I have seen this when it initially aired. I could not get past the entire family speaking in question form. Also, they are vapid twats.
ReplyDeleteHere email E! to get them off.
@Gin Royal, that link doesn't work for me.
ReplyDeleteHere's one that does, I've signed. They need more signatures though, they only have 660,000: http://boycottkim.com/#Kim-Kardashian-Boycott-Petition
STOP WATCHING, people! Just say no!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the ban, ENTy, I really appreciate it.
You know, there is something about Kris Jenner that REALLY makes me sick. Seriously, whenever I see her, I'm humiliated for her...
ReplyDeleteWho the hell watches these fools? It makes me sick that they won't just go away. I would have thought that the fallout from the "wedding" would have done them in.
ReplyDeleteI have never watched this show, or bought any of their krap. I don't know anyone who likes them, or has bought from them either. WHO ARE THE FUCKING IDIOTS KEEPING THEM ALIVE?
ReplyDeleteRyan Seacrest needs to be shot.
Add me to the 'who the hell watches that shit' group. That is insane amount of money when there are so many people in this country who have lost their homes, their jobs and can barely feed themselves or their kids. These shitbags are buying accessories whose costs would feed a family for a year. and they gained *fame* from what? one of the daughter's filming herself getting peed on?
ReplyDeleteThis country is effed up.
E keeps them alive. It is a mutual money laundering relationship. It will go on until someone along the money trail gets really screwed and then gets wise. . . . these are not good people.
ReplyDeleteIck!!! I think I'm gonna cancel my cable or least cancel E!.
ReplyDeleteContinue the Boycott Enty!!!
Trying to decide who I would run over with my car, any Kardashian or Seashit for making this all happen and continuing to bring more evil into the world through his production company.
ReplyDeleteI only watch E! to watch The Soup and I may have to give that up - I'm just so disgusted by this.
ReplyDeletePublic enemy #1 for me today are the idiots that watch this show.
ReplyDelete@BattaNoKami -- "World's thinnest book - Things We Would Not Do For Money by The Kardashians"
ReplyDelete1. Read a book (without pictures)
2. Attend college
3. ?
BTW, that is a hella lot of animal print in that photo. And the "mwah!" kissing pose always makes my hand itch to throat-punch whoever does it.
I, too, have never seen any of the various K shows. This makes me a better person.
I havent had cable for 3 years, love my Netflix!
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll be the only one on here admitting to occasionally watching that damn show. Not because I'm a fan or anything, but because sometimes it's just ON and so I watch it. Look, I'm a reality addict. I'm hooked on all the Housewives franchises too. It's a disease. Have some compassion, people.
ReplyDeleteThat said: Oh my god. Three more seasons of people starting every other sentence with "Oh my god." E should be shot.
This picture is enough to keep my rage machine going for at least a month.
ReplyDeleteOn the plus side, maybe SNL will do more parodies of these things. Kristen Wiig as Mama K was hilarious.
Why Gawd WHY?
ReplyDeleteI've never watched the show, I don't know anyone who admits to watching it. I can't see even $40 M lasting this tribe very long, is that per year, or over the three years?
ReplyDeleteI'd rather watch Storage Wars. Go Barry!
The new name for the show will be "Oww! My Balls!"
ReplyDeleteIdiocracy joke.
I have a very weird crush on Barry, Del Riser. Seriously. And don't you just haaaaate Dave? It's not even that I "love to hate" him. I just hate him.
ReplyDelete@Texshan - YUUUUUUUUUP!
ReplyDeleteAnyone who watches this garbage is not very bright. This is trashiest lowlife bunch of hos, ever.
ReplyDeleteI want to puke whenever I see one of these disgraceful piglets.
I never want to meet anyone who watches this shit. I find that frighting.
ReplyDeleteIt's always the most ignorant who think they are the most compelling.
I admit I used to watch them. But after so many seasons it just got really old. It's easy to get sucked into this crap and I'm not going to get on any high horse calling someone a moron just b/c they've seen their show. With all the other shit that is on TV? Please. But yes, this blog has somewhat reformed me from wanting to watch them.
ReplyDeleteThey sure do love their leopard print don't they?