Sunday, April 01, 2012

Chevy Chase Leaves Nasty Voice Mail For Boss

Apparently Chevy Chase and his boss on Community, Don Harmon are not getting along. In fact, they hate each other so much that Chevy left Don a voice mail that is probably the best rant caught on tape since Christian Bale. You can listen to the voicemail here, but be prepared for lots of f bombs and other choice expletives from Chevy. At this point it is unknown if Chevy will be back on the show next season and what the producers did to get around Chevy not showing up for the final few days of shooting this season.


  1. Wasn't Community cancelled?

    If not, maybe Chevy can get Randy Quaid to kidnap the boss, then everyone will get a Christmas bonus.

  2. Jennifer, Community is BACK! Fate for next season is as yet undetermined, but Chevy has always been the outcast in this cast and it feels like they could be setting it up for him to leave. He's not a very likeable character on the show. Personally, I think he's an ass and I haven't even listened to the tape yet. Though to be fair, Dan Harmon is a strange guy and notoriously hard to get along with, too.

  3. I need a transcript. Couldn't understand most of what he was saying plus the Peanut Gallery there was cheering & laughing so loud it drowned out everything he said.

  4. Chevy leaving wouldn't hurt the show in the least IMO.

  5. Totally agree, Ivy. Chevy and (forgive me) Senor Chang are superfluous and very unfunny.

  6. Ya why was he so calm and there was a bunch of peeps laughing and clapping while listening to it? No Bale rant!

    Glad your posting today Enty! Waiting for some April fools foolery!

  7. Meh. Not really in the league with the Bale blow up or the Baldwin, 'Little Pig' rant.

  8. I love Chevy but don't know what he's doing on Community, either.

  9. I used to be a fan of the show, but it's turned into a disaster - apparently in front and behind the scenes. From what I've read on Deadline, sounds like Harmon led an "f*** u' chant directed to Chase's at a cast/crew party - in front of Chase's wife and daughter. Sounds like a toxic work environment and the show should be cancelled. You can get rid of Chevy but you still have a boss who's not afraid to insult you in front of your family.

  10. He's always seemed like a nasty bastard.

  11. Community was on hiatus for about 4 months but is back now. Love this show, but I wouldn't miss Chevy either. At all. Most of his bits on the show are completely unfunny and ruin the tempo of the show, they end up being awkward and uncomfortable. I had heard there was tension between him and others in the cast. I once saw a video of the cast together at a forum and it was the most uncomfortable vibe between him and the rest of the crew. Let him go, no loss there.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Terrence Howard did also a "nice" voice mail to a guy who harassed his wife but Mel Gibson's voice mail is nastier

  14. Chevy has a history of shooting himself in the foot when he gets any success leaving SNL after the first season, then after a few movie hits bombing for the next years. So I am not surprised by this. People finally started to like him again, then he goes and does this.

  15. I'm glad to hear the show may stick around. I watched the first season, but then went back to school full time and had to cut out a lot of TV watching. Chevy's character akwardness worked for most of the first season, but if that's still the case then I can see how its probably very tiresome by now. They should have a revolving character slot instead. Perhaps part of one season could have William Shatner, then Roseanne, etc, or pull from the current pool of terrific stand-up comedians who need a break.

    I just realized the irony of being an adult going back to college and no longer having time to watch the show about adults going back to college.

  16. I'm on Team Chevy for this one. The voicemail was left for someone who decided to share it with a group for giggles. It would seem as if Chevy's case is bolstered by this high school attitude.

  17. Chase was quoted in an interview on Huffington post as saying, "I have creative issues with this show. I always have," before comparing elements of the show to "being relegated to hell and watching 'Howdy Doody' for the rest of your life." He then added: "I can't stand sitcoms," and declared, "I probably won't be around that much longer, frankly."

    He has always been a selfish ass. When I watched an Oprah show that reunited some of the original SNL characters, there was outright anger toward Chase and how he treated others.

  18. Just can't get into this show.

  19. ITA @timebob. I was rooting for Chevy when he got the Community gig, though I don't really know much outside of his one SNL season and the Vacation movies. He was supposedly horrid on SNL, his whole "I'm Chevy Chase and you're not" was directed at John Belushi, who at the time was frustrated at how he had to beg the writers for sketches and had worked for years to get where he was. On the other hand Chase became famous almost overnight, using his leverage as a past writer for SNL to get the best sketches and most airtime. Johnny Carson once said of Chevy "He couldn't ad lib a fart after a baked bean dinner" whereas Belushi was (arguably) a greater talent, Chase became labeled "The Funniest Man in America".

