Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Crash & Burn

It was not that long ago that this actress was headed for A list status. She kept getting the female leads in movies and was getting her name above the title and then one day it just seemed to vanish out of nowhere. The biggest clue I can give you is that she dated someone who also dated a blind item star of the past few weeks. She also has starred in a very big franchise.

This actress is probably a C- right now for what she is doing now, but still has great name recognition. She might even have an A list name recognition. Before our actress hit the big time, I knew her and she was just someone who was trying to make it. Her only vices were shots and chain smoking. When she began to hit it big she got introduced to coke. She told me about the first time she did coke and said she wanted to stay awake for days on end and never stop doing it and she felt like it was her best friend. This was after just one night. Our actress got so hooked on coke that she spent an entire paycheck from a movie on coke. Over $1M in just a few months was gone on coke. Then, still addicted, but not really able to pay for it, she got involved with a group of guys who kept her supplied but they had to do her favors. Not for them. They thought she was already too cracked out, but they certainly gave her to investors because they wanted to prove they had connections and because our actress at the time drove guys crazy. The group of guys got their money which they used for businesses but also skimmed off a huge chunk.

Meanwhile, our actress was still addicted to coke, and was not getting any parts. She still had fame and was making money doing promotions, but the bulk of her income came from hiring herself out to whoever could afford her. Just because she was strung out does not mean she could not charge high prices. A night with our actress cost upwards of $25,000, plus she got free booze and drugs and it was not a bad way to make a living. Her family staged several interventions, but they never worked. Our actress became known as someone who could keep her mouth quiet and was up for anything. If you had enough money, anything was game.

Actors, athletes, actresses, anyone and everyone this actress f**ked for money. No matter that her most recent movie was becoming a faded memory, people still lined up to give her money to sleep with them. She slept with the entire male cast of this very popular hit comedy that has launched a bunch of careers. They had a party and invited her. She was the only guest. When this A++ list movie actor and former co-star was having premature problems, he called her and they spent once a week together for a year until he felt confident again.

Then about 18 months ago, the drugs and booze finally got to our actress and she had an overdose/heart attack. Something serious happened. She was in Europe on a yacht and almost died. This was her wakeup call. Her rock bottom. She was not earning as much money from selling her body and her body was not going to last much longer anyway. She said she went four years straight of doing coke everyday but a week when she was with a guy who would not let her do any. She had charged him extra.

So, our actress started reconnecting with people and the next thing you know she got an indie and a guest spot on a very popular show and even a nice feature film. She even managed to get back in touch with me and says she is on a very precarious edge. She slips frequently and has accepted offers from men, but is slowly turning her ship around. Would be nice to see.


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Ryan said...

As much as I wish it was Jules Kirby, Immna hafta go with Kirsten Dunst for the MuthaF*ckin' Win.

MontanaMarriott said...

I like the Kirsten guess except I cannot fathom men paying for THAT body or face lol

Borg Queen said...

Originally I was going to say Natasha Lyonne but maybe Tara Reid fits too but I dont know what she did a cameo in. I know I saw Natasha in somethng recently

spacecowboy78 said...

Also, what did Dunst get paid to promote?

littlemanwhatnow said...

lucy liu? charlies angels... kill bill in movies then poof has a guest spot on southland and two films coming out..maybe?

Beth said...

Kirsten Dunst makes sense, but she hasn't had any guest spots.

Maja With a J said...

In the first paragraph I thought of Zoe Saldana...but then I read the rest of it and it's probably not her...*L* I really suck at guessing blinds.

Chad Sexington said...

Nope. Dunst was never "just trying to make it". She went from Interview With a Vampire into a string of movies. She was the first person I thought of, but it does not make sense.

Tara Reid?

Cancan said...

Seriously, it's not Kiki. She started in the business so young.

hunter said...

Wasn't Kirsten Dunst in that vampire movie as a child?

She's not pretty enough to command that type of money, I'm more thinking Tara Reid or something.

spacecowboy78 said...

Yeah and she has no TV work in the last 10 years other than a TV movie in '03. Not her.

lunaire said...

Eva Mendes? Don't know what she's doing right now but I simply just thought of her.

chopchop said...

Hi Ryan!!! *waves frantically*

George Wendt??

Momster said...

Who else has been a blind item star of the past few weeks? That's a big clue, and then maybe we can figure out the dating part. I suck at this.

Beth said...

Lucy Liu's a great guess.

She was in Charlie's Angles and has been guesting on Southland. She's in Detachment, the new indie movie with Adrian Brody.

A lot of her work in recent years appears to be voice or guest work.

pilly said...

Natasha Lyonne was in the hospital knocking at deaths door. I like that guess

Grey said...

I'm going with Mena Suvari for the win

Disappeared off the planet,

Recent guest spot on American Horror Story

imogen7 said...

Plus didn't Himmmm say that Mena Suvari was on his 2010 death list because of all the drugs? I recall something about her in one of his Hayden P posts.

Stephe96 said...
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Stephe96 said...

Heather Graham? She was in one of the Austin Powers movies.

