Monday, March 19, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The NBA Cross-Dresser

This year, the NBA had an all-star team. One of the members of that all-star team loves nothing more than to spend every night on the road after a game in his favorite blond wig while he watches television and tries on the clothes he bought for his "wife." The NBA player spends a lot of time buying things for his "wife," and then spending his late nights wearing it. There have been some nights this season where he has stayed up all night after a game and the second game of a back to back has been less than stellar because of his obsession with his clothes and other persona.

Before he got married to his current wife, he used to keep his obsession confined to the road and hotel rooms and would throw away the clothes after every road trip because he did not want a girlfriend or maid or family member to see his collection at home. He would spend and then throw away thousands of dollars worth of clothes and shoes every trip. He would not give them away to charity or leave them in his room. He would take them to a hotel dumpster and be done with them until the next trip. The only thing he has always managed to keep are his two wigs. One is blonde and the other brunette.

After he met his current wife, and when they got serious, he let her in on his secret. She was not only open to it but encouraged it and does shopping for him to make it easier, but he still loves being on the road and wearing his brand new clothes he found for himself. Oh, and every so often he also wears a pair of women's panties under his uniform.


  1. This has to be Lamar, because aren't he and Khloe the same size?

  2. When he dresses up, does Kobe use an "accent grave" over the e?

  3. I was thinking Lamar too. He's been struggling lately with the Mavs.

  4. How sad is it that my first reaction is relief, that he told the wife and isn't keeping a secret from her. I read too much CDAN.

    I don't think it's Lamar - the Kartrashians would use it as a plot line on their show.

  5. "Current wife"?? Would that mean there have been others?

  6. It's not Lamar, since he's never been on the all-star team.

  7. This "kink" is absolutely harmless. He isn't messing with kids, or getting random women pregnant, or being abusive to anyone. He does this in private and shares it with his wife. I don't want to know who it is - I just hope he's happy with it!

  8. I think this is all ok and should be private, but the fact that it interferes with work could be a problem.

  9. Lam lam odom! Lmfao no wonder him and Bruce Jenner get along so well!

  10. Lamar Odom = not an all star. He actually got sent down to the D-League this year because he's been so terrible.

  11. Here are the rosters for the 2012 Game:

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    What charity could he leave those size 16 pumps to?

  13. I had a friend whose ex-husband is a cross-dresser. he didn't disclose it prior to the marriage and it became very problematic after she found out.

    Have no idea about the blind. Nor do I care. To each his own.

  14. Most of those guys aren't married. I'd say it's Kobe.

  15. Shouldn't it be one of the "shorter" BB players? It's kind of tough to buy clothes for a 6'6" or taller woman?
    I'd look at the guards - did Tony Parker remarry?

  16. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Chris Bosh, possibly. Some NBA players--Shaquille O'Neal, specifically--have been very mean toward him and suggested that he's gay or a transvestite. And he got married last summer.

  17. Doc beat me to it. Please let this be Tony Parker.

  18. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Another possibility--Steve Nash. Divorced wife in 2010, not sure if he has remarried, but he did have a new GF not long ago.

  19. Well it's sweet he told his wife and harmless except give the clothes away, and stop effing up your game. He needs to get his play in control.

  20. Well it's sweet he told his wife and harmless except give the clothes away, and stop effing up your game. He needs to get his play in control.

  21. Nash is not remarried, nor is Tony Parker. I've heard those Bosh rumors, but he's a big man. A lot harder to find women's wear on the ready for someone 6'9'', 6'10'' ish. The NBA gives all these guys a an inch or two on their stats. Kobe's closer to 6'4'', he could find women's gear to fit him.

  22. What I wonder about is how could this be a secret? The cashiers would know damn near everytime he bought something. I mean, seriously, if you're checking out a guy the size of a pro basketball player and he's buying women's clothing and shoes that would fit, well, a pro basketball player, then DUH! Unless he's smaller in stature than the average player.

  23. Chris Bosh. Mediatakeout has been calling him "zesty" for years now. Google "Chris Bosh", "Mediatakeout" and "Zesty". And he's recently married. Gotta be him.

  24. Good for him to have found a wife that's into it. Our society is too uptight about that kind of stuff.

  25. Meh. Glad his wife is into it and didn't lose her shit. He could be doing worse things like raping the maids, beating up fans, or torturing animals.

  26. Definitely Chris Bosh. Lamar has never been an all star and Kobes gettin divorced plus hes been with his wife almost his whole nba career.

  27. I don't think this is a big deal at all.

  28. Good for him and THEM. This hurts no one and in fact the fact that the wife is into it probably means their sex life is better than most of these players, and he is less likely to stray.

  29. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Paul Pierce

  30. Maybe it means "current wife" as in "still his wife, FOR NOW." - Kobe Bryant. I think the guy's personality totally fits the MO for having a big secret like this. He's a jerk.

