I think Victoria Beckham is heading out to the soccer field after games and trying to smoke some of it because she has been making some crazy remarks lately. Tops on that list is her remarks to Harper's Bazaar in their most recent issue. Victoria says she is the same size as most women and that all of her clothes are designed for the average woman as long as of course they are her size. Victoria says she is a UK 6 which equates to about a 4 in the United States. The average size for women in the US is size 14. Victoria also insists she is not a model, but has never hired a model for her clothing line because she does not want someone skinny to wear her clothes, but a real woman. Granted, most models are a 0 or 2, but, Victoria is so out of touch it is unbelievable. She should get together with Gwyneth Paltrow and the two of them can just make decisions for all women because it seems they already know exactly what you need and should have and what size you are and if you do not fit exactly what they say, then there is something wrong with you.
This woman had 4 kids and her pelvic bones are about to cut their way out of that swimsuit. Please.
ReplyDeleteIn her defense, isn't everyone in LA skin and bones? How often is she in middle America?
ReplyDeleteWhat's sad is that VB is probably not exposed to average women. She lives in Hollywood, where all the women are borderline anorexic. Even when she goes to her kids' soccer games, the other moms are super skinny because they are Beverly Hills moms. On TV you don't see regular bodies, nor in the fashion magazines that she reads. The only time she gets exposed to regular bodies is when she goes to her hubby's soccer games, but even then she is sitting in luxury boxes with other people who starve themselves into the upper class.
ReplyDeleteShe is the 1%, and in the 1%, the average size is probably a 2 or 4.
This chick is a size 0. Either that, or she's still in Children's junior sizes. No matter how you slice it up, this chick is malnourished and too skinny. She's a bobble head.
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny...people make fun of healthy looking women in Hollywood for being too fat, when they're actually normal and healthy...and we make fun of them for being too skinny. I'm so glad I'm not a Hollywood actress. Too much pressure.
A classic example of how living a certain lifestyle can warp someone's perception.
ReplyDeleteChristina Hendricks, Queen Latifah, and Adele are much closer to being representative of most women.
I am very proud of the fact that a man can get thisclose to me & not cut his self on my hip bones. I'm a 12...no way in hell she is a 4. She's a beautiful woman, she just needs to eat a large sandwich every now & then.
ReplyDelete@ Layna...I agree to a certain degree with your comment, but I think Jennifer Lawrence represents a normal, average body type for medium body frames...and CH, QL and Adele represent larger framed body types. I couldn't be as big a CH, QL or Adele, even if I tried.
ReplyDeleteI love Enty for saying this.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 4 - she's not a 4.
ReplyDeleteBut in her defense, as Megan said - she DOES live in LA and is generally surrounded by celebrities since WAY back. This may be her reality.
But no, she's not a 4.
Oh please. And that's one ugly swim suit.
ReplyDelete@Megan - exactly!
ReplyDeleteBrits also tend to be thinner than Americans, mainly because they drive everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Crila- bodysnarking is bodysnarking is (that's right!) bodysnarking. It's just as wrong whether it's a size zero or a size 14. Both extremes are unhealthy to some extent.
ReplyDeleteI think VB is just trying to present herself as more likable. And who hasn't tried to do that, at one point or another?
I love her.
ReplyDeleteI am an 8 in most clothes and a 6 in some, and I am easily twice as big as Victoria. No way is she a 4. NO. WAY. And yes, I think her view on what is average is pretty skewed by her lifestyle. She has no idea of what "average" really is.
ReplyDeleteAnd crila16, Jennifer Lawrence is very thin. I agree that she does not appear to be anorexic, but she is in no way average. Again, you are looking at her as compared to the average Hollywood actress who generally looks anorexicaly thin.
OK, she's ridiculous. But I will say this: her clothing line is very flattering for a variety of body types. A number of famous women with very different bodies have been seen in her clothes and they are definitely not made to look good just size 0-4 women.
ReplyDelete@crila16: you're right. Everyone has a body type that's unique to them. For me, I would fall closer to CH, QL, and Adele. Jennifer Lawrence is slender, but seemingly healthy. Giving her the eye test, JL is naturally slim and willowy, with a bit of an athletic build.