OonieBird said...

I like the Mena guess - ties in with Wes Bentley in one of the last blinds...

spacecowboy78 said...

Was Mena ever an above the line star though?

Fijigrrl said...

Im going with Tara Reid -- best of luck to her

Tara Green said...

I'm thinking Tara Reid as well, she's been looking fantastic. There doesn't seem to be a TV spot in the recent past though.

EmEyeKay said...

It's not Mena.

Grey said...

Ps Mena is in the random photos this week, looking stick thin next to a very pregnant Alyson Hannigan

CICommunity said...

megan fox

Agent**It said...

Tara Reid? she dated Carson Daily and he dated Jennifer l. H. .. I think?

OonieBird said...

Juliette Lewis?

Lisa said...

I kind of get the feeling that this actress would be mid-30's/early 40's? Based on the line "She slept with the entire male cast of this very popular hit comedy that has launched a bunch of careers."

What would this show be? I was thinking "Friends." There aren't too many comedies left with definable male cast members.

I don't think it's Mena though because she has spent some time in a couple of marriages. Also, Enty LOVES Mena and if memory serves, they met at a comedy club or something when she talked to his dad. That was just, what, 2 years back?

spacecowboy78 said...

Megan Fox has no recent TV work. I thought the word on her was that she got blacklisted for being a big mouth regarding Michael Bay.

theinternetbully said...

def not kirsten waaayy off track with that.

danatestingsite said...

I wouldn't consider any of the American Pie actresses to ever have been close to A-list. Alyson Hanigan might be close to it in TV, but not in film, and this is definitely not her.

OonieBird said...

Oh wait. Big franchise... Never mind the JL guess

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Katie Cassidy?

SusanB said...

Speaking of Himmmmm - did anyone see this story on

I didn't know anyone went to RFO for a comment.

hunter said...

Definitely NOT Megan Fox either.

cdanluva said...

What about Wynona Ryder? Wasn't she in Star Trek?

She may be too old for this blind. I also like the Heather Graham guess.

RenoBlondee said...

Well I kept thinking Lindsay fit, but knew it wouldn't be her. No idea.

commandeered said...

The blind said she tried coke for the first time when she hit it big and did coke daily for the past four years. Plus the 18months that she has been sober.

Who was hot 5.5 years ago and in a movie with an A+++ male actor?

CaliGirlinVA said...

Heather Graham. Movie with guys: Hangover

rastafarla said...

The first name to pop into my head was Linda Hamilton. Schwarzenputz may have been her co-star.

Lori said...

For the show that launched a bunch of careers, I was thinking Freaks & Geeks, which launched the careers of James Franco, Seth Rogan, Jason Segal, etc. Not sure how that helps the rest of the blind, though.

Amber said...

When I think of Tara Reid, I don't really think of "female lead", though her propensity for being trainwrecky is certainly there, and she's been linked to a bunch of really random guys.

CaliGirlinVA said...

And her character in Hangover supposedly based on Estella Warren, who had "something" with Himmmm in the 90s.

theinternetbully said...

only popular sicom that has launched a bunch of caeers of recent memory is friends, damn near everyone went on to something else, and had strong male leads know for scooping up the vag.

theinternetbully said...


happygrl said...

How about the sitcom being That 70's Show. Could definately see them doing that!
Tara Reid for the actress and Ryan Reynolds for the A++ movie actor.

Jennifer H. said...

I thought Kiera Knightly first, then as I read, switched to Heather Graham. But when the blind ended with "turning her ship around," I wondered about Kiera again.

dia papaya said...

My initial thought was the lovely Tara Reid.

Good for her, whoever she is! Hopefully it wasn't too late.

MontanaMarriott said...

Wow re: the Fox news article about RDJ being Himmmmm, that is crazyyyyy.

theinternetbully said...

@happygirl...starting to get onboard with this Tara Reid thingy

danatestingsite said...

Julia Stiles?

The franchise: Bourne
The TV series: Dexter

jetfuelgenius said...

I like the Wynona guess...she was on an episode of Friends in the early 00's...and she disappeared for a couple years here and there...the shoplifting, prescription pills etc...she was in Star Trek, Black Swan, she's worked on some smaller projects in the past few years...and she was THE IT girl in the early 90s...

dia papaya said...

I remember this too...

Loserly said...

Marisa Tomei

DixieTheNoble82 said...

I can't think of anyone but the comedy that launched a bunch of careers immediately made me think of The Hangover.

I do like the Kiera guess.

Grey said...

I do like the Heather Graham guess..she was on Portlandia this year. However, the problem is both Mena Suvari and Heather Graham were huge around the same time (1999)

Austin Powers and American Beauty.

As American Beauty is bigger, I'm still leaning towards Mena. She got tons of recognition for that film. Everyone knew her name after that. Her franchise was American Pie. She has ties with the Wes Bentley blind item from earlier.

And if Enty does really love Mena Suvari, the tone of the blind item seems like Enty actually likes this person...

Stephe96 said...

Unless I'm missing something, the "very popular hit comedy" isn't necessarily a sitcom.

commandeered said...

