Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ted C Blind Item

It takes a lot to shock us here at AT.

That said, we were pretty taken aback recently by some personal plans announced by the hunky Barry Wanger-Banger, a pretty cool gay dude who's never made a point of hauling out the beard factor for his career.

Until now, that is. So color us plum, then, when Barry just revealed…

He's taken the "relationship" he's got going with his latest "girlfriend" to the next level.

Barry's certainly intimating he's going to marry this poor woman (who we seriously doubt knows the full extent of what her man prefers to do between the sheets when she's not around), and the tabloids are certainly biting this possible-engagement line hook, line and sink-her.

Come again? This is the same guy who in the past has proven so pathetically inept at the dating-a-female thing, his idea of a hot time at home is playing basketball out back with the guys? This is with the chick hanging around inside the house, mind you, wondering what the ef she's even doing there in the first place.

Even George Clooney knows not to invite the gals over while he's playing B-ball with the boys! Why can't Barry figure this simple rule out?

Well, because being with the women—and certainly getting engaged to them—was never really his idea in the first place. Nope, we've got a real Jackie Bouffant situation going on here, babes, where Barry's creative team decided it was high time Wanger-Banger's career got, well, bangin' again.

And what better way to do that than with fake matrimony?

Well, fake babies. And that very well may be the next step.

AND IT AIN'T: Jonah Hill, Justin Timberlake, Alex Pettyfer


  1. but then maybe not, what do i know. just saw where he was marrying the russian lady and it kind of clicked... he's a nice guy, whatever he does...

  2. Seann William Scott

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Seacrest? Total shot in the dark here, but why not.

  4. as i was reading i swore it was justin timberlake! Then i saw the bottom and was like DAMN!!! All the signs point to him!

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hasn't Seacrest;s career always been going?

  6. I think Seann William Scott was a popular guess for this previously, Jim Carey has been married and in long term relationships before, this isn't him

  7. it is Sean William Scott---note- he just got engaged, and they call him a cool dude, and the 3 names

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    @sweetstarshine1, I would have guessed Justin for this also.

  9. Pretty sure Seacrest has a different name at TAT although I can't remember it at this second

  10. its Sean William Scott...who I didn't even know was gay. I now think every hollywood actor is gay.

  11. Did Ted outed George Clooney? LOL

  12. It is definitely Sean William Scott. I think it is an open secret that he is gay.

  13. Seacrest's career is on track and Jim Carrey isn't gay (know people who're friends w/ him).

    That's all I got, I'll go with you guys with the Sean William Scott because I have no idea.

  14. @sweetstarshine - I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing - I was shocked to see Timberlake's name in the "and it ain'ts"

  15. Totally thought it was JT also, until the bottom it ain'ts...
    Don't think it's Jim Carrey because at one point he was pretty open on twitter and showed a lot of pictures and it seems he spends all his free time painting, not playing basketball. Plus it would probably mention he has kids, and now even grandkids.

    Just really sick of Ted C everyone-is-gay blinds. And really? This is what "shocked" the AT staff? That a gay guy went so far as to get engaged? Just don't buy it.

  16. Wow! so sad if it is sean william scott! I just watched "Goon" last night and I was thinking how much I just love him. Love him - of course he's gay because I think he's great - go figure.

  17. I like Sean William Scott too. The 3 name thing fits, and also "Banger-Wanger" just makes me think of American Pie and his charecter Stiffler for some reason.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Absolutely no question: Seann William Scott. See this story with the announcement:

    He says: "I don't know how I got her. Just really lucky."

    Also: "Frimodt and Scott have been dating for at least a year and were photographed together at the launch party for Derek Lloyd Saathoff's self-tanner brand "TanSXL" in July 2011." As in Derek from Logo's The A-List: New York, as in the launch party that was littered with go-go boys in gold thongs.

  20. Seann William Scott and he did just out George Clooney.

  21. Latest American Pie movie 'coming out'? Nice PR move...

  22. Oh, more guys are gay. This is brand new information Ted.

  23. How did SWS out George Clooney?

  24. Sean William Scott speaks spanish, sometimes when ted does his vices he will drop in a spanish word like he did with the basketball blind. Definately Sean William Scott, heard he dated the Rock and justin timberlake too.

  25. And I agree with the Sean William Scott guess. A lot of the gossip blogs are buzzing about his engagement being a bearding effort.

    My favorite gossip headline: Seann William Scott's Engaged! Patrons of Boston's Gay Bars Scratch Their Balls in Confusion.

  26. Wow, I keeping thinkinng the JT rule-out is a misprint, I SOOOO thought it was him!

  27. totally thought this was JT

  28. Am I the only one who thinks Sean is average and not hunky.

    What career? Isn't he D list?

  29. The important thing here is that Ted just outed George Clooney, mega-ulta-uber A lister.


  30. Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus? Or Stanley Tucci and Felicity Blunt? Or I just need to stop thinking about Hunger Games.

  31. 2012 and these Hollywood people can't admit they are gay? To be honest, I had no clue who this guy was and no he is not hunky, just average and if he is gay - the shocking part is that the girl has no clue or does not care. Clooney being gay - a lot of people pretty much figured that one. Aren't all the good looking men gay? Hollyweird needs to get over itself and try and be real - back in the day it was a scandal to be gay, now does it really matter????

  32. Wow InVegas why does it make you sad if it is Sean William Scott? That is the exact kind of attitude that keeps these guys in the closet.

  33. Why aren't more people focussing on the Clooney comment?!

  34. LOL @ the Clooney comment. Way to slide that in there, Ted.

  35. Had to think of Jim Carrey, only cause I just read he might be getting engaged.
    Russian golddiggers, man, bet she doesn't care what he prefers, as long as she gets paid

  36. Wow, I had always assumed Sean William Scott was out.

  37. SWS did an web series years ago that had GAY written all over it, and into it.

  38. All of you seem so confident, but I'm not so sure. If I were an agent wanting to help a guy amp up his career with two movies coming out, I wouldn't hook him up with a Victoria's Secret model. (Can't tell most of them apart - tall, sculpted of various hair colors). I would arrange for a higher-profile celebrity, in TV if not in movies.

  39. clooney being gay isn't news. and i swear randy gerber and he have something going on. too much time together.

  40. Probably makes someone sad that he is using this girl to further his career, in a really callous and dishonest way. Not that he is gay.



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