Sunday, April 01, 2012

Adam Lind Gets A DUI

Teen Mom Chelsea Houska's on again and off again boyfriend and Aubree's father, Adam Lind was arrested for DUI after being pulled over by police for driving his motorcycle while drunk. In addition to being drunk, Adam also decided to show off while riding drunk and doing some tricks which got him another ticket. Oh, and he was doing all of this while driving on a suspended license. Adam is in the process of trying to catch Jenelle Evans for most arrests by a cast member of the show. Adam is at number three since January so making some very good progress.


  1. WOW what a surprise!

  2. She looks like Kellie Pickler in that pic.

    I have no idea how she usually looks becaise I'm a grown-up and I don't watch Teen Mom, a celebration of ignorance, apparently. Whenever I see a Teen Mom post, I feel dumber.

  3. It's a good thing they decided to procreate, because he's a total catch.

  4. Sort of off topic, but for those who haven't seen it, there's an article in today's New York Post about Enty and CDaN.

  5. ^^^^ I just read that! Crazy!

  6. Thanks @Surfer. I didn't understand his tweet.

  7. @Em - at first I didn't either. Then I realized he meant tomorrow (tmwr).

  8. Morning Em! When I get on a real computer I will look at the Post article. Seems Himmmm has brought Enty quite a lot of attention.

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Her hair!!!!! There's no way that happens in nature. It's so nasty.

  10. Morning to you both!

    It's kind of interesting, it answers the question "how does Enty not get busted?". Also states he is indeed an attorney, but not of the entertainment variety.

    I guess after this he won't have lunch with me next weekend. Sounds like some people would REALLY like to know who he is!

    Sher, I have a new piece to show you, will shoot it tonight.

  11. Thanks Em. Can't wait to see it. Yeah, I went to the Post and read the story. Seems like we've all been duped. Guess that means that Sandy Bullock isn't gay either. Or at least as everyone sumised.

  12. ^Still think she's gay, have always thought she's gay.

  13. I feel the sorriest for Chelsea's dad. That man has been so supportive (at least that is how he is portrayed on evil MTV)and seemed to really try to show Chelsea what a horrible guy Adam is.

    A note of remembrance to myself - after the Jessica Simpson Calabasas thread, the clip of Zac Efron on room raiders revived two weeks ago, and various and sundry other disgusting MTV manipulations - I am officially done with them and VH1. All shows are removed from the Tivos and the channels are blocked.

  14. Yeah. I still think she's gay too.

  15. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I embedded the link for those using an iPhone:

    The article says the Leonardo diCaprio reveal came down but it's still up. Did I read the article wrong?

  16. Hi anita_mark -- the article got a couple things wrong so doesn't surprise me the Leo post is still up.

    Regardless of Enty's true identity, I still think a fair number of his posts are accurate. I'm on board with the idea there is more than one person running this site and I don't care.

    Also totally can see the Sandra Bullock one being true, among others.

  17. Man, I really don't give a shit about any of these teen mom bitches. Next...

  18. ^all above with twitter - i'd love to follow you guys, email me your twitter names?

    i'm wrixiedecked82 if anyone wants to follow me.

  19. Oh and @Em - any way you can shoot me an email w/ your email addy?

  20. @DixieTheNoble82 -- it is the yellow envelope icon next to the Twitter icon, Enty's address is:

  21. @hunter - I got that :^} I want Y'ALLS Twitter info & @Em's email, if Em doesn't mind..

  22. Ps - Hunter, you are on the east coast, no?

  23. Thanks anita_mark! Why would they post a flagrant lie in regards to the Leo blind? I feel better now. I know the post is basically a NYC version of the NE, but the one part of the article that upset me was the Leo blind being taken down. I really didn't care about the rest of it...

  24. She also confused Himmm's blinds with Enty's, and really didn't seem to know what she was talking about. I think she set out to do an expose and only looked for negative stuff to say about him and CDaN.

  25. DixieTheNoble82 -- oops sorry - yeah I missed that.

    Yup, I'm in NYC. :)

  26. Why do we care about anything from Teen Mom???

  27. @Hunter - I'm in VA. If you're ever interested, I'd love to round up the east coast readers for a meet up. Any body in the east coast that is interested can email me thru my blogger profile.