What about Anne Hathaway?
Franchise being Princess diaries?

Anonymous said...

keira Knightly is a great guess.

danatestingsite said...

And going along w/ my Julia Stiles guess: the A++ actor could be Matt Damon.

Borg Queen said...

how bout that 70s show, that show created alot of people's careers and we know the guys are not above fucking the same chick and werent some of them fucking the blonde sister.

Grey said...

I like the Keira guess, but cant be her. She has no guest spots on any hit tv shows (I dont think voice acting in a mini-series counts).

Jennifer H. said...

What movie opened with Tara Reid's name above the title? This lady sounds like she was/is a pretry big star. I can't see this being Tara.

Anonymous said...

Halle Berry.

jessica maria said...

Borg Queen - I also think it's That '70s Show...based on how slimy the dudes are.

Cancan said...

Either Julia Stiles (Dexter) or Heather Graham (Portlandia.) But neither seems quite right ... this is a great blind!

DixieTheNoble82 said...

@SusanB - That article is wild. I didn't like how it claims the site allows anonymous comments though.

danatestingsite said...

AAAAND, Julia Stiles played opposite Topher Grace in Mona Lisa smile, so there's a good That 70's Show connection.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind it doesn't add up.
we need Starred is a very big Franchise, EX A List, Recent spot on a "HIT" show, an indie movie and a feature.

Ashton Kutcher would do all that is mentioned but he is a dude.

Borg Queen said...

I just saw Tara Reid did a movie with Ashton (My boss' daughter) in 2003, pics taken of her hanging with WIlmer and Ashton in 2005. Last tv work she did was Celebrity Big Brother (UK) in 2011.

Borg Queen said...

And we know she was in a 3some with ARod and Cameron Diaz.

Borg Queen said...

OMG it is Tara Reid because she has a indie film in post production:

Last Call is an upcoming American independent comedy film and the directorial debut of Greg Garthe. The film stars Travis Van Winkle and Ryan Hansen. Filming began in Los Angeles in August 2009 and it is currently in post-production.

Does Celebrity Big Brother UK constitutes as a tv cameo though??

danatestingsite said...

I'm still on the Julia Stiles train. What about this, though: "I can give you is that she dated someone who also dated a blind item star of the past few weeks."

According to who's dated who, Julia Stiles has dated Michael C. Hall, Josh Hartnett, and Heath Ledger.

MCH was married to Jennifer Carpenter.

Josh Hartnett was with Kiki Dunst, Scarjo, Sienna Miller, Rihanna, Mischa Barton, and Amanda Seyfried.

Heath was with Naomi Watts and Michelle Williams

Could any of them be potential BI subjects?

Redheat said...

I'm going with Heather Graham. It states she was involved in a "Franchise" which would suggest the Austin Power's series. There was a time when it looked like she was poised to become the next hot actress, then nothing. It would make sense about her name recognition too, since most have heard of her even though she hasn't been a star in quite sometime.

MM said...

C- list actress with A list name recognition would rule out Tara Reid, Natasha Lyonne, Julia Stiles, Mena Suvari, in my opinion. It does sound like someone notorious like Lindsay. No one comes to mind, though.

tealily said...

Hm. My first thought was Keira Knightley, but somehow I can't see it being her. Heather Graham was also a guest on Arrested Development.

tealily said...

And there is no way Natasha Lyonne has A-list name recognition.

von said...

Okay, here's my guess: Carrie Ann Moss (Matrix franchise) -- A++ lister Keanu

She just did some guest spots on Chuck.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

That's why I was guessing Katie Cassidy....bec she is probably C- now but her name is famous (David Cassidy's daughter). And Himmmm said she is a coke head headed for disaster and he knew her personally. And she dated Topher Grace if you want a that 70s show connection. ;)

alisontheoriginal said...

Tara Reid. I remember Enty talking about her a long time ago. Seems to know her. Said something about her real estate holdings. She looks good lately.

WastedTime said...

My first thought was actually Renee Zellwegger (franchise: Bridget Jones), because what the hell happened to her? But now I think she's actually too famous to fit this blind, and I can't think of any recent projects for her either.

Daveb said...

I don't think its Heather Graham.She's made twelve movies since 2009 - doesn't indicate someone unemployable due to a drug problem. I think her only issue is that, at 42, she is reaching the end of the line as a leading lady. Most of the films appear to be lower budget independents.

Theresa said...

I like the Heather Graham guess. It can't be Keira--she's never done TV, and she's been working consistently over the years (plus, pretty as I think she is, I can't really see that many men going crazy for her, she's not really the sexpot type. Same with Kirsten). If it is Heather, I hope she's doing better--she always seemed nice.

Smokey772 said...

I don't think many of the popular guesses are big enough actresses where they were headlining movies and have the ability to charge for $25K a night.

I don't know why but Demi Moore popped up in my mind. She was one of the highest paid actresses and then just disappeared. She did Charlie's Angels franchise and Bobby as a comeback. She also had a health scare recently.

Char said...