ReplyDeleteI've mentioned this before, but I would cut a b**** to have Gina Carano's body. She's about 160 pounds and is built to kick ass! Same thing with Serena Williams. Two women who aren't stick thin, but are in fantastic shape.
UK size 6 is US size 2. My cousin is a UK6 and she's thin but not skin and bones thin. I agree with Enty that to say she's average is super ridiculous, though.
ReplyDeleteStill love her. I can't help it. Ever done the lay on the bed to get in your jeans thing? In her defense, she is laying on her back and probably sucking in too. Even my hip bones stick out a little when I do that. Well, very little for me, but still...
ReplyDeleteSizes are crazy and can vary by designer. In my opinion, Her Poshness is a 0 or maybe 2 if she's PMS'n.
Um, wasn't it revealed (on Twitter maybe?) that VB practices the puke diet & Eva Longoria likes to make fun of her about it behind her back?
ReplyDeleteSoooo....if that is the case then I can't agree with anyone saying 'Oh but she's surrounded by thin people in Hollywood'.
If you make yourself vomit to stay thin, please keep your fucking opinions about size, how you can whatever you want and not gain & so on, to your delusional self. This shout-out is for LeAnn too.
All enty said was that eva longoria said she threw up never that she actually did.
DeleteWhat is average in the US?
ReplyDeleteI'm a size 2, but I run everyday.
There are a lot of women who are skinny but healthy.
Supposed to say how you can EAT whatever you want.
ReplyDeleteShe is no size 4
ReplyDelete@ HalinPalindrome -- they say "average" in the US is a size 14 because we have a lot of weight issues.
ReplyDeleteI'd say for people who are not overweight the average might be closer to an 8?
People please don't beat me up...
I agree with you about the size thing @Hunter.
ReplyDeleteMaybe even a 9/10 size.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you that I think the average size is a 10. I am a 10 and I always have one hell of a time finding my size in stores because the 10s always seem to be bought up. I usually have to resort to buying online now unless I hit a store after they have newly stocked 10s for the items I want in the store. Just my observation LOL but I sure seem to have to order online a lot!
Average? Have you looked at "People of WalMart"?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMake her go away. America doesn't like soccer. Or their wives. And even if we did, we wouldn't like her.
ReplyDelete*speaking for my fellow Americans, because someone had to*
Punkin, you're not speaking for *me*. Or the Americans I know. So please don't pretend to.
ReplyDeleteMy fiancee is probably a size 12, and I think she is pretty damn sexy for that. A lot of the women I have found attractive at one time or another - Kate Winslet, Christina Hendricks, and Jennifer Lopez (around the time Out of Sight came out, before everyone had figured her out as a diva) - all tend to have this body type in one way or another. Someone mentioned Gina Carano (sp?), and same deal with her too.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what the archetypal female body type is. I know it isn't this picture of VB above. She seriously needs to eat something. Gaunt isn't sexy or even fit to me.
Yes @PunkinElf you may need to broaden your horizons a little. I really like VB and actually I love Soccer and *gasp* I am American! and another *gasp* I HATE American Football!!!
ReplyDeleteBut in other news I actually really like her swimsuit. The color is awesome!
Yeah! I like her too! She seems to be a decent person and as an American I welcome her.
ReplyDelete*sticks out tongue at PunkinElf*
I am pretty darn thin and muscular, and there is no way in hell I could fit into her clothes.
ReplyDeleteFuck off.
Also not speaking for this American. I dont see whats so wrong with this statement, in HW a size 4 is not skinny. Her life consist of people that are size zeros and below so to her shes average. Would it be better if she gained 150lbs, then shes more likable? Im a size 4 & I dont consider myself skinny by any means.
ReplyDelete@Hunter- Yes, I think a size 8 might be more representative of the average.
ReplyDelete@LaynaDay- I just looked up Gina Carano and it's obvious she's she doesn't have any weight issues. I don't go by weight, I always go by inches. She's muscular, so she's going to weigh more and she's supposedly a lot taller than avg., at 5'7.
VB is no size 4. She has a concave stomach and she's only about 5'2", so I would say a 0.
Jennifer says she became a lot thinner due to training. She looks vey skinny in the picture shown here.
