Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Your Turn

What is the closest you have got to 15 minutes of fame? Were you in the audience on a talk show for a second and have kept it on a video tape for which you have no player for the past few years? Game show? Local news? Streaker at a basketball game? Yes, but it is only because they were out of toilet paper in the one bathroom and it made more sense at the time to just run across the court to the other bathroom rather than going the long way around. Lesson learned.


  1. I was on a local TV news station talking about getting calls from a company offering to make my house energy proof but using someone's private phone number on caller ID (and calling 3-4 times a day for weeks). I ended up getting a call from the local electric company apologizing and making sure I knew it wasn't them calling and some state government agency looked into it and stopped the company from working in my state. (Obviously, I wasn't the only person complaining to the government about this).

  2. I was on Trivial Pursuit: America Plays (hosted by Chris Knight, aka Peter Brady).

    I won $14,900. :)

  3. I was on Jeopardy. Won one game and lost the next. When I told my (now-ex) husband that was my 15 minutes, he said, "Isn't the show 30 minutes long?" When I explained the reference, he said, "That's why you're the one on Jeopardy."

  4. When I was a child I was on an area children's show, whose guests that day were the Three Stooges. Old, old, men, and very very short. My husband is still jealous.

  5. During the Ken Jennings run, I tried out for Jeopardy but didn't pass the test.

    Kudos for those above who made it onto shows!

  6. I was on a local talk show over the winter :)

    It's supposed to go "national" this summer so I'm waiting for my big break (ha!)

  7. For my 6th birthday, my mom took me and a friend to Bozo the Clown's tv show, which filmed in Philadelphia. My friend was randomly picked to go up on stage and participate in some activity--much to my chagrin. My jealousy nearly ate me alive, and I can be seen in the audience throwing a tantrum as she goes up on stage, and when they went to a commercial break. My friend won a box of ice cream cones (!!!!!).

  8. My girlfriend and I created the catchphrase "Jump The Couch" after Tom Cruise went on his infamous visit to Oprah. We got it recoginzed by Urban Dictionary as word of the day and it went on to become mentioned in People Magazine that year as Catchphrase of the Year. It then got entered in the Dictionary of Slang for 2005. There are multiple entries for that same phrase in Urban Dictionary, but we got it recognized, first, so that's why I feel like I can say we coined it.

  9. One of my clients was on Wife Swap and at the end of the show I am massaging her. They only show me from the neck down but I love the angle makes me look skinny.

    I have a few clients who are celebrities when they pass thru town. I work backstage with them.

  10. I have briefly met/spoken to a lot of famous people, waited on them, drank with them in bars, even was kissed by Dickie Smothers one time. (big whoop!)

    Most recent brush with greatness was eye contact and saying "Hi!" to Kathy Bates in NOLA at Mardi Gras in 2010.

    All I got.

  11. I had my 15 minutes on a regional level in high school as a standout athlete. I was interviewed in my home on TV, was on the cover of every paper in large pictures repeatedly. I hated every minute of it. I am not cut out for recognition. I just wanted to win :)

  12. I was on a children's TV show when I was a child, but I have a few relatives that are regularly in the media.

  13. Can't wait for Himmmm's answer.

  14. I once gave Robert DeNiro 2, 3 hour-long private ski lessons. Oh and I spent an entire weekend with the US Ski Team and appeared in some of their promotional vids. Which is a big deal to me and probably no one else, lol.

  15. I was interviewed on a local morning tv show in studio once. I'm generally a ham with no fear and not much of a filter. I got on camera and all I could think of was how many people could be watching. I was a little shakey, but I did it.

    I got comments for weeks after. Most of the comments were to the effect of "You did well - you didn't look too nervous". Ouch.

  16. I made the front page of the local community newspaper for winning the middle school spelling bee. But I never made it to nationals. :(

  17. YEARS ago....... I was pulled up on stage to dance with Bruce Springsteen when he sang Dancin in the dark.


  18. I was on the show Trading Spaces second to last season I believe... Met Paige Davis, Hildi, Edward... it was AMAZING!!!!!!

  19. I was picked off the street of NY to be in a spot on Letterman. They aired the whole thing!

    It was only about seven minutes though, not 15.