Entry posted about a year or 2 ago about how he met Mena Suvari for the first time. She may be on drugs, but this blind is not her.

I'm leaning towards Heather Graham I guess, although no one guessed so far seems to fit perfectly. I suppose, though that Enty could have tweaked some details to protect the person since it seems like he likes her.

Unknown said...

How has no one thought of lindsay lohan??

Unknown said...

How has no one thought of lindsay lohan??

Princess said...

I don't think anyone has guessed correctly yet. I think we're still missing someone. I like the Marisa Tomei guess, but I just looked at her IMDB and it shows she has worked very consistently, except for 2009. I think there needs to be a bigger gap than 1 year.

Unknown said...

Taryn Manning - she guests on Hawaii 5-0 and I think has a history of drug use. Just can't think of the franchise she starred in...

surfer said...

When I read the line "She was in Europe on a yacht," made me think of Hayden. God knows, she's done pretty much everything, but has she been in a franchise?

crila16 said...

Kirsten Dunst...definitely.

rastafarla said...

Ok, I'm doubling down on Linda Hamilton after looking at IMDB.

-Huge name recognition even now, especially due to the Terminator movies that men grew up with, hence the continued fascination in sleeping with her

-Dated and married James Cameron (could be reference to blind item star, although I don't know who Cameron's dated). Also reference to 'turning ship around' with Titanic.

-Known cokehead with $1m payday off Terminator 2

-Preemie costar could be Schwarzenegger - too many steroids

-After Terminator it seems like her roles were pretty small. She recently guested on Chuck and apparently has a movie in pre-production

-General badass! Someone like Kirsten Dunst seems too frail to live that life for extended periods of time. Also Enty's timelines can be skewed so a lot of this could have gone down in the 90's

Anonymous said...

What about Michelle Rodriguez? Part of the Fast and Furious franchise. Starred in around 25 episodes of Lost. Had name above the title with Resident Evil and S.W.A.T. Then, started doing BloodRayne and some other bad movies for 3-4 years. Got back on track with another F&F installment and Avatar. Has known alcohol problems, so cocaine wouldn't be a stretch. Has had trouble with the law. She's attractive and was once thought to be bisexual, making her desirable to everyone.

The rest doesn't seem to fit, though.

KateJ11 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Von, Moss slowed down her career because she got married and had three kids in six years. And actually, now that I think about it, she continued working, she was just doing smaller films after The Matrix series. So I don't think it's her.

Missjenny619 said...

WastedTime - I was thinking it was Renee Z as well. She dated Bradley Cooper and she was in a franchise when she did Bridget Jones Diary.But accoring to IMDB, she hasn't really disappeared for 4 years at any point in time.

Theresa said...

Could it be Shannon Elisabeth? She was hyped up so much when the first American Pie (franchise) movies happened, but then totally disappeared, until she was on That 70s Show (guest spot).

I don't know who her A++ list co-star would be, though, so maybe not.

:| raven |: said...

anyone guess Cameron Diaz?

fedwaymom said...

Eva Mendes

MISCH said...

Linda Hamilton got mega bucks in her divorce from Cameron, lots and lots of millions ....
When in the last few years has Keira not been working and visible ?
I know everyone is guessing and I'm pretty clueless..
And Carrie Moss had a baby a few years ago...

seaward said...

I was thinking Lindsay Lohan till I got to the part about her family staging interventions.
I'm on the Heather Graham train.

david91 said...

Probably wont fit, but what about Elisabeth Shue, Daryl Hannah or Michelle Pfeiffer?

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ash said...

hm good point re renee z, she hasn't had a movie out since 2010 and only has 1 in pre-production - what did happen to her?? but i don't think this is her because she doesn't have any recent tv guest spots and the time line doesn't fit; the blind describes someone who peaked a while back, then crashed and burned and as of 18 months ago is reappearing and turning it around. renee worked steadily thru the 90s and 2000s and only disappeared in the last couple yrs.

im stumped - heather g doesn't have any recent tv guest spots and neither does tara r. maybe natasha lyonne - she had a well-documented drug problem, the franchise (american pie), recent tv guest spot (new girl) and a couple movies coming out. A++ costar with problems could be ryan reynolds from blade trinity. but is she/was she ever big enough to fit this?

julia stiles could work too, if you fudge the timing a bit and consider dexter to be the recent tv guest spot.

Beth said...

Elisabeth Shue and Michelle Pfeiffer are married with children. That would have merited a mention.

crila16 said...

Changed my's Heather.

Actress: Heather Graham, formerly A list (just about), now a C-

Wanted by a lot of men, because of her Roller Girl role in Boogie Nights

Franchise: Austin Powers

A++ Actor and former co-star in a movie: Johnny Depp (From Hell)

Guy she dated who has been in the BV the past few weeks: Ed Burns

Entire male cast from a comedy who she slept with (show launched their careers): Cast of the Hangover (or if it’s a TV show, Entourage)

msgirl said...

