Monday, April 02, 2012

Ashton Kutcher To Play Steve Jobs

Just because Ashton Kutcher is interested in technology and plays a computer guy on Two And A Half Men does not suddenly qualify him to play Steve Jobs. Ashton is set to play the deceased co-founder of Apple in a new movie. I am really doubtful that Ashton can play a role like Steve Jobs. I'm not sure the director saw Valentine's Day or No Strings Attached because the acting required for those roles would seem to be in another league to play Steve Jobs. The movie is set to start filming in May after Two And A Half Men stops filming. I will say this. They do look alike and does anyone know how Steve Jobs acted or his personality when he co-founded Apple?


  1. Gee, who could that last sentence be aimed at?

  2. Steve Jobs was brilliant, but an ass. Good casting by the producers.

  3. Just from reading Steve's biography, he was an ass, a brilliant ass, but an ass nonetheless. The way he treated people was downright awful. However, I hope Ashton does him justice because Steve was/is such a great influence in our society despite his flaws.

  4. Noah Wyle played Steve Jobs in the TV movie 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' in 1999.. he looked the part and played it very well too (even though he's JUST a TV actor). Ashton is one's of those 'actors' who is so awful.. not only couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, I doubt he could act his way out of a soap bubble. I won't be seeing this film. He makes me cringe.

  5. Jobs had a form of operable cancer, but due to his huge ego, he tried "alternative" medicine. He seriously thought he could just will himself to get better. It wasn't until the end when he said,"maybe the doctors are right."

  6. Even an asshole deserves better than Ashton.

  7. You have to give them credit for finding an excellent look-alike, but that's not all that matters. I would rather watch someone who gets personality and the story down pat, while perhaps not looking exactly like the person they are playing. Honestly I haven't seen enough of Kutchers work to make a judgement call on his ability...I've seen Punk'D a long time ago, and since then...gosh, what else has he been in that would job my memory?

  8. The biggest idiot playing one of the smartest guys on the planet, Oh, the irony!
    Steve Jobs is having a good laugh right now.

  9. @B.P. You're the first person who came to mind.

    They do slightly resemble each other in these photos. Slightly. It's more about the hair. Strange to think of Ashton someday looking like SJ.

  10. I think the resemblance is uncanny and much more than slight, but that's just me. And I think it's fitting to have one douche play another. And ironic, as Steppy said.

    Off to have more coffee, because at first glance, I seriously thought the picture on the right WAS from the movie. (Which is goofy on my part for many reasons, the main one being that the movie hasn't even started filming yet. Oof.)

  11. Well, if I wAs Kutcher, I'd be worried how I was gonna end up looking in my 50's!! Jobs difnt look terrible, but man, big downward trend on the Hot-O-Meter!!

  12. ...I ain't biting. Not for a site whose credibility nosedived after last week's BI's.

  13. as Michael K put it so wisely "iBarf"

  14. LOL @ Ivy.

    Also, I'm missing something here B. Profane. What am I missing? Spell it out to me.

  15. Since Jobs is dead Ashton will just have to lay there stiff and not say anything. Undoubtedly it will be the best acting of his career to-date.

  16. Someone who knew him told me "he carried his own reality with him. You'd find yourself agreeing to things that were insane".

  17. as a card-carrying member and chapter president of the cult of apple, i do not approve of this.

    1. This made me laugh out loud on a bus.

  18. Well, I liked Butterfly Effect and really that's the only thing I've seen Ashton Kutcher in, I say why not.

  19. AK is a horrible actor. Why oh why do they keep casting him?????

  20. In this case, this is news that I heard on the radio on my way in, so Enty isn't making this up.

    I think B.Profane is referring to the NY Post article from yesterday (link is in other threads today). I am hoping Enty will address it directly, because it contains some serious allegations about Enty's claims to be an industry insider.

  21. Well, he's actually not really an idiot, he was on the national honors society and studied biochemical engineering at college before he dropped out to model. His high school principal described him as brilliant. And his ego certainly matches Jobs'. But yah, it should be about the acting chops and I just don't think he has them.

  22. I know Kutcher is a tech wannabe and there is a very slim resemblance but I don't think see him as talented enough to portray someone as well known as Steve Jobs. Think of a typical Apple product jobs and try to imagine Kutcher not doing that smirk he's addicted to. He's a one character guy.

  23. Sorry, I should say product launch. Jobs had a very specific style. Kutcher acts like he's trying to get laid.

  24. Jobs smirked too. And some of you are vastly too impressed by Apple tech. If you ever had to deal with the heap space corruption flaw of pre-OS X versions of MacOS, you wouldn't be so laudatory.

    Noah Wylie's portrayal of Jobs was quite good, actually.

  25. B. Profane, you seem really unhappy lately - about everything. Sorry to see it.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. No, I'm not referring to the Post article. That article neither proves or disproves anything about the truthfulness of the blog's BI's that a careful reader could discern.

    Besides, the author is an entertainment reporter, a branch of journalism that considers itself not bound by the standard ethics of the profession.

    @Elizabeth -- I just have professional reasons at the moment to be cranky with self-proclaimed tech geniuses. And I'm yanked off that the ultimate author of the blog seems to have crossed the line to planting BI's for ulterior motives.

  28. I said it over the weekend, and now I will say it again - why the hell does Asston keep getting these opportunities??? Did he make a deal with the devil? Noah can act - this assclown cannot. Yeah, they resemble each other, but how on earth is Asston going to play a smart person?

  29. There is a vague facial resemblance,
    Jobs could be an asshole, Ashton is an asshole. Jobs was brilliant, Ashton is an asshole.

  30. He could win every acting award on the planet (as if). But he will ALWAYS be Kelso to me!!! The only thing I like him in.

  31. Wow, there is a definite resemblance.

    I LOVED Pirates of Silicon Valley! As soon as I saw this headline I thought about Noah and wondered what Enty thought.

  32. B.profane:
    I don't know who you are, but shall we discuss "windows '95"?
    Dude, you work for Microsoft or what?

  33. P.s.
    Thank you, pookie

  34. B.profane:
    I don't know who you are, but shall we discuss "windows '95"?
    Dude, you work for Microsoft or what?

  35. Hm. didnt read everyone elses comments, but heres my 2 cents. I think it could go either way, either he'll surprise us all and blow us away, or completely suck. Nothing in the middle.