    Still pretty cool though.

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  21. i met this entertainment lawyer for lunch and he blogged about it. ;)

    Chelsy Davy and I send each other DM's on twitter and she f-cked a real Prince so there's that. snicker.

    Roseanne replied to my message about Bill Maher yesterday..?
    That's all I got.

  22. In the 8th grade I won a contest on Channel One. I had limo rides to and from school everyday that week and $350.

  23. I'm an attorney and sometimes my cases make the local newspaper or the local news (there's obviously not a lot going on in my area). I'd rather not be on the news because they never get a good angle, or they show my mouth hanging open while I'm talking.

  24. I was interviewed on the local news after a terrible traffic accident with fatalities. I was not one of the fatalities or I think that interview would have been more famous.

  25. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I was on the very first episode of HBO's Real Sex. They did a segment on a stripper who teaches real people (like me) How To Strip for Your Man. It was a real hoot! (And no, I wasn't nekkid. That was the first episode before they switched the format to "no holds barred." Or is that No Whores Balled... I don't know. ;)

  26. I had lunch with Jax. :)

  27. When Michigan was offering film credits to the movie industry, I worked as background on ten films between 2008 - 2010, two of which you can see me in if you don't blink - clapping/smiling office worker in Cedar Rapids and short nun in Kill the Irishman.

    This has been a fun thread to read.

  28. I was an intern at the now-defunct LIFE magazine in the summer of 1988, and as a long-term project was assigned to come up with all sorts of anniversaries for 1999 that the magazine might turn into stories. Not only did they wind up using just tons off list for small items inside the magazine, three made the cover and one was turned into a special.

    One of the covers was "Hurrah For the Bra! It's 100 Years Old This Month" -- which was bizarre, and got LIFE magazine in the news, on SNL, and parodied in that Marvin comic strip (Hurrah for the Diaper!). Then Susan Faludi cited it as an example in Backlash of the media's war against women (though LIFE magazine internally at Time Inc. was the only one run by women).

    Of course I was by then a long-gone intern but that was probably my 15 minutes of impact on pop culture behind the scenes anyway.

  29. Long long ago, (back in the days of only 3 TV channels) when I was a child, the big thing was to be on "The Popeye Club" - a locally produced kids show.
    My late sister and I were taken there because it was her birthday.
    The time came for the kid's challenge segment, and they needed two people of roughly equal age to do some inane game - as it turned out, I was the only one who matched the other contestant's age, so I got selected, and won. (The challenge was to untie 3 knots in a rope and pull the doorknob from the middle of the rope) - I won a bunch of toys, and all I could think was that noone would be watching the show.
    I got to school the next day and found out that wasn't the case.

  30. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I was on some local radio program when I was about 8, I don't know why.

    Dated a guy who made a record (which never went anywhere) but boy he was cute, and he had a '57 Chevy convertible!

    Saw Paul Newman walking along the street in Kansas City when he and Joanne were there filming "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge".

    That's all I got.

  31. When I was in high school I really wanted to be in an episode of Friends. Badly. I loved that show.

    While I was in college I got tickets to go watch a taping. It's that episode in the last season where Joey is on $100,000 pyramid.

    So we all sit down in our section and our section gets release forms passed out to them. Turns out that they had a camera behind our section so they could shoot the fake announcer ("And we're back in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...") giving an intro and then pan up to Joey.

    I happened to be sitting in the smack middle of the camera. So I got my wish and I am immortalized on film in a Friends' final season episode.

    Well...the back of my head is anyways....

  32. I was in a local newspaper last year (or the year before maybe?) when they wrote about my chorus. When I was a little girl, my mom, who's a chef, had written a dessert recipe for a cooking magazine and they had me making it with my mom for the article. The only problem was, she didn't test the recipe on me first, and I thought it was gross. Which I announced. Loudly.

  33. Oh, and I, too, have had lunch with jax! *L*

  34. I cowrote an article about the latest Vancouver hockey riot and some dude at Macleans (national magazine here in Canerda) wrote about it and said it sounded like I'd just gotten off the bus from 1969. Does that count?

    I'm not good at this.