Since I'm older than most of you I don't know who half the people you mention are, but I definitely would know someone with Alist recognition. Who was close to getting her name above the title? That's key, that means she could open the movie by herself, we're talking major star. ALso someone probably in her late 30s by now since her body won't last.

Mother Campfire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoElla said...

I'm still getting the Lindsey vibe..

She did all those disney remakes and that could be considered a franchise.

She dated Fez from That 70's show

Anyone know what she made for Mean Girls?

She just hosted SNL

And wasn't she seen on a yacht around 18 months ago? I remember her going to Europe and everyone was like WHAT?! it was around the time the Judge reemed her out.

And there have been whispers about her family trying to do an intervention on her.

Thoughts gang?

crila16 said...

Indie Film: Cherry

spacecowboy78 said...

Lohan has no recent work other than her SNL appearance. She's never been in a big franchise; I don't think a "Herbie" movie counts.

spacecowboy78 said...

*Recent TV work

selenakyle said...

Tara Reid immediately came to mind.

Going back now to read y'all's guesses!

Or....maybe Anna Whatshername from the Scream movies?

trogdor said...

Tara Reid

Did Boss's Daughter with Kutcher in '03, so I would say the cast would be the '70's show.

All over Europe the last few years. Definitely has A/B name recognition, especially if you're a guy. Remember when she used to party with Kim, Lindsey, Brittany and stuff? Probably how she got into the prostitution ring.

Slept with actresses - Diaz/Rodriguez blind revealed here.

And the big one - A++ implies Oscar, she was in Big Lebowski with Jeff Bridges. So Bridges as A++ actor, not Reynolds.

msgirl said...

Well whoever it is I wish her well, and hope she makes it!

Marisa said...

I like the Linda Hamilton guess.

I say George Clooney for the A++ with issues in the sack. Rumors abound about that.

With George in mind, how about Alicia Silverstone? She was a star from Clueless. Then she had zero projects in the works from 2008-2011.

Recently in some show called "Suburgatory" and currently has two movies in post-production: "Gods Behaving Badly" and "Ass Backwards," the latter of which looks to be Indie...

Marisa said...

Of note: Alicia was in the Batman franchise with George Clooney. Holler!

Woodsy_gal said...

I'm on the Julia Stiles bandwagon.
guest spot on tv: Dexter
movie coming out: bell tower
didn't do much between 08-10

evidence of issues in 2011:

NernersHuman said...

Heather Graham was in that Judy Moody kids movie last year.

JoElla said...

Spacecowboy, she did herbie, the parent trap and freaky friday. thats what I meant for frahchise.

But in todays photo Tara is in them.

So I am split on Tara and Lindsey, but leaning more for Tara.

cdanluva said...

Tara Reid is in the photos today . . .

SueRH said...

Alicia is married and a vegan. Very clean lifestyle. She's been with her husband for 15 years and has a baby. No way.

hunter said...

Hey everybody - Enty just posted this on his facebook, I suspect in relation to this blind:


msgirl said...

I don't think it's Linda Hamilton altho it makes some sort of sense. She's 56, and most men wouldn't find someone even in their late 40s ultra hot (the fools) and she's filthy rich, doesn't need to sell her body.

selenakyle said...

Anna Faris is who I meant. And from the Scary Movie franchise, not Scream.


CaliGirlinVA said...

And Heather was in a movie with a current A++ actor way back in the day, who easily could have had premature ejaculation problems from the mess he was back then.

In other Himmmm/Gang of Four reflections, anyone see Corey's twitter page? He moved to England. Getting the hell out of the US before that book comes out, eh?

Leslie said...

I just don't think Lindsay's been even close to sober over the last 18 months.

smooches said...


rastafarla said...

Taking one more stab at the Linda Hamilton guess.... What if all of this took place in the 1980's and 1990's, before her marriage to Cameron?

-The family intervention could be from her first marriage which she says failed due to drug abuse.

-She could have started getting clean in the mind 90's. Looks like she had a guest spot on Frasier, and did a couple of movies at that time. Maybe turning the ship around was marrying James Cameron.

-The very popular sitcom would fit the timeline of Friends as some have mentioned.

Just don't know who the blind star is that also dated someone Hamilton dated.

alisontheoriginal said...

hunter - off topic - he's talking about ME in that A-D list. lol!

I used to be quick on the draw here. :(

Marisa said...

Then I am on the Tara Reid bandwagon. Definitely A name recog with her history of fuck-ups.

She was in Big Lebowski with A++ Jeff Bridges. Done.

Sherry said...

I'm on the Heather train here because she seriously is pretty enough without being skanky and I can see guys wanting to be with her..I cannot see that with Linds. However I am having a hard time figuring out who had their name above the title. Seriously I never see a womans name, only men. And not very often at that.

rastafarla said...

Can't believe I'm spending soooo much time on this! Anyway this is really my last comment....

The reference to 'precarious edge' could point to Dante's Peak which is a movie that Linda Hamilton did when she may have been turning things around.

Susan said...

I just don't see Heather Graham having A-list name recognition. Because the blind says the star in question could have A-list name recognition right now.

