Friday, March 30, 2012

Tony Dovolani Says Kate Gosselin Drove Him To Therapy

How crazy is it that what should have been a fun three months and a nice paycheck turned into a nightmare for Tony Dovolani so bad that he had to seek therapy. Tony says that after spending time with Kate Gosselin he actually had to have therapy. Tony also said that Kate could not dance and had no rhythm. I would agree with both of those. If I am ever having a bad day, one of my guaranteed smiles is watching one of her performances on the show. She truly was awful at dancing. I don't know if she just did not try or was in it for the paycheck or if she thought it was going to be easier or what, but she was really, really bad at it but somehow managed to stay on the show a long time.

My favorite line she uttered to Tony was "I'm the only reason anyone even knows your name, so shut it."


  1. I'm sure she screams that to the kids on a daily basis.

  2. Can't wait for the kids to grow up.

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I think Tony is a pretty nice guy, so for him to say anything negative means that it was BAD. I kept hoping he would say F U, YOU HAG! and just walk off the dance floor, leaving her with her mouth hanging open from the shock.

  4. Poor Guy. I wish he'd get partnered with someone who could win. He always goes too early.

  5. Why is she so mean?

  6. Anonymous8:45 AM

    My husband is musically inclined (i.e., can hear notes, play the guitar and bass, etc.) but he has no rhythm or dance skills at all. I'm not defending her because she seems like such a horrible person, I'm just saying some people are such horrid dancers.

  7. I HATE to say this but I would probably unpleasant as all hell if I had EIGHT children. EIGHT OF THOSE THINGS!?

  8. This helps me understand why Jon was such a horrific mess during their divorce. It doesn't excuse douchey behavior, but it makes me understand it a little bit more.

  9. waaaaaa, waaaaa, waaaaaa

  10. This combined with the story of her ex living with his mom? It's called Karma, baby, and it's a bitch. ;)

  11. She's nasty. Seriously. And the fact that someone outside of the TLC machine has come out and said "Bitch crazy", yeah, no amount of makeup, hair dye or plastic surgery can change that.

  12. I wonder if shes always been like that or did the fame exaggerate her personality. She acts like someone owes her something.

  13. That's her personality; not fame.

  14. I think Tony Dovolani deserves a ringer (e.g., Scherzinger) for one of the next seasons. She was absolutely awful to him during their partnership, and he's one of the nicer dancers on the show. Patience of Job, that guy.

    Kate Gosselin was part of the 1-2 punch that completely turned me off to the show (the final straw being Bristol Palin getting a pass on the Gorilla suit jive dance).

  15. Seriously, WTF was that Magilla Gorilla in drag shit?

  16. OMG! She actually said that??!! What a stupid cow. I missed that, but did see some of her drama-queen tantrums during the rehearsals.

  17. I have been reading this site for a long time. I don't know if I have more time on my hands these days to notice abut lot of the stories and photos are directly sites.

  18. Anonymous9:39 AM

    @Peaceful Warrior - not trying to be critical, just trying to understand your post. Do you mean sites as in location, or cites as in citations?

  19. Sounds like a very bitter woman

  20. @Vicki Cupper-aah, every day I can't wait to see what you'll say. Funny!

  21. She's a joke and a talentless nobody. Who cares. She had her 15 min...and she didn't use them wisely. She got the entire country to dislike her.

  22. I am a longtime DWTS watcher, and she was by far the worst contestant they ever had. I had issues with Bristol Palin's inclusion in the show -- she's no star, but she was at least was pleasant and tried to get something out of the experience. Kate Gosselin was unpleasant and unwatchable. Just horrid.

  23. Mod7 - It was her decision to implant 8 embryos. And that bullshit excuse she gave about being surprised that 6 of them "took" - she says she's a nurse. The doctor had to have told her that there was a possibility that that could happen. I cannot WAIT for the older twins to write a tell all. They'll make a fortune. Someone could probably interview them now....

    KG is an evil hag. Those poor children.

  24. I can't dance and have no rhythm, but so far I haven't sent anyone into therapy because I can't dance. My assumption is that his issues with her went beyond this, or is an inability to dance more crazymaking than I realized?

  25. Stephanie I have to disagree. Master P was the worst, Kate is a close second.

  26. Well, horrid as she is, I have to say, the only reason I'm even seeing his name is because it's associated with her in this anecdote.

  27. Anna, I'm sure it was her attitude and bullying behaviour. Didn't they show practice moments when she whined and blamed everything/everybody but herself for not learning the steps properly?

    He was probably very happy to leave when he did so he didn't have to put up with her anymore.

  28. Dear Lord

    Pretty please let me run into Kate one of these days. Karma is a bitch, so let me be her karma. Oh how I want to torture her. For Tony, for the kids, for anyone that has suffered because of her witch personality. And when she turns her hysterics on me, I will laugh and laugh until my innards ache.

    Thank you, Lord. Amen.

  29. she's emotionless and bitchy, maybe she has some syndrome that hasnt been identified. Like "douche spectrum" or "selfish bitch" syndrome. Very unpleasant person who seems incapable of learning from her mistakes, mainly because she never makes any, according to her.

  30. Auntliddy, isn't that classic narcissist?

  31. oh dear. had not wanted to believe the meanie stories.

    when i hear her say he is lonely i have to laugh. howdoes she have time to "be" anything, with 8 little kids? and i doubt aby man would be interested in a woman with 8 kids, much less someone who was in the public eye for no real reason. meaning not for curing cancer or winning an oscar.

  32. I know people who don't have rhythm or can't dance, but I'm sure with it's because she can't at all ever let go of control. She's one sick lady, and it's a shame she ever had any kids at all.

  33. auntliddy - it's called Narcissist Personality Disorder.

    She's like Octomom Lite. She had twins already, and chose to have 6 fetuses implanted. And then contacted TLC. Delightful woman.

  34. I felt sorry for Tony when he had her for a partner, she was a nagging, whining, sack of left feet.

  35. I'm sort of with the Scientologists and primitive tribes on this one thing: some people really should be dropped into a volcano. I can think of a few right now that I'd PAY to see dropped into a volcano.

  36. And people still find Jon's escape was his biggest mistake? He was acting out, due to the fame treatment. He was in a no win situation and he done what he did. What's her excuse for becoming a famous mean person? I still feel badly for the children. Being with their father must be a breath of fresh air. Good for him and them.

  37. Not to be picky, but she didn't have invitro. She did the hormones that overstimulate your ovaries. They kind of gloss over this, but Kate was told by her doctor that she was producing too many eggs and it wasn't a good time to try and get pregnant, but she did anyway. I'm not sure if Jon was aware of what the doctors had told her or not about waiting for the next cycle.

  38. Back in the day, before TLC, Kate had a blog. I don't know what happened to it. But she told the story of her and Jon meeting up to the sextuplets. There was something that I'll always remember from it. She was talking about the time post-twins and pre-sextuplets and wanting to get pregnant again. She said that Jon had doubts, but relented because (quote) "he knew how much I wanted to be a mommy again." Oh? So the twins were out on there own by then?

    I knew then she had attention issues.

  39. Such a nasty b*tch. I'm putting her in the same category as Hilton, Kardashian, Lohan. Just don't give a hoot.

  40. And I hope Tony said, "No, your hormone-stimulated ovaries are the only reason anyone knows your name so YOU SHUT IT!"

  41. I have no doubts she was horrible. The having to go into therapy seems a little bit OTT, but it's funny he's admitting all this.
