Tuesday, April 03, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This C list actor from a steady television series, was recently photographed with his kids. When his picture was being taken, he allegedly started using some really offensive racial slurs towards the photographers, to which his young son strongly rebuked him and made him apologize.


  1. Good for his son for knowing better.

  2. Hahahaha, good for his kid.

  3. Kids have to be taught prejudice. I'm glad he spoke up, even to his dad.

  4. McDreamy....is he still on that show? How old are his kids?

  5. This is awesome, Id love to know who it is...Im still the a little fuzzy on the difference between b list and c list. If it is a steady show it would seem to be a b to me.

  6. Peter Facinelli came to mind, but he only has girls.

  7. It's nice to hear about a celebrity kid with some manners and good sense.

  8. I hope this is real since it is BF, but if it is...Fuck Yeah to this kid and next time he should kick his old man square in his racist nuts.

  9. there are special blessings in store for this boy. Good for him -- and his mom.

  10. Way to go kid!!!
    Bad Daddy! I bet he'll choose his words more wisely now.

  11. Good for that kid! As for the father, David Boreanaz, maybe?

  12. I'm sort of down on the older folk these days (and I'm a part of that generation). The younger kids seem to be really self-aware and sensitive to the bigotry many of us have ignored and played to all our lives. This has been going on for centuries.

    The racism in this country is so deeply-ingrained that a lot of people would be horrified to realize they are indeed, racist. I was taught not to be - that it was a horrible thing, but that doesn't mean I'm not also racist in some form.

    When you catch co-workers in one of the most liberal states in the nation using racial slurs, you really have to open your eyes to the reality of racism in America. I completely understand where people of color are coming from - and I understand the frustration and anger, but not as well as I should.

  13. I'm going to take this chance to plug one of my new favorite websites: yoisthisracist.com/ He encourages people to call out their racist family members. Also, it's extremely funny most of the time.

  14. Madlyb- just you recognizing it & being self-aware is really a step in the right direction. It really is not about black/white anymore; whoever buys into it is missing the boat...it is about GREEN. All of us - the 99% could benefit by coming together - regardless of race. Thanks for your post.

  15. How do we know the racial slur was towards a black guy? Slurs of the racial kind can be made to most if not all.

  16. Growing up in a multi-racial country, I'm having problems understanding what racism actually means in places like America.

    We tend to make fun of ethnic stereotypes a lot, like maybe a Malay would say "you Chinese are such cheapskates".

    Or "You know why your brother's like that, right? It's because you're Malays." (that's been said to a friend before, and he nodded his head in agreement).

    Or maybe someone would say it's nearly impossible for him to get drunk because he's got Iban genes.

    Or a third person pointing out that said Iban can't outdrink a fourth person because the latter is Indian.

    All in good fun, none of us takes offense and each comment has some grain of truth in it. Would these be seen as racial slurs in America?

    If so, why, if it's said by friends as jokes and has some basis of truth in it (which we all understand and accept)?

  17. Dark Lord, while I wouldn't say that any of those things are okay (prejudging someone based on their supposed racial characteristics is wack), it doesn't sound like your country has the massive discrimination issues that America has. Certain minorities have trouble getting jobs, are treated poorly by strangers, have trouble getting a decent education, are incarcerated at an obscene rate, are harassed by police, are assaulted, and are even killed just for the color of their skin. It is a BIG problem here.

  18. A racial slang about a photographer? I would assume that the target of racism was Asian.

    Oh, wait, that is racist...

  19. I love being Canadian...
    Not saying we don't have out racial issues, there was a white pride march in my city 2 weekends ago. 15 white supremesists showed up and were scared off by the 150 anti-racism protestors who showed up.
    But there is a distinct difference in the systematic racism that can be experienced in America vs. here in Canada. My bff moved to LA almost 10 years ago now and she still is shocked by the hate that is "just ingrained in a lot of people" there, her words not mine...

  20. Oh and I meant to add, SOMEONE is raising those kids right... obviously not Daddy!