    I thought maybe as he got older and the fact that his career had suffered several flops he would've matured and humbled a bit, but clearly not. Community made him relevant again, exposed a younger generation to his comedy, and is/was a good show, and his ego blew it. I surely won't miss him, even though some of his story arcs were funny IMO. I guess old asshole habits die hard. I also noticed how he was the one Community cast member that was never mentioned or appeared on The Soup with Joel McHale, which is the best show on TV, again IMO.

  20. The Comedy Channel has picked up the show for reruns to start next year so that may help for a S4. This is one of my very favorite shows.

    There is an interview with Chevy on Huffington where he basically says the writing has sucked for three years and he should be allowed to improv a lot. Only thing is, he isn't funny.

  21. Chevy was once a funny, handsome, talented guy. I loved the *Vacation* movies. Before we moved to LV we would watch LV Vacation the night before a trip down. I think we knew it line for line by heart.

    Sadly he also seems to be a narcissistic a-hole of epic proportions.

    Whatever his issues with the show and writers, the director and the other cast members, to ridicule and humiliate someone in front of their family is a very low thing to do.

  22. If anyone has any doubts that Chevy is an asshole, find past interviews with Jane Curtain on what he was like to work with. He's an A-1 prick.

  23. I dont know if he is. But too many people r saying that he is a big tool. So he probably is. Too bad Clark!

  24. I've never found CHevy to be funny. I've watched the vacation movies but always figured I was too much a child of the '90s to get the comedy. Then I found most of my friends liked them and thought he was funny so maybe it is just my sense of humor. However, on Community I've liked him for the most part. I think his character is good for the show and opens up a lot of opportunities for stories but the way he is being used is a waste. I didn't get into Community until this past January so I don't know a lot of the BTS stuff but if Chase has had issues with the show and show runners it explains why his character has taken such a sharp turn. His character went from being a funny punching bag to being truly detestable. Honestly it had me hoping that they would use that to create a "Bully" episode where in the teasing and apathy shown toward his character is shown to being the reason for his descent into childish rants. Oh well. The show has a hard enough time and if Chase is being difficult and has been difficult then his departure won't affect my affinity for the show.

    THat being said I know it looks bad on Dan Harmon for releasing this voicemail but if you don't want something to get out then don't leave any evidence. Walk into his office or meet him for lunch and tell him off. Leave a voice mail and you're asking for it.

  25. I love Clark Griswold. From everything I've ever heard or read, though, Chevy Chase is an ass of epic proportions.

  26. What Del Riser said. Chevy Chase stumbled into funny on SNL all those years ago and later had the good fortune to be cast in the National Lampoon movies, Foul Play, and Fletch. Perfect example of someone who got very very lucky and either is oblivious or knows it and resents the hell out of it.

  27. I used to love it when (20*) years ago HOWARD STERN would bust Chevy's balls live on air. Fast forward to a few years ago & Howard had Chevy eating out of his hand. Must'lve killed Chevy's HUGE EGO.

  28. Back in the day, he wasn't just lucky ... he was handsome. He was able to play a sexy man very well ... Caddyshack as an example ... but he couldn't control his ego and was labeled a complete asshole by everyone.

    Year's later ... he's back. He's still the asshole ... but his looks are long gone. Sorry, Chevy ... you only had one thing to bring in the bank ...

  29. Chevy Chase foolishly started a fight with Howard Stern about 10 years ago. Howard totally got inside his head and embarrassed him. Chevy no longer starts fights with Howard Stern but unfortunately did not learn the greater lesson that one should not punch above one's weight.

  30. Not to discount the fact that Chevy is said to be an ass, but TMZ is saying that the Community staffers are siding with Chevy b/c they felt that starting an "F Chevy" at a rap party was slightly disrespectful.

    What does Joel McHale have to say about this??

  31. Joel's been commenting, but mostly just poking fun at Chevy for being old:

    Best line from that last article? "[If Chevy's mad at me] he will type me a letter and have a carrier pigeon bring it to me."

    However, Joel seems to be one of the few people in the cast that Chevy is willing to praise by name, so that might be why Joel's being so diplomatic during this whole thing.
