Saturday, April 07, 2012

Bristol Palin Says Levi Johnston Owes $38K In Child Support

Levi Johnston is not exactly a prompt payer when it comes to supporting his son. Bristol Palin told TMZ that Levi has not paid any child support since June 2010. Was that when they got back together for about five seconds and that was ruined because Bristol found out Levi might have got another woman pregnant. Seriously, Levi, there is a word you should learn. Stars with a c. No, not that word. This one ends with a m. No, not that word either. Condom. Wrap it up before everyone in Alaska is in your family tree. It is not like Bristol is hurting for cash, but it is the point of the whole thing. Have a child - you should pay.


  1. I'm glad Enty's blogging about this. How is it that Levi is paying almost 2K per month? What does he do that he could afford that amount? What does Bristol do that figures into that amount? I thought it was a mistake when I read it.

    Unsure of Alaskan CS laws (thank the Lord) but here, your revenue is combined and then a percentage is assigned to each parent.

    So how did he end up paying so much?

  2. Maybe Bristol should have saved some money for her son her own self instead of getting all that plastic surgery.

    I'm just sayin'.

  3. JBE, I don't think we're saying she's not supporting herself and the children adequately, but he is responsible to contribute to the expenses of his son.

  4. I saw this article on Yahoo earlier and I knew you'd have to go here, Enty!

    Bristol, baby girl, stop wasting your time. This dude is on baby making time. With no real job prospects. He is delusional and thinks he is famous and will stay famous. So he won't make any bank. And the more babies he makes, the more hands will be out.

    At least you got your own thang going on. All that some of these other tricks will have is Levi's peace out to hang their hats on.

  5. She can garnish his wages-from whatever job he gets, including income from reality shows, interviews etc etc.
    As for the fact that Bristol is financially secure, good for her and her son. That does not exclude Levi-or any other father that is ordered by the courts in their State or Province- from paying child support.

  6. I thought everybody in Alaska was already in the same family tree.

    It gets lonely up there.

  7. I agree he should pay support for his son however that amount is crazy. Perhaps, when he had his five minutes he could pay that amount but back to reality (not a reality show) and he's an unemployed slacker. Lower his payments to something reasonable like $300 so he can do what's right. After a while, it must be overwhelming knowing you just can't pay.

    Im not making excuses for him but geez, I know guys who make really good money in their professions that pay way less than $1700 a month in child support.

  8. He doesn't earn, she can anyone expect him to pay that amount ?

  9. I wonder if Trigs father pays her child support or if Mom and Dad officially adopted him.

  10. Child support is based on income. My daughter, who is now 20, never got a penny from her sperm donor (he never bothered to be a father) and he owes 38k. Thats over a period of 18 yrs.

    How on earth does Levi owe Bristol 38k in under two years? Did he really have that large of an income? I THINK NOT!

    Someone is blowing the price tag way out of proportion!

  11. Sarah must have rushed Bristol to renegotiate child support during Levi's 3.5 minutes of fame.
    I recall that he posed for Playgirl, they must have based the 2k on that one time payday.
    I have a feeling they won't pursue payment so they can dangle the arrears over his head as a threat to keep him from the boy.
    They'll play it in the media as a kindness, but you can bet this was well thought out by Sarah.

  12. Anonymous11:34 AM

    That is an insane amount of support. I agree he should be contributing, but it should be based on his income, which I don't believe is anywhere near an amount which would indicate that amount of support. Nice of her to blab about it. As for withholding visitation because he's not paying, legally they have nothing to do with each other, even if the guy never pays a penny, he's got the right to see his child. I know that sucks sometimes, but that's how it is.

  13. This is probably my hangover talking, but what dirty word ends in "m"?

  14. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Every time a person has sex they must understand that conception can occur. Birth control drastically lowers the risk, but it is not perfect.

    Levi should practice celibacy or get snipped!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hunter- HAHAHA AWESOME!

    Yeah, he should pay up his fair share.