Maybe it is Lindsay.

uberbaldy said...

I'm on board with Tara Reid. If only because I want a coke habit to be responsible for her getting such a horrible boob job. Otherwise, no clue but my first thought was Megan Fox. Howver as someone else has mentioned she was cut off because she was a bitch.

Susan said...

I initially thought Megan Fox, too. But her relationship with BAG, unless it's a sham, kinda debunks the actions in this blind.

I also don't see tons of men drooling over Kirsten Dunst, Keira Knightly or Tara Reid.

I think in her prime, Lindsay Lohan, was highly desired. No question about Meghan Fox, but she just doesn't seem to fit to me.

I feel like the star in question needs to be a major sexpot/siren type.

crila16 said...

I initially thought Megan Fox too...but she's been with the possessive BAG.

Tara Reid??? Tara Reid was NEVER one movie, but that was it. Heather Graham had far far better and bigger of a career and almost close to A list or headlining. She maybe hit a B list after her was A list.

Yahump said...

It's definitely Tara Reid. She didn't do shit for 3 years while coked out from 2008 to 2011. She got a part in The Fields an independent film in 2011 and now has American reunion coming out. Plus in 2010 and 2011 she was "dating" 2 or 3 guys from Denmark and Greece. Where she would have been on a yacht and had a non-public heart attack.

Henriette said...

This could fit a few actresses who disappeared, Wanna Ride Her, Heather Graham, Julia Stiles, and Kiki Dunst come to mind. I think this actress is older than Tara Reid. I also don't think Reid would be a blind item. She is already so out there, as is Lindsay Lohan.

spacecowboy78 said...

Tara Reid fits the best, but that means the "guest spot on a hit TV show" was the U.K. Celeb Big Brother.

Who'd be the A++ former co star she "helped" ? Ryan Reynolds? Someone else said Jeff Bridges, but that seems ridiculous.

happygrl said...

If you click on Enty's labels for Tara Reid, there are many instances when he mentions people/boyfriends paying her.

Monty said...

How did I miss so many of Himmmm's comments? I didn't even know about giving out Natasha's phone number.

Off topic- Where has Hayden been since her blind item has hit mainstream media?

Mish said...

Why hasn't anyone mentioned Elizabeth Hurely? Maybe I'm way off.. She has been in Austin Powers..

Monty said...

On topic: Has Tara ever received a $1M paycheck from a movie?

MiVidaCoca said...

Oh i can just taste the stench of coke(gasoline) from over here!

I am pretty sure this is Lindsay or Tara Reid. 18 months back she had an heartattack, did coke constantly 4 years back. Puts us at around 2006/2007 when Lindsay became an apparant skeletor and started her public fall from grace(saying public cus it might have started much earlier, we just weren't around). Also, i would argue that Lindsay fits the C-, but A+ name recognition better than Tara or Heather G(nix'ing Heather just on that account). Just by being infamous Blohan is a superstar. Same with being the piece that everyone wanted to bang, she were a constant in magazines like Maxim, GQ (anything glossy and she spread it!) and the likes between ca. 2006 - 2009/10.

Lindsay Lohan, return of the Firecrotch as the epic crash and burn..

CJ said...

@ crila16 - nice work, I think you might be right!

But in case it's not...

Kate Bosworth?

Grey said...

The tv show aspect of the blind doesnt fit Tara Reid. Celebrity Big Brother UK is a bit of a stretch

I'm firmly in the Mena Suvari or Heather Graham camp.

After reading what Enty posted on facebook about A-list...I started to suspect Lucy Liu. Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore are both mentioned in the post. Lucy Liu is also in the random photos today and earlier this week. But I dunno..doesn't quite fit right to me...

SueRH said...

Elizabeth Hurley - Recent guest spot on Gossip Girl, Austin Powers franchise, NOTHING between 2004 - 2011.

yesthatwouldbeme said...

This chick has to be hot, I mean men and women willing to pay $25K++ for an evening, gotta be smokin!! (Kirsten Dunst?????? wrong answer)

how about Halle Berry? her work gets real thin aftyer 2007 on IMDB and she fits as someone really desireable (I personally think heather graham fits too)

How about Pam Anderson?

M. said...

I don't want this to be Heather, but she was on Scrubs in 2004-2005 as well as in Two Girls and a Guy with ROBERT DOWNEY JR and Natasha Wagner.

I keep thinking about how Adam Ant in his autobiography had nothing but nice things to say about her (they dated in the early 90's and his album Wonderful relates a lot to their relationship).

skeeball said...

Penelope Ann Miller

M. said...

Also, the blind mentions that this person is known for being very discreet, hence, their popularity in such circles...

Nichole Fisher said...

@Grey, I agree - I don't think Lucy Liu quite fits either. I don't see her as the type to do the type of appearances where she gets paid. Also, while not all blockbusters, she's worked steadily with no discernible breaks in between.

Espartacus Hughes said...

Seriously shut the fuck up already. Tara Reid and Heather Graham DO NOT have A list name recognition.

The One said...

Demi Moore

CJ said...

