Sunday, April 01, 2012

Amanda Beard Confesses To Cutting & Drug Use

Olympic Gold medalist and Playboy model, Amanda Beard has a new book about to hit the shelves this week and in the book, Amanda says that even while all of this was going on and she was being successful, she was also bulimic, cutting herself and a drug abuser. Apparently she had trouble dealing with all the stress of being an Olympic phenom at the age of 14 and was clinically depressed until just a few years ago. She also had trouble dealing with the divorce of her parents. Despite all these issues facing her it is amazing she was able to still win seven Olympic medals. Amber says she is now clean and that after getting help she was able to fall in love. She is now married and has a two year old son and is still trying to make another Olympics this year in London.


  1. Good for her. Happy she was able to get help & find happiness, health and love.

  2. Good for her and I hope that she continues on her Olympic journey!

  3. Who is writing this blog these days. Amber instead of Amanda? Um, is faux-Enty channeling Amber Rose. Err, less hair and darker pigmentation, for a start.

    And right below, the goof with...

    Left their guard down. The phrase is let their guard down.

    Whose blog is this these days?

  4. It always amazes me how some people can be so troubled and messed up but achieve such great success.

  5. What a nice ending to what could have been a bad life.

  6. She was always one of my favorite athletes; it was so sad to hear of her illnesses (first disclosed in a magazine a few years ago). She seems to be happy now; wishing her good luck in the Olympic trials.

  7. I'm with you @Aly - soooooo many grammatical errors. I'm new here - maybe over a week of checking out the site, but seriously it does feel like there are a few people posing as Enty.....what can you do?

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    For us non-Americans, how about telling us her sport?

    She needs to lay off the spray tanning.

  9. @BIRK- it's always Enty writing unless he specifies that someone else is taking up the posts for the day.

    Like all of us, some days we write better than others- Enty is not superhuman, he makes grammatical mistakes like we all do.

    My 2c.

  10. If you are in the Olympics at 14, someone (else) made the decision to start training obsessively at 11.

    Because 11 year olds have nothing better to do, like grow up.

    As someone who thinks even American Idol needs an age 18 low limit, putting child-athletes through this emotional and physical stress is sick.

  11. @anita_mark,

  12. I was super screwed up from 14-17 so this strikes me as quite normal, especially with the world watching your accomplishments.

  13. there's been a new enty for the past 6 months or so. This one is a bit of an amateur. I think the original Enty will send her some content and BIs, but yeah, this blog ain't what it used to be.

  14. To tell u the truth i dont give a rats ass who is writing this site! Its entertainment folks relax!

  15. Long time lurker, first time poster...

    I actually served her at a restaurant in Tucson a few years bag, extremely nice, and an excellent tipper(big points in my book) so good for her for walking through it, and putting it out there which will maybe help someone out in her same situation down the road, I will definitely be pulling for her this summer!

  16. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thanks Redd. I think this would have been a better written article if her sport was mentioned.

    I honestly believe this site is written by several writers. I had believed it was a new writer but now I think it's several different writers. And I don't think they often communicate, for example there's been a couple of times lately where a photo was used for a post and then that same photo was used again in the pictures of the day.

    No big deal, really. I've seen what happens at other sites when a new writer is brought in, people rip them apart so I guess it's in the site's best interest to not admit to new writers. But that's just my opinion.

  17. Oh, lol. People have been saying that there was a "new Enty" since months after the site started. Same old, same old. It's simple - Enty takes more time and care with the longer blind items, and tosses off a lot of the little ones. He also has moods that affect his writing, and sometimes he does take chunks of text from the things people send to him. But it is the same old Enty. I know 99% of you trust me a lot less than you trust "him," but for those of you who do know and trust me, I promise, it is the same guy as it ever was.

  18. Good for her! So young to be under so much pressure,teen years aren't tough enough or anything.Math and not getting asked to prom causes meltdowns around here.

  19. Its not that I read this close enough to know if there are several writers. It is that I have been wondering how in the world a lawyer and the time to post all this. The ones I know pull 50 hour weeks - and that is part time. Getting the pics to match the gossip and then putting it in written format - I could believe one or two a day. But he does way more than that. Is he retired?

  20. SaraHeart, I understand your curiosity, but Enty changed the way he sets the blog about a year ago. Before that, it was a lot less synchronized. Now he clearly writes the stuff ahead of time and then has blogger post it for him at pre-timed intervals.

    I would like to say that I agree with Moosh, and that if someone has been faking this blog for ALMOST SIX YEARS, then what in the world would be their payoff?? At first, there was no $$ involved, no ads, nothing--and I'm talking at least the first three or four years. No, Enty is the real thing---I haven't drunk the Kool Aid, it's just that it would make no sense for five or six writers to keep this blog alive--for what?

    Another thing--I'm not trying to pull seniority, but it seems to me that it's a bit ridiculous for someone who has admittedly read this blog for only six months to start saying that Enty is "changing" his writing style. Moosh hit it on the head: sometimes he's rushed, sometimes he thinks things out and takes the time to compose carefully. Period. And, yeah, if you have only been reading this blog since someone started the weird rumor about RDJ, you wouldn't know that his style has been pretty fluid for a very long time.

    I'd like to point out that Himmm couldn't fake being someone he wasn't for more than six months. To all the conspiracy theorists out there: why would Enty bother faking this blog? And especially why would he devote this amount of time to it for so long? Please.

  21. Ok, what 14 year old wouldn't have issues and my parents divorced when I was 5. Can I claim that for my problems?

  22. Based on Alexa, CDaN's traffic is crazy high lately. Even with just the basic Google ads, the blog is easily making well into 6 digits/year. Plenty of incentive to keep it going. And yes, I've been reading for years and noticed a marked difference too.

  23. Hey, I have been reading since MV. I think that more than one person writes this, and you know what? I don't particularly care.

  24. I would advise against giving "him" any money, though. Just saying.

  25. Perhaps Enty got some new software toys, they can be amazing at enhancing one's digital life...

    i just have to say how much I admire this woman, even on her worst day!

    I wish her mucho happiness!

  26. Jesus I am seeing her everywhere lately. Hope she's doing okay though. What a stuggle.

  27. Way, way late here...

    But FWIW I have been reading and commenting on CDAN for about 6 years now, and some of the posts are still definitely being written the same person. I can tell because of certain phrasing/syntax, usage of words that the same person has been saying all along. I can hear the "voice" of the writer and for a WHOLE LOT of it, it's still the original "Enty," whomever that may be!
