Friday, March 30, 2012

Verne Troyer Is Writing A Tell All - Includes All His Sexual Conquests

I came very close to pulling out the Verne Troyer tongue photo. I know there are probably lots of readers who have yet to lay their eyes on it and it is Friday, but then I thought about the fact that premature blindness is a big issue and I did just make you look at an almost naked Nadya Suleman first thing in the morning. It would be cruel to go back to back on you like that.

Verne is shopping a tell all book that will probably be really tame when it deals with the actors he has worked with because the guy is still working and probably would like to continue to work. According to some source, Verne is going to talk about all his visits to the Playboy Mansion. Yes, I heard he had three women at one time in the grotto once. He will also talk about his sex tape and other relationships he has had and how they all screwed them over and that he was a perfect prince of a guy the entire time.


  1. Erm... I'll pass.... ;)

  2. His fingers look like little salamander hands. I can't look.

  3. It's a comedy, right?

  4. He may be short in stature, but he is tall in attitude! I'll member forget him in Surreal Life, still grossed out at the memories!!

  5. Will it be called "Erotic Short Stories?"

  6. This makes me feel queazy...and akward...and queazy.

  7. @Snowstorms - Didn't he pee in the corner of the house when he was extremely drunk? That show was actually pretty funny the first two seasons.

  8. Thank you, thank you, for not showing the other Verne photo. Like, from the bottom of my heart thank-you.

  9. I wanna see the tongue picture! yummmmmmmm lol

  10. salamander hands, ha ha


  11. He looks like JLos boyfriend

  12. @Birk: No, you don't. You only think you do because you haven't seen it.

  13. Yeah, Dixie, that was the show where he peed in the corner. One of the only advantages of being a little person is that when you order a drink, you get served your own personal Scorpion Bowl!

  14. I'm very curious, yet afraid of googling. Would someone tell me what the tongue pic involves? Verne and his tongue? Verne and someone else's tongue? How bad is it?

  15. I think I used the tongue pic as my profile photo on fb. Considering using this one, too.

    Salamander Hands. Too funny!

    Poppyman made me laugh, too.

  16. His peeing in the corner was funny. Also funny on that show was him trolling around on that little scooter and the noises he made when he slept.

    Will he call the book The Adventures of Verne Troyer and his Mini Me? Cause he looks like a penis. Get it?

  17. Because no one's gone there yet, I'll be the classless whore and ask----do you think his little mini-me is in proportion to his size OR giant- like a freakish fleshy kick stand????

    Come on, ya'll were thinking it- admit it~

  18. Stupid iPhone autocorrect! How does never become member - though lack of one is imbedded into my memory from that night...Yep Dixie, as everyone seconded, that was when he peed in the corner...Lol

    Never saw anyone quite so mean on a scooter - save my I had a completely different opinion of him after that

  19. @jasmine
    Some short men are freakishly huge. I've wondered about that too.

  20. He was on an episode of Celebrity House Hunters recently looking at million dollar homes. I had no idea he was worth that much money? The possibility of a kickstand penis makes sense.