    My dad used to quiz my mom on what she bought for herself every month when his child support was due; she'd hold her hand out (literally) and he'd place the money in it then playfully pull it back. UGH

    Anyway, the point is, a mother doesnt have to explain SHIT with how she uses the money- odds are she is spending WAY more than what she's getting in child support, because of the set amount,and how can you predict the exact amount your kid needs every month?! Anyway, I think pointing out her plastic surgery or whatever is wrong, it just focuses the blame off him and onto her for some reason.

  17. Bristol Palin should make a concerted effort to get an education.
    Did ANYONE actually expect him to pay child support? He's an idiot, with mental age of 17 year old .
    I hope everyone in Alaska isnt this dopey and uneducated.

  18. Anonymous12:11 PM

    ^^^I saw Levi for the fuckturd that he is, and I see Bristol for being dumb as hell. Hopefully, the nanny and babysitters will be good role models.

  19. The fact that Levi doesn't have a job doesn't exclude him from responsibility. He NEEDS to find a job! I'm pretty sure the $2,000 or whatever amount he owes in back payments was calculated based on money he made off Playgirl, photo-ops, paid interviews, etc.

    Guys you don't want to pay? Then wear a condom and make sure that if it slips off or you feel a tear, that you stop and put another one on.

  20. Did I miss it already or has someone else mentioned his illustrious literary career? I'm not sure that anyone bought his book, but I'm sure any profits from that are being calculated into this too.

  21. Well-played, Hunter. ;-)

  22. One more important point is that there is a minimum amount if money that's required to care for a baby that includes: diapers, formula, child care, clothes, food, stroller, car seats, some toys, schooling, etc. Particularly in those first two-three years when they go through clothes and diapers like crazy. There is a moral and financial obligation that a parent should provide child support.

    In many single parent family homes, it's the women who assumes most if not all of the daily care of the child. Most of the time, the amount she receives in child support is not enough to cover ALL childcare related expenses.

  23. child support is based on the income HE provided to the court. he can have it reduced anytime there is a change in circumstances. the paperwork is easy to file and he does not need an attorney.

  24. Not that I think Levi Johnston is Mr. Upstanding Citizen or anything, but are we taking a Palin's word for ANYTHING?

  25. Totally think he should pay child support. A judge ruled in Feb 2010 that he has to pay retroactively since Tripp was born so he must have paid a fair amount. Wonder what happened in June 2010 - did he run out of money or did something happen between Bristol and Levi that stopped the payments?

    Anyway, I think if they are going to TMZ instead of family court, this is about her mother's vendetta about his book more than the money. She can dish it out but she sure can't take it.

  26. I. Don't. Care.

  27. I'm with @ JasonBlueEyes on that one.

    Why the EFF is this person even famous (still), pray tell?


  28. When Levi was on Kathy Griffin's reality show it showed he made money off that nude magazine photo shoot he did and that at the time he had a "manager" and he made money doing personal appearances --looked like most of them were kind of a joke but it's money--for someone from his background it was probably significant. He bought a house or maybe a condo --they showed it on the show --so he could have his son when he had visitation. That was a couple of years ago and he was paying then--I would imagine his income has gone down a lot since Sarah is not running for anything now but I bet the payments are based on that big money he was making for a while.

  29. FWIW, my sister lives in Wasilla & has worked next to members of the extended Palin family, and says that Trig really is Sarah's kid, not Bristol's. ("Extended family" including aunts, uncles, cousins, former SOs of family members, etc. Apparently quite a number of them are rather, um, colorful characters, but considering this is (a) a small town in (b) Alaska, this doesn't surprise me a bit. (As I understand it, Alaskans in general are a rather colorful lot, and prone to all kinds of contradictory behavior--they tend to be politically conservative on the whole, and lots of them loudly profess their--usually Christian-- beliefs, but almost everyone seems to have been married multiple times, and the men act as if it's their sacred duty to hit on all kinds of women, whether or not they or their victim is married. My sister was actually once told by a would-be suitor who was definitely Not Her Type/not at all appealing that "it's not as if anyone else is going to want you at your age." She hadn't even hit 40 yet at that point, IIRC...and on what planet does that ever work as a pickup line, anyway? Sure, I'll sleep with you, even though you've just shown the utter contempt in which you hold me...yeah, right, buddy...)