  35. I got on camera several times standing in front of Dean & Deluca at the Today Show. I talked to Matt, Katie, and Al. Got on camera during the CBS football pre-game show in NYC. Slim Man left the stage and came into the crowd to bring me back with him and I danced on stage.

    Good times.

  36. I walked the red carpet at the Daytime Emmy awards in NYC; From the audience I spoke on Morton Downey Jr show; does a celeb hitting on you count?

  37. I dated an NBA basketball player- got some perks by association and got heckled at some games.

  38. I was the "model" in an ad for the local transit company years ago. I was working for the transit company and one of the marketing guys asked me to be in the ad because he said I dressed like a typical college kid, lol. The ad ended up being placed in the college newspaper and I think a few other places.

    I also filmed a promotional spot for ABC Daytime in San Diego during one of their "Fun In the Sun" gigs that they used to do when they aired more soaps than General Hospital. It was aired nationally for a couple of weeks.

    That's about it for me!

  39. I dated a WWF wrestler, or is it WWE now? That's about it.

  40. I auditioned for American Idol the year that David Cook won. I never made it past the first round, but totally should have (just sayin').

  41. Oh I also attended the CFDA awards in 2001. Got to walk the red carpet in a dress I made and ran smack into Betsy Johnson at one point in the evening.

  42. I was interviewed by Oprah on my first day of kindergarten. This was before she was the OPRAH and she was a working at a local TV station.

  43. LOL @ EmEyeKay

    I am still waiting for my 15 minutes. I guess I could say that I have had some of my pictures in the Wall Street Journal, Life and Style Weekly, Cosmo online and in a bunch of European ads.

  44. Am I the only person on this site that hasn't had lunch with Jax? ;)

    I live in a relatively small town (27000 people) so this is small 'taters, but my whole family regularly participates in our local community theater. The last time I had the lead in a play there was a really nice article with pictures in our paper. People came up to me several times when I was shopping to tell me how they'd enjoyed the show, much to my kid's embarrasment! That's it for me, this has been really fun to read!

  45. I was on 'Hour Magazine' when I was 11 years old. My mom saw the madness coming, so she enrolled me in the Big Sisters program. While I was waiting to be placed, they invited me to be on the tv show to discuss it. I was so nervous once I saw the audience. I had promised all my friends I would say "I love you, Nick Rhoads" but I chickened out. I still regret that!

    Only other thing would be that Marky Mark tried to sleep with me once when we were 19 and we were both staying at the same hotel (Le Parc). I was a fat college stoner, so I was super surprised that he even wanted some of this, but he did and pursued me for a few weeks while the Funky Bunch were in town, but I just couldn't do it.

  46. I was in written about in a European Car magazine, back in the 80's with pics and everything, lol.

    Met and dealt with U2 and many other celebs -- but the best was a Christmas gift from Don Henley and a kiss on the cheek from Bruce Springsteen (I thought our receptionist was gonna faint!)

  47. Oh yea... Forgot that I was used on an advertisement for Harvard's law school (but only b/c I was dating the guy at the company that did the advertising)


    My pic was posted on CDAN under readers photos (right under LLo)... So that's a big one :)

  48. No real brushes with fame. The closest I ever came was trying out for a movie that came to my area.

    I looked twelve years old (I was an older teen) and "too white bread" for the casting guy. He had an entire conversation with me and liked my sense of humor. He said had I been a "hardcore biker druggie type" he'd have cast me.
    Nothing pervy happened. I guess I got lucky.

  49. Many years ago, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I was interviewed while lined up to do an aptitude test for a new supermarket. I didn't get a job.

  50. LMAO at Green Wave and Maja.

    Anyone else in the Vancouver area reading?

    Miranda, we need to make it happen this year!

    @fairylights not quite. So far it's Enty,FW, Rocket Queen, Maja and Green Wave. I'm collecting you guys like stamps! ;)

  51. My skating team was featured on a local Chicago TV show and I did a very short interview. I was also on the local news for a skating interview as well.

    My husband got on TV at Harry Carey's after his death-he did this kind of waterfall beer cup trick where he drinks 6 cups of beer holding them like a waterfall. They ended up playing it at the beginning of every game that entire year. I was so proud.