Emmy Rossum?

She was all over after Phantom of The Opera, which is pretty well known and had a spinoff - could that be considred a franchise? Also nom'd for a Golden Globe for it.

Dated Adam Duritz, who also dated Mary Louise Parker/Jen Aniston/Courteney Cox.

In 2006 she did the film Poseidon, which also had Kevin Dillon - maybe the cast she slept with was Entourage?

From 2006 to 2009, she didn't do anything. She finally got a role in Dragonball Evolution in 2009, and now she's on TV with two flicks in pre-prod.

tracynator said...

Hurley married (and divorced) big bucks and has a child with a billionaire. Engaged again. Doesn't need the money.

Woodsy_gal said...

How can you say that? What is the basis for A list name RECOGNITION? and no need to be rude about it

EmEyeKay said...

I'm trying so hard to make Lucy Lui fit, and she doesn't. I have wondered "what happened to Lucy Lui", lately especially, because she's working on something I've seen - but it turns out she's been working (somewhat) steadily this whole time.

She's dated George Clooney. Hmmm. I didn't know that. Is she in Room 23?

Nevermind, this is what I get for guessing before I do the homework. Maybe it's just wishful thinking. Sex with Lucy Lui? Yes please.

CJ said...

Oh, and BTW for Emmy Rossum - Poseidon is about a ship, might tie in with that ship remark at the end of the blind.

strawberry_13 said...

Don't know why, but Kate Bosworth was the first cokehead I thought of!

C said...

Neve Campbell?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Sharon Stone?

Cancan said...

Ashley Judd? Now on Missing?
I really am stumped. None of the mentioned names seems quite right.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
msgirl said...

I do think it's Lucy Lui. I could see men paying 25K for her, especially because some really get into t he Asian factor. She also had some very quiet years and if I've heard of her, then she's got name recognition for all ages, lol. Remember she was in Kill Bill, then Slevin, major roles, and then dropped off the radar.

I don't know enough TV to fit her in tho, so I could be off base. The only reason I've ever heard of Tara Reid is because she's a mess, my husband who knows far more than I about entertainment has probably hardly heard of her.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Appearance of Tara Reid in Random Photos makes me think it's her.

NernersHuman said...

Emmy Rossum is on the Showtime series Shameless, which is a big hit.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Lea Thompson.

NernersHuman said...

Lucy Liu got her big break on Ally McBeal, as I recall.

Anonymous said...

Emmy Rosson is a no.
A Lister now a C, she is at her peak now.

Grey said...

Emmy Rossum is a series regular/lead on Shameless. Blind mentions this is a guest spot. It's not her, she's out.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Kim Basinger?

Michelle Rodriguez?

Linda Fiorentino?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Shameless is not only a hit - It's the best show on TV. Poor Fiona. Every time she sees hope in her life path it always gets shit on. I think the show's writers are masochists. LoL.

Carry on with the blind guessing.

Lauren said...

Uma Thurman-Very popular for awhile. Starred in Pulp Fiction, Beautiful Girls THe Producers, Gattaca, etc.

Film franchise was Kill Bill.

If you look at her IMDB page she pretty much fell off after 2005. Very small roles after that.

Current TV comeback-SMASH.

lzahart said...

I want to live in the universe where people pay 25k to sleep with Julia Stiles. Good lord I could be a millionaire if I were down for prostitution! Seriously it cannot be her bc this person has to be smoking hot to command that price.

I do think Tara Reid has A-List name recognition for being a hot mess. And the vice says "she MIGHT" have A list name recognition BTW, not that she does.

If Kate Bosworth fits any of these clues then I would be all aboard that train but otherwise I feel like this is Tara-- only issue is, didn't she have that horrible plastic surgery, do you really think people were shelling out 25 large to be with that?

So... thoughts?

Liz said...

Some people are looking for an A lister, but the BI says she was "... headed for A list status".

I don't want this to be Heather. She has such a chill, bohemian vibe.

ash said...

i think halle's absence corresponds with her pregnancy/birth of her daughter. also she has no recent tv spots so it can't be her.

hmmm liz hurley would fit the sexpot everyone wants to sleep with / franchise / tv guest spot / europe angles but her absence could just be because i don't think acting was ever her main thing, no? she was a model and has a fashion line. also she has had a series of high profile relationships w v rich men, she wouldnt need to sleep around for money.

Mr. Chopoffalof said...


KimiShuffs said...

So, so sad. It is Julia Stiles and here's why.

Popular Franchise is the Bourne series.

Since 2007, which is the last Bourne movie, she has not had any significant work or actual consistent work.

Was in an indie short in 2009 and was a guest star in Dexter for ten episodes in 2010. Nothing for 2011 and finally in 2012 she has six projects she is working on.

This made me laugh, the A++ actor that she helped out was Matt Damon.

Jennifer H. said...

I don't think this is Tara. First, she is a known crash and burn, no blind needed. Second, maybe, maybe she was headed to B- status, definitely not headed to A. Third, Tara can be pretty, but I don't see her, even at her prime (all two seconds of it) driving men "crazy."

