Monday, March 19, 2012

Two Year Old Sings Adele

Probably will end up on the radio during the five minutes each hour an Adele song is not playing.


  1. Pretty cute, although it's kind of a sad song for a two-year-old!

  2. Cute little girl, but for some reason the video got on my nerves. Not the girl......the parent who taped it or SOMETHING. I don't know what. Maybe I'm just tired of these youtube cutsie videos. Maybe I need a nap. I dunno.

  3. Can we add Makena to the stupid names on Your Turn??

    It sounds like a brand of clotheslines.

  4. Is she wearing lipstick?

  5. Another mom hoping she has the next Britney no doubt. You can just imagine this mom keeping this tape in a vault to pull out for the fluff piece on American Idol "she's been singing since she was two!"

  6. Ugh you can hear this poor kid's momma in the background whispering the words to her. Remember the days when parents recorded kids for the memories and not for the YouTube hits?

  7. Also, these kid videos mean more to me when I actually KNOW the kid. Like it's my friend's kid or my cousin's kid, you know? These random kids are just kind of meh. Anyone else feel this way?

  8. Well, *I* have a silly grin on my face. Loved it when she got into it in the chorus. Cute kid!

  9. omg how are all the comments on here cynical!!??? I get the points you're all making, one more stage mother, one more lohan... but my little girl dances all the time through no encouragement of mine.

    This is cute, that little girl is adorable. And no 2 year old would sing that much of a song if they didn't want to.

  10. I think it was stinkin' cute!

  11. She was adorable, especially at the chorus like @Maja said. The strange, creaky noises did get on my nerves though & am over that song.

  12. OK, not a mom, but here's what I noticed:
    cute, not about 'next Britney' if you ask me.
    Why are her ears pierced? This bothers me a lot.

  13. Shes adorable.
    Is this the place to admit I change the station when Adele comes on? I tried to like her! I tried! I just cant!

  14. I literally just taped my three year old niece singing this two weeks ago. She was belting it out right at two. It makes me laugh every time I hear it. It's like what would a toddler know about such heartbreak.

  15. Don't kids listen to Barney songs...sounds like mommy might have some heartbreak issues for the kid to know the lyrics so well.

  16. @skittlekitty, I had my ears pierced at 2. Begged my mother to have them done. It is my earliest memory. I am 42 now. No long-term damage. I have never had another piercing, not even my ears when that was trendy, because these holes mean so much to me.

  17. There is nothing special about that video.

  18. Cute, but it's pretty easy to make faces and whisper the words and have a kid mimic you. I did this with my daughter to songs she didn't even know. Still cute..

  19. I mean, it's not NOT cute... And yet...

  20. Shes adorable and its not uncommon for parents to pierce their kids ears. Btw my daughters name is Makenna so suck it

  21. You guys are a hard audience...