  52. on a childhood family vacation to D.C. I was sitting on the mall by the washington monument and a film crew approached my parents to ask if they could film me. It was for a Welcome to D.C. tourist video. I was psyched because they didn't want to film my brother & sister, just meee. Which now I find kind of odd. Always wished I could have gotten a copy of that video.

  53. I'm crossing a few more of you crazy peeps off the lunch list in April and May! :)

    Anyone in Los Angeles, let me know! :)

  54. Just remembered a couple more:
    I was picked to play the final game on Bozo's Circus when I was a kid. I won a Fred Flintstone colorinng kit and a Fisher Space Pen!

    Met Michael J Fox while filming Light of Day.

    Sat at a golf dinner with Lee Majors and his now-wife. I've rubbed elbows with lots of celebrities and local Chicago sports figures with various charity events.

    I am related to Carol Lawrence-she grew up with my mom (they were 2nd cousins.)

    My son, my dog and I made the cover of the local newspaper when she was attacked by a coyote. Sad that my husband, who made the brave rescue was not featured.

    Once fooled around with an aging rock star (still creeps me out till this day.)

    My niece went to school with Robin Zander of Cheap Trick's son.

    My kids are actually much more famous than me due to sports. They are already very Googleable and they are only 11 and 9!!! LOL!

  55. Oh and I've talked about this before, but I've had Thanksgiving and Rosh Hashanah with David Schwimmer.

    Seen/interacted with a ton of actors/celebs just because I live in LA, but I'm not in the "industry."

  56. @ Princess: Which wrestler? :)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I waved to Bob Dylan once and he waved right back at me. Actually it was more of a "Peace" sign thingy he gave. Why I don't know. That was kind of cool. Interviewed Mike Myers and that Bruce guy from Kids in The Hall a bunch of years ago. My brother and I ran into Hilary Duff once and she smiled at him. That would be his big moment I think. LoL.

  59. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I was asked out multiple times by Corey Taylor of Slipnot/Stone sourwho hung, a bar i worked at. i had the most.beautiful eyes.of.any woman he had ever met...tever. I was in a taco bell commerical fifteeen years ago. I was on the local news when My nephew was.kidnapped and murdered. I kissed Collin Farrell on the street in New Orleans. He was sitting outside a bar wearing a kiss me im irish shirt and,i was.drunk so i did it..

  60. Paul Wight, The Big Show, rubbed my feet at a frat party once in college.

  61. Oh, and I got my picture taken with Stephen Colbert when he was the commencement speaker at my brother's graduation from Knox College a few years back. It's my prized possession.

  62. I was in Wilmington, NC pursuing my undergrad degree in the late 90's. They were filming Dawson's Creek at my college, and I was a background extra in a number of episodes.

    I was a film minor so I hung around the set a lot and I was asked to come shoot some indoor scenes at the local studio. I had several scenes standing next to main characters, and I was visible enough that a number of my friends and family called me to tell me that had seen me on TV.

    I also worked at a local video store at the time. One day Katie Holmes came in to rent some movies. I asked her out. She politely declined. I may not be rich, but at least she wouldn't have been forced into being a beard for me.

  63. Back in college I interned on a syndicated radio talk show and ended up being on air a few times for bits with the host (Liddy).

    I also went to a Counting Crows concert one night, and I spotted Adam Duritz in the audience when the opening band was on stage. I told myself I'd be kicking myself later if I didn't go speak to him, so worked up the nerve to go tell him how much I enjoyed his music. He was really nice about it, but said he just wanted to watch his friends play. I've always felt guilty to this day for disturbing his privacy, as I know anyone famous has a difficult time being a "regular person". I just didn't realize it at the time, but I wouldn't do the same thing now.

  64. @jax YES! I can't believe we've "known" each other for so long and never actually met! I definitely want to be part of the awesome lunch crowd.

    Off-topic, but ... after reading the Jezebel article about our very own Himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I have fallen down a very deep, terrible Internet rabbit hole full of deep, terrible celebrity gossip. My mind needs a bath now.