  31. Oh, and I guess by that I mean in the way that sometimes grossly homophobic people are actually closet homosexuals. Kobe's not a pleasant dude, and a total narcissist. It would be fitting that he has a secret fetish.

  32. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Eh, who cares? Transvestism isn't a big deal. Lots of guys -- most of whom are straight, BTW, -- are into it. Wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

    What I WOULD have issues with is if it affected his work, which apparently this does. Get yourself a pretty negligee and go to bed, dude. You need the sleep.

  33. Carmelo Anthony. I could see LaLa being a freak and buying him clothes

  34. Brilliant seaward!

    I don't care who this is, it's harmless. I hope it never gets revealed. I just wish he would donate the clothes to someone who could use them. That's just wasteful.

    Also, where does he find ladies panties in his size? He's got to be a big dude.

  35. I hope this doesn't get revealed either. It's harmless and his wife knows and they probably have fun with it.

  36. I think it's Carmelo and the lovely Lala Vasquez

  37. Lamar makes sense even though he's not an all star. The uniforms for the Mavs have stars on them...nice clue Enty.

  38. @FS - he must shop where I shop. Le Grande Boutique

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. FS:

    There's like a whole cult of kink devoted to big muscle guys wearing nylons and tights. Lucas Entertainment (one of the biggest male porn houses) puts out videos catering to it. So it is not that big a stretch to find these items for big guys.

  41. Cross dressing can either enhance or break a marriage...what if he was 'pantsed' while on the court? That would be very interesting...can you imagine the announcers having to figure out how to describe that....awesome!

  42. I have no idea who this could be. I am happy that he found someone who doesn't mind his cross dressing habit. That couldn't have been easy for him to share.

  43. It's a totally harmless hobby. Why make a big deal of it?

  44. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Google images of Chris Bosh. I could see him being the one.

  45. Don't know the answer and don't really care,

    but now my daughter and I will be playing with a website that tries on hair and make-up styles after we download some player headshots.

    My grandmother ran a lingerie dept at an upscale dept store, she said men would come in all the time to buy garments for themselves. She would fit bras and shapewear for them or special order items. This was in the 1950s.

    Pretty harmless really, as long as his wife doesn't care.

  46. Meh - I agree that if it works for both of them and he is being honest about it in his marriage then al the power to him... I find it oddly sweet that she would do that for him actually. I can't say I'd roll with it THAT way but good for them!
    But i do agree, save the late nights for the off season...

  47. I dated a guy that liked to wear my undies. It was kinda hot actually.

  48. Whoever it is, and I don't care who, I'm glad that he has found peace with himself and his current wife.

  49. Steve Nash is my guess. Whoever it is shops for his "wife" so size 16 pumps might garner too much attention. Steve Nash and Chris Bosh, for that matter, are pretty small and could get away with shopping for their "wives"...

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Chris Bosh would be a good guess. Don't think it's Nash, who divorced his wife the day after she gave birth to their last child... sounds harsh except that the kid was black.

    The teammate responsible was traded immediately

  52. Of course, it's Bosh. Watch him run once, and it's obvious he's wearing a thong. LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM, btw. I'll keep wearing his jersey, and he can wear my panties next time he's in town. :)

  53. I think its Carmelo. He's the only one of the allstars mentioned with worse stats in the 2nd game of a back to back than his season averages.

  54. OFF TOPIC: The website says there were nearly 1000 comments on the "Pregnancies" blind item last Friday. I can only get 200 to show up. Can any of you young whipper-snappers tell an old fogie like me how to access the other comments. Himmmm hinted that he (or she) was going to be posting some mind blowing info later and I was trying to get to it. Thanks ahead of t6ime for any help you may provide!!!

  55. @obitguy
    don't click on comments link, click the actual full article link on top, at the bottom of page click newer/newest to show more comments

  56. Ouch re: Khole being the same size. She may be tall but I'm the same height and a 16 and she's way thinner. No way a muscular man over 6'4" could wear her clothes.

  57. For variety's sake,I would guess Dwyane Wade if he were actually married to Gabrielle Union (they've been together for a long time). And he's on the shorter end as far as ballplayers go.

  58. Damn, missed out on my chance to perform my "job" on this site.

    Moose, thanks for the info. I know a few biggish guys that do drag performances and get their stuff from websites, and theatrical costume shops, but if this guy is going shopping in person that's what made me think his choices would be limited. :)

    Eddie Izzard is a cross dresser ("executive transvestite"). He's still married isn't he?

  59. Lots of hetero guys like to wear women's clothing, which I don't get because some of it can be damned uncomfortable. If I were the wife, I'd be okay with it as long as he stayed away from my clothes.

  60. Whoever it is, maybe his game will improve since he doesn't have to confine his secrets to road trips with his wife's support. NBA players are notorious cheaters so I'm sure his wife would rather have him do that than cheat.

  61. Thanks Mr. President!!!

  62. Let it be Kobe! He's the only basketball player I know, besides Michael Jordan.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I say Chris Bosh after seeing this link!
