Sunday, April 15, 2012

Brad Pitt Only Spent Half As Much On Angelina Jolie's Ring As Jennifer Aniston's Ring

Leave it to the tabloids to figure out a way to play the Angelina Jolie vs Jennifer Aniston game again. I guess no one realizes the couple has been divorced way longer than they were married. You do realize this will go on long after both Jennifer and Angelina are dad. The biographies 100 years from now will probably talk about how they fought when they saw each other and that Angelina pulled a knife on Jen and that Jen had an elite team of bodyguards trained to kill Angelina. You think I'm kidding but those books will be crazy. You would think after ten years that people would get tired of it but they don't.

Apparently US Weekly (could they have found a more cleavagy photo of Jennifer) was able to tell simply from a blurry photo of Angelina's ring how much it cost and determined that Angelina's ring only cost $250K while the ring Brad got Jennifer cost $500K so that means of course they should have headlined the article, Brad Pitt Loved Jennifer Twice As Much As Angelina Jolie.

Of course they could have gone the other route if they were Angelina supporters and said, Jennifer Aniston Is Twice As Demanding As Angelina Jolie. Meh. That doesn't sound as good.


  1. I am so very sure Pitt, Jolie and Anniston could give a rats ass. Talk about not being in your own story!!

  2. I'm so sick of these three. Not interesting!!!!!

  3. My god! After that long a person doesn't give a f---. Sincerely hope JA doesn't go grocery shopping. Would suck for her to have to see the gossip rag headlines every week.

  4. Who the heck spends $500K on a ring?

  5. Angie's hands and arms scare me.

  6. Who Cares.......Brand & Angie must have felt they weren't getting enough press....
    Brad is crazy if he marries her....leave it as it is...

  7. shouldn't that money for the ring gone to starving african babies?

  8. I have wondered if Jennifer still has her ring. I assume she has it somewhere...

  9. @Ms Cool, I was wondering the exact same thing. What are those diamonds made of?

  10. I guess that because Jolie is only 1/2 a person!

    If Pitt really cared - he would have bought her some food.

  11. i decided to boycot every gossip about Trasdashian family,real Tv peoples,Courtney "whatishername" the teen married to an old old actor ,Lean Rimes and Brangelina/Aniston

  12. Well the economy is a lot worse now then it was back then. Even Brad Pitt has to save his dollars when he can.

  13. Brad is just not making the dough he use to.

  14. Brad Pitt is still an idot.

  15. AndrewBW- dude I love that you called Brad Pitt an idiot while misspelling the word idiot. Not that I dont agree with you but that was some awesome ironic shit right there ;>

    Also, my theory is although Pitt's gotten more douchey and full of himself with Jolie perhaps he's gotten more environmentally and world conscious. And as such, went for the "smaller" "less expensive" ring than when he was with Aniston.

  16. As someone asked on another post, is AJ's diamond conflict free?

    I think this whole thing is about PR but I do like them as a couple. I have no idea what goes on in Jennifer Aniston's mind, so I'm not going to assume anything.

  17. He needs to spend that money and buy Angie some food. She is scary thin.

  18. I wondered about the diamond too, since they said they went to great lengths to find one that was perfect.

    Honestly, I don't really care at all and I'm certain that Aniston doesn't either.

  19. Something is super weird about the story -- the blurb I saw on it said in passing that Brad and Angelina designed their own rings with the jewler. Whic is what Brad and Jennifer did too -- I mean it was a huge deal at the time, I honestly don't recall a story of any other couple doing the same thing, and for Brad and Angelina to do it too (not that they can't, but still) seems to be ... deliberate trolling/baiting (Jennifer? the press?) somehow.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Ok. Seriously? This is the silliest article. It's all over the news. First off, when Jen and Brad got engaged, it was a booming economy. I hope to GOD he's not throwing his money away during this poor economy on stupid jewelry. Second, this is also ONLY a PRE-engagement ring, not an engagement ring.