And maybe she could headline a straight-to-DVD movie, but once again I ask, in keeping with the blind, what are the movies she was the lead in with her name above the title?

I've got to go think of some other possibilities...

tracynator said...

Think it's Heather folks. It all fits. Saw photos of her from July 2010 on the Mediterranean with some unknown guy. She was in Europe cruising around that summer. And, she is smoking hot still..she was absolutely headed up the list. The Guru opened on her name. Ok, it sucked..but still.. Wishing her the best. Loved her in Boogie Nights. Great movie if you've never seen it with a good message: Coke is bad for you and your career.

Jilly said...

Tara Reid... I consider her A name recognition and the boyfriend of the blind item star in the last two weeks is Jennifer Love Hewitt for the star about the rape and Carson Daily for the boyfriend of both. She was top billed for quite a few movies around the time of American Pie and had potential to be a star from the fame she got out of it. She is also always on vacation and partying on yachts with no way to pay for it except having it paid for! I was having trouble with A+++ star and was can't give Ryan Reynolds multiple +'s on top of an A, but now agree that Jeff Bridges fits the bill.

EmEyeKay said...

@Izahart - agree, think Tara Reid might have A-list name recognition. But that COULD just be for us, the internet-gossip types, because there's so much smack to be written about her. Dunno about typical American viewers.

Also agree in that I don't think many would pay to sleep with Tara. Yech. (She looks better now than she has, I'll give her that.) Same with Kate Bosworth - no, thank you. Julia Stiles? Again, no thanks.

umajo72 said...

Jennifer Aniston! the big franchise is friends,the clue is Angelina Jolie,and the former co-star with performance problems is Gerard Butler, who also co-stared with Jolie in Tomb Raider

Erin said...

Tara did drive men crazy around the time her show on E! aired. All sorts of guys when interviewed said they would love to party with her because she was wild. I could see the douchiest of douches shelling out that much for her.

captivagrl said...

Carmen Electra

Andrea said...

I think this is probably Tara, but just to keep the ball rolling, how about

Neve Campbell, Enty might know here through his Party of Five connections, she was big around the late 90s early 2000s the sort of went off the radar and only seemed to voice work for ages, no credits to her name in 2010 but working again. Also she has quite a close family would probably try to intervene.

Amother guess, Lara Flynn Boyle. She's known to be a smoker, looked dangerously thin at times, not worked much in 2008,9 or 10 but is credits to her name again. A+ bloke with the prem problems could be Will Smith, they worked together on Men in Black II

Anonymous said...

But Less Than Zero author and well-established chemical imbiber Bret Easton Ellis wasn’t about to let the controversy end there. Instead he tweeted last Friday, “Kirsten Dunst looked a lot sadder when I ran out of coke at an Oscar party 5 years ago than at the Von Trier press conference at Cannes”

Anonymous said...

Remember Enty actually knows this actress so it's not Lindsay.

I can see people willing to pay Heather Graham, she's so gorgeous. I hope it's not her, though, she seems so sweet.

I have a hard time believing it's Tara Reid only because I doubt getting top female billing in a Van Wilder movie counts, I doubt she ever came close to almost A list and I don't think Enty knows her or he'd probably have been nicer to her.

Who would he maybe know?

spacecowboy78 said...

@umajo - That's a good one. Best laugh I've had today

Anonymous said...

Should have added, I don't think Julia Stiles comes anywhere near A list name recognition.

I asked my husband and he said if he was crazy rich, and single, he'd pay for Heather Graham, make Tara Reid pay him and there's nothing sexy about Julia Stiles.

Wil said...

Damn. No idea .. but if you speak to her again EL .. tell her we are pulling for her and hoping she makes it back from her precarious edge.

Pazitively Hot said...

Man, this is juicy.

Firstly, 25K is a lot. So ask yourself first, cld she bring 25k in with her sexual prowess?

My intuition is leading me to believe that in order to be a successful hooker you need a good pimp. Which sends me to the infamous Room 23 lookbook. Based on that I'm throwing 2 names into the ring:

Gina Gershon
Minnie Driver

no time to research - got yoga. will be bak

nicanon said...

I thought Julia Stiles was blacklisted for having an affair with someones husband?
I adore her, but do not think she is hot enough to command $25,000 a night.
Lyndsay is rumoured to be liz taylor, she was recently on snl. adn I do believe her family has at least tried to get her help many times. She seems to fit in every way to me?

Frufra said...

Think it's Tara. Look at her IMDB, and google "Tara Reid yacht", then take your pick of the mega-rich she's been hanging out with in St. Tropez over the years. How else is SHE in St. Tropez?

Many articles about past rehabs mention her family, too, as in the BI.

MondelloRanchEngineering said...

This happened about 18 months ago, and it involves a boat in France:

Sue T. said...

I definitely don't think it's Lucy Liu. I saw her on Broadway a couple years ago in "God of Carnage" and you can't be doing 8 shows a week in a highly demanding dramatic role (she was onstage pretty much the entire play) if you're strung out on drugs.

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