  65. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Oh, my family lived in Memphis when I was a wee sprout, and we saw Elvis somewhere. My dad got him to come over and take a picture with me. I also sat next to Kris Kristofferson on a plane ride once. I had no idea who he was, but he shared his m&m's with me. My mom freaked when he walked off the plane with me. I was 6-7 at the time.

  66. @Miranda - Jezebel link, please? I can't find the story...

  67. I can be linked to Kevin Bacon in one degree.

  68. I'm married to an NFL player & have been on camera at many college games & some pro. It was fun in college bc my Mom would text me, "I just saw you in the crowd!"

  69. I was just a toddler back in the early 60s. We were at some event and JFK and Bob Hope walked by us. Bob Hope patted me on the head.

    Also, when I was young I was an Irish step dancer and was on local TV quite often around St. Pat's Day. I danced on Romper Room with Miss Rita and I was on Skipper Sam (upstate NY).

  70. Oh and when the Mavs come down to play on the 24th, I'll get to meet Khloe. I mainly just want to see how big she is cause I'm pretty sure she's normal sized, just big compared to her sisters. And if/how annoying she is. But my best friend's Dad works for the Mavs & she goes to every game & sits in the family & friends section & says she's really nice. However, if Kim is town though, they borrow Cuban's box. She won't sit with the rest of family/friends.

  71. Mavs=Dallas Mavericks, NBA not NFL

  72. @AKM Here it is!

  73. Thought I'd join the fun and share a crazy reveal that is confirmed and a definate. I grew up in Calabasas and know many celebs, rock stars, directors etc. Well a huge ent. mogul with his company named after him has a son who is gay. He had a group with an A lister who has been A lister for 2 decades and this A lister had and still supposedly dates woman but is secretly "married" to his band mate. So many years playing the game but won't come clean is why I'm posting this blind.

  74. @Miranda (or I guess I should say just Miranda, sorry I stole your first name!)---me too!!!

    Have you read the lipstickalley one? Me & some of my girl friends go on there to laugh at a lot of the things said about athletes (some true, some not). And when I saw the CDAN title in a post, it clicked right away. I started reading it the day it was posted. It's been up for like a week now & it is awful and SUPER creepy!! They post to other threads & forums, it really is a rabbit hole :(

  75. In 1983 I went on a trip to Mexico with a boyfriend. Our first stop was Cabo, and my bf told me he was going to watch football on our first day. I had no interest in football back then so I was kind of mad at my bf. I was young and had never been out of the US before so I was nervous about spending the day alone. That night asked God for a favor...Please keep me safe and let me have an adventure! Something really special so my bf would regret watching the game.

    The next day my bf went to a bar and I walked to the beach alone. 5 mins. later I heard someone yell out Hey Yosemite! (I work there) It was a guy that I had met in the park. He said his family owned a bar/restaurant/rv campground and Keith Richard had just had his wedding reception at their place. He offered to go with me to a less touristy beach that he had told Keith and Patty about. We got to the beach and I started playing The Stones Undercover on a portable cassette player. My friend ran out of the water and asked for the tape and a pen. Keith and Patty had laid out their towels about 15 feet from us. I got an autograph and my bf wished he had gone to the beach!

    I'm going to NYC next week and this time I'm praying that Ben Bailey picks me up in the cash cab!

  76. I've been on the local news a few times and Belgium Candid Camera and on the front page of a Bulgarian national paper.

  77. I was almost the lead singer to a band started by the owner of In Country Magazine. I turned it down. *forhead slap

    I got groped by Del Shannon at a club

    I nearly got groped by a certain major league pitcher for the Braves back in 98'

    I got a kiss on the check from Barry Williams

    I almost got to play the child version of Candace Bergin in a play. They decided I wasn't old enough.

    awwwww* so fleeting

  78. @MirandaPriestly I have been reading that thread all freakin' day! It's bizarre. And all the stuff they link to? Equally bizarre.

  79. @MirandaPriestly I've been reading it too. Thanks for the link.