Have to correct Enty on one thing. A UK size is four sizes larger than a US sizes. So if VB is a UK 6 that makes her a US 2. A UK 12 would be a US 8 and so on. Of course, that is just a rule of thumb, differences in sizing from brand to brand can vary.
ReplyDeleteYou've got to keep in mind too, that two women who wear the same size clothing, can still look very very different. I think Victoria Beckham is probably skinnier than the average woman, but I can't say that she definitely doesn't wear a size 4. Don't you remember that episode of Oprah, where she lined up 10 women who all wore a size 10 jean - and they all had completely different body types. It was pretty interesting actually.
ReplyDeleteI like her. I don't think she was implying there is anything wrong with anyone. Her definition of an average woman is just different than a lot of other people's definition. I'm sure mine is too.
ReplyDeleteA UK 6 is a US 2, BTW, not a 4. I buy clothes almost exclusively from the UK and it's always been two size difference on the conversion, not one.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think Victoria is fabulous. I don't know what the hell size she wears.
ReplyDeleteIn this month's InStyle, the Sofia chick from Modern Family says she is a size 2. And with her boobs and ass, I call total bullshit on that. But what do I know? LOL. These celebrities all lie and say what you want to hear.
I like VB.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't the saying go that a camera adds 10lbs?
I don't trust any studio photos of Posh, and only about half the pap photos. I have no idea what size she really is.
ReplyDeleteAs for the 'average' size in LA or Beverly Hills, no. LA is a true melting pot and you will see all sizes and shapes here, even in Beverly Hills. People may get thinner as their income level goes up, due to peer pressure of their social circle, but based on my observations of LA when I'm out and about, I would say it's fairly close to the national average.
Sizing is not consistent in the US by any means, so to say that the national average is a 10 or a 12 is just laughable to me. But what do I now, I haven't been able to find a pair of pants that fit me off the rack in about a decade.
I like her, I can't help it. Yes she is average size- in Tinyville!!
ReplyDeleteVB has a history in the UK of opening her mouth and putting her foot in it without necessarily meaning to. It is one likely reason why she usually just shuts up and pouts these days because it sabotaged many of her desperate attempts to remain famous and relevant in England (during the time between the Spice Girls and when she moved to LA).
ReplyDeleteWell, Victoria live in LA. Everyone there probably is her size. She doesn't mingle with regular folks.
ReplyDeleteWhen proper nutrition is replaced with certain substances as your daily diet, it will definitely ruin brain function. Life is foggy as hell, you just need to read most articles on so-called fashionistas (self-hateristas, more like.)
ReplyDeleteI am a Size 3 (US) and Victoria is thinner than I am. So as others have said, she can't be bigger than a Size 2.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm between a 4 and a 2 and I've got a good 20 lbs on her.
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted on here recently that Vicki ate at a (the poster's) friend's Mexican restaurant and ordered vinegar and lettuce leaves for her meal. Jeez, why even bother. She could have ordered a small piece of plain grilled fish and a few grilled veggies with lemon or lime juice. The chef would probably have been thrilled to accommodate her.
ReplyDeleteRe the photo - I'm just glad she didn't subject us to camel toe.
UK size 6 is a US size 2
ReplyDeleteAgree with Centaurea - I am also a 2 or a 4 and I KNOW I have 20 pounds on Posh!
ReplyDelete@PunkinElf: What's funny is that I agree with you and i'm not even American.
ReplyDeleteThis skinny snot needs to go away ASAP. All she seems to have to contribute to society is buying expensive clothing, shoes and handbags. It baffles me why anyone likes her.
Also her husband seems really dopey and I think it'd pretty obvious he stuffs his undies in his undies ads! Come on!!!
i can't stand her, or soccer, or her tatto-usually neked and or selling something husband. her kids seem very well behaved, i'll give her that.
ReplyDeleteif she is average, i must be 100 lbs over weight. this statement is annoying. reminds of of kathie lee saying-years ago-that everyone could have the money and success that she and frank had if they would just work hard. people are not all created equal in the genes & talent arena. posh ot vicki or whatever she's going by this week is not like us common folk. and everyone cannot be millionaires.