Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What Happens When A 35 Year Old Retakes The SAT

One of the funniest things I have read in a very long time is over at deadspin.com. It is the story of a 35 year old man who decided to retake the SAT. Previously when he had been in highschool, the man had taken it once. If you want to relive the nightmare that was the SAT, then you have to read this. Seriously, it will make your day. Here is the part on the author filling out the forms at the beginning of the test.

Before you even begin taking the SAT, it's already worn you down. There's an entire form you have to fill out at the front of the test booklet, including a bubble sheet with your name, your DOB, your ZIP code, your test center code, your form code, your test-book serial number, your registration number (???), your gender, and OK WE F**KING GET IT. I think you have more than enough information, College Board. Would you also like the results of my most recent HIV test? God forbid you simplify this so students have to enter only one code. About the only mercy they extend to you is that you're required to fill out only the first six letters of your last name and the first four letters of your first name. When I was a kid, you had to fill out your full name, and if you were unfortunate enough to be some Polish kid with a 30,000-letter last name, you were dead and buried before you'd even reached the antonyms.

To read the rest, click here. (Thanks Christina)


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