  80. @MirandaPriestly--I saw Khloe at the Burbank airport. She's not that big at all. Slim, normal sized. I think she's tall, but she was sitting down. HUGE diamond! lol

  81. Oh, I forgot...I'm a non-faculty academic type. I was interviewed by the Chicago Tribune about my research (while I was still a PhD student). They even sent a photographer to take my picture. The picture didn't run so the photog sent the pics to me. She had me pose in the fancy campus library...a little cheesy but they came out nice. :)

    And my dissertation is in the Library of Congress.

  82. I was on Rachael vs. Guy Celebrity cookoff the finale. I was in Coolio's restaurant, I was wearing a teal tanktop. That's my claim to fame, lol!

  83. I was briefly, really-really briefly, seen as an extra in two movies, was totally cut out of a third.

    Was in the local newspaper when I was seven and was totally misquoted.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I actually had two. My wedding was very unusual and was not only on the local news, but was picked up as a national item, and later was included on TLC's "Wacky Weddings" show.

    A few years ago, I was part of a feature story about Iraq that ran both on NPR and NBC Nightly News. After the NPR story ran, I heard from people I hadn't even thought about for 30 years.

  86. @Green Wave Gak- Sign me up! I'd love a CDAN LA readers lunch!

    Also, I have not had my 15 minutes yet. Maybe sometime...

    1. Hi Lauren! Where in LA are you? I live in Sherman Oaks. Email me at My name is Ellen. :)

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Well...Trent Reznor has a picture of my rack on his iPhone...does that count? ;-)

    Someday I'll tell the infamous Reznor Heater T-shirt saga, aka "what happens when you spend too much time on Usenet in 1994", or "How to become a minor Net Goddess circa 1995," but today is not that day...suffice to say, though, that I was wearing a different self-designed fan shirt that made him laugh at a meet & greet and ask if he could take my picture. ("The Bureau of Morality declared me a dangerous subversive and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"--it was a riff on the Year Zero album/online game.)

    I've also met lots of other musicians (way too many to name here, but think '80s & '90s alt-rock), fed most of them, & am still on friendly terms w/many of them. Let's see, what else have I done?, Annie Sprinkle hit on me once? I was on Michael Stipe's shit list? 2 photos of mine made it onto CD jackets? I got to meet Germaine Greer when she gave a talk at my college, and she was a total bitch? I definitely fall into the "almost famous" category of not being well-known myself, but having been around those who are...and no, I didn't sleep with any of them...Sorry to disappoint you! ;-)

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Oh, yeah, 2 of my friends made it onto one of those "wacky weddings" shows on TLC (IIRC)--they had a very geeky wedding, complete w/R2D2 as a "flower droid", but the highlight was that, right after the first dance came...the first lightsaber duel. Yes, really. I was at the wedding and saw all this, so I guess I did make it onto a big cable channel once! (The video has been up on YouTube for ages--I should go look up the URL for all of you!)

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Sanjaya was going to come to my place of employment once, but cancelled the day before. My boss told me about the cancellation and mangled the name; I joked that it almost sounded like he'd said Sanjaya Malakar, which it turned out he had--he had no idea he'd just gotten off the phone with someone "famous."

  93. Great stories..

    I interviewed Steve Earle during his Copperhead Road days, we got drunk together. the worst hangover of my life, nearly became a groupie

  94. Wrote a blog about the high costs of my mother's Alzheimer's medicine. Ended up on NBC Nightly news, front page of the New York Times, and a weird, odd, interview on MSNBC in which they fed me my lines and cut me off when I was inadvertently uncooperative.

  95. @Green Wave - that is awesome!

    I got interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning in December when I was in NY. Our segment was supposed to air Christmas morning but they cut it THANK GOD. I was like Vince Vaughn's character in Four Christmases when he gets caught by the news crews.. :-/

  96. I'm "famous" among my friends because I kissed Johnny Depp on the cheek and have pics to prove it! My friend got married at the Jerome Hotel the night of Hunter S. Thompson's funeral and Johnny Depp was in the bar at the end of the night. He was extremely humble and kind. Not to mention, sexy!!

  97. Joe Carnahan directed me in a commercial for the television station, KPWB-TV38 in Sacramento we worked for back in the late 1990's. It was my hands on a Monopoly Board, only because it was late on a Friday afternoon and I had decent nails and hands. Joe was one of the funniest guys I've met. I also could have been interviewed at any time by the weathermen, who stationed themselves out side the back door we entered to get to work. "Yeah, no shit dumb ass it's raining."

