Thursday, March 08, 2012

Stupidity Of The Day - A War Over Chris Brown

Over the past week or so, Rihanna and Karreueche Tran have been arguing back and forth about who Chris Brown likes having sex with more. Tran has come up with such lines as "I'm Angelina and you're Jen. C'mon you see where Brad is at."

First of all, Brad does not cheat on Angelina on a daily basis and didn't with Jen so her analogy is way off. Second, I don't see Brad laying down a beating on Angelina on a regular basis either. Rihanna posted a photo of some rice cakes with some glasses in what could be considered racist because Tran is half Vietnamese. Why in the f**k are people fighting over Chris Brown? He is an a-hole who cheats and beats.


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