  30. @hunter - Spot On!

  31. Here's an idea, don't get knocked up by a teenage boy who's never had a job and you won't have to worry about it. This sum is ridiculous. I think he's an idiot but it's not fair to strap him with such high child support that he can't survive. Court systems act like fucking idiots when it comes to child support. My husband's ex would use all the money on dope and booze and the courts didn't care. I'd have to buy all the child's food, clothes, school supplies, etc. because her scumbag mother took all the money and didn't pay for any of her needs. Out of the $450 a month my husband made at the time (he also received apartment trade on top of the paltry money--radio pays shit), they took $375 for child support. AND he was responsible for insurance which cost MORE than the $75 he had left over to live on. Were it not for the apartment trade, he would have been homeless. Once again, courts didn't give two shits. He was forced to continue to pay that shit even after the child moved in with us full time after the mother had a psychotic break from crank withdrawals. Why? Because the courts didn't care. And the junkie ex is still mooching off the system to this day with "disability" (being a drug addict and a fucking loser is apparently a recognized disability these days), food stamps, welfare, free housing....the works. And all she does is sit around on her big fat ass and smoke dope. All. Day. Long. And guess what? The courts STILL don't care.

    If you are a father, you're fucked if you ever break up with your child's mother.

  32. @ Jasmine " just focuses the blame off him and onto her for some reason." Last I heard, it took TWO irresponsible idiots to have a child underage and underemployed. Not one. Two.

  33. "And all she does is sit around on her big fat ass and smoke dope. All. Day. Long. And guess what? The courts STILL don't care." this what my ex sqys about me (minus the dope, insert "eat bon-bons"). don't believe everything a man says. just sayin.

  34. @Makeupbynumbers- I'm well aware of that. The post was about HIM shirking his duty as a parent to provide the child support he had agreed to pay. HER responsibility as a mother providing for her child was not in question in this post.

  35. Bristol and her current squeeze are big time reality stars on teh teevee, 'Life With Tripp'. That is if they can sell their show about shacking up with the tyke.

    They need publicity.

    Bristol is religious, very religious right now, they will pray.

    Bristol was on the radio with her Mum. She said she wants Levi to give her full custody. No more Levi. She doesn't want the money, any of it. She only wants him out of their lives.

    Giacinto 'Gino' Paoletti is the man of the hour.

    He use to go out with Levi's sister Mercede, she dumped him for his a douchebag ways. Mercede is the one that posed for Playboy. It never stops. Sarah and Bristol do intend to stop Levi.

  36. Why, pray tell, should anyone give two shits about Bristol and the never-ending drama that envelops all things Palin? Does she act? Does she sing? Does she design things? Write [real] books? Is she working on a cure for some horrific disease?

    Why the hell is she famous? Her mom was a failed vice presidential candidate who for some reason won't go away even though she is irrelevant (famewhoring obviously genetic in the Palin bloodline) and Bristol is best known for what, getting pregnant at 16, like so many other young women?

    God I wish the entire lot of them would fuck off already. They're like the Alaskan Kardashians.

  37. She's had plastic surgury and now looks older than her mother. what a waste of money.

  38. First she let's herself get pregnant and then she does that to her face. Is she slow?

  39. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Seems like the Palin's are punishing Levi for not pulling out.

  40. you all are some hatefull people. He made a baby, he was ordered to pay CS, period. Nothing else needs to be said

  41. Because the last thing people should do on a gossip site is gossip?

    The I Heart Sunshine, Kittens and Rainbows blog is about 3 pages to the left.

  42. Who thinks that Levi Johnston has $2k a month to give to anyone? Must be those emerald nuts.

    This just strikes me as the type of "Guess who fell into an outhouse this week" desperado tabloid tales that quasilebrities stoop to in order to get any type of publicity.