    I did make my hometown newspaper front page for most unpaid parking tickets. No picture though and long after I left the jurisdiction. Notice I didn't say "fled" but I couldn't wait to get out of there.

    I don't want 15 minutes of fame. I don't want anyone all up in my shit.

  98. I once worked at a resort hotel and met all sorts of famous folks. The ones I can recall off the top of my head are Penn and Teller, Lou Reed and Astronaut and Mrs John Glenn. Oh, and Whitman Mayo who used to play Grady on "Sanford and Son". He was in and out of town filming a show and whenever the production guy would call to book his accommodations I would hum the S&S theme (which the production guy thought was funny) and the dude got me a personally autographed photo (which I framed and have hanging in my bathroom, which is a real conversation piece when I have guests over, let me tell you).

    I also met science historian James Burke in an office supply store in London (was in there buying stamps) and my friend took my photo with him and put it on a coffee mug for me.

    The local newspaper very briefly quoted me when I was on the jury of a local murder trial.

    I used to work with Marcia Gay Harden's sister-in-law (pre Oscar, lol).

  99. I was in the music video for Papa Roach's first big single "Last Resort" :) Closest I got to fame! lol

  100. I'm friends with people who had lunch with Jax.

  101. Or at least I used to be. :P

  102. I'm Facebook friends with America Young and if you mentioned my real name to her I'm 14% certain she'd recognize it.

  103. Anonymous4:31 AM

    While walking to a nearby convenience store (always for booze) practically every afternoon in L.A. around '89/'90 (N. Gardner and Melrose Ave area), I would see Nick Cage a lot. I wanna say he drove a black convertible,. I saw him so often, with us both going in the same direction at around the same time of day every afternoon on the same particular neighborhood side street (me staggering down the sidewalk like Ray Milland in The Lost Weekend, him in his snazzy black car with the top down), that it became kinda comical. He waved at me once, as if to say "Even though we're total strangers, we're seeing each other so often in passing, I might as well wave."

  104. In 4th grade I was on Wonderama. I was picked before the show to make a speech about current events and I spoke about Nixon. I received the game "Trouble" and lost my best friend because we went with her tickets and she wasn't asked to do anything.
    I also met lots of famous people, but my favorites were being kissed by Bono and sharing a plate of lox with Ian Anderson.

  105. @Lelaina--Thanks!

    I forgot to mention I'm friends with the fabulous Mooshki, though we haven't met...yet! :)

  106. I'm still waiting for that.

  107. I was interviewed on NPR about my post-doc research project. It had to do with welfare reform, so was a hot topic in the late 1990s. People I hadn't spoken to in years from all over the country heard it and contacted me, so fun. ;-) For nerds like me, NPR is as exciting as it gets.

  108. I have been interviewed on TV news with regard to my animal rescue work, and been a guest on a cable access TV show on that topic (but interviewed by a famous newswoman - the cable access was her pet project where she could say things no one else would let her say). I live in L.A., so celebs are just a part of life...have had numerous former A-list clients. It stops being a big deal after 90 days after moving here, seriously, it does. Then you just want to know if they still have money to pay the bill and whether or not they're batty enough to call you at 2 AM wanting things done NOW.

  109. My family background is Louisiana Cajun. In the late 80's I was working as a travel agent for AAA in Greeley, Colorado, and a very famous Louisiana Cajun musician came in to book a trip for him and his family. For about a year I was his personal travel agent and booked all of his private, non-work related trips. He was so nice and so sweet. It was Doug Kershaw. Unless you are from Louisiana, you might not recognize him, but my family was blown away that I had a working friendship with him.

  110. The closest I've ever come is a friendly acquaintance with a man who voiced one of the biggest cartoon action heroes of my youth (he became a friend of my father's late in life after moving away from California which is how I met him).

    In between all the blowjob stories, he had a couple of funny anecdotes about some Old Hollywood actors and television personalities. I found them funny because they humanized some of the people I only knew from television or the movies by relating them to the humdrum the rest of us call our lives.
