Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Snooki Admits She Is Pregnant

Hopefully US Weekly did not pay much for their exclusive. If they would have run the story three weeks ago before the world already knew Snooki was pregnant, than this would have been worth something. When you are standing in your checkout line this week, is Snooki admitting she is pregnant really going to make you buy the magazine. The only way I'm buying it at this point is if she admits the baby could be Vinny's baby. Oh, you thought he left the show because of the pressure. I can see why you would think that.


  1. Is that REALLY a baby bump? Or just her normal bump? She doesn't look any different in recent photographs.

  2. I was more interested in the other cover story - Lindsay Lohan, Destroyed By Plastic Surgery. I'm glad to hear that partying and substance abuse had nothing to do with it!

  3. I would actually like more info on Vinny...what's the rest of the story? LOL.

  4. I can get that kind of a baby bump after eating a chili cheeseburger and drinking a few beers.

    Shit, once at Austin City Limits music festival, I had to pee so badly I had people convinced I was 4 and a half months pregnant and cut to the front of the port-o-potty line.


    Why didn't someone tellll meeeee???

    Oh wait, yeah - that was last week.

  6. It's Beyonce's 9-month baby bump body photoshopped together with 'Who The Hell Is That??' 's head!

  7. I want to see what secret texts Rob was sending to Katy!

    I would not buy any gossip rag just for Snickers, no.

  8. *And obviously Vanity Fair handled the touch ups..

  9. @ lisap515...I'm totally with you. I want to know more about the Vinny thing and what Enty is referring to. Sounds like a BV to me.

  10. PLEASE UNIVERSE. DON'T LET SNOOKI POSE NUDE WHILE PREGNANT!! or any other time for that matter.

  11. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Vinny left the show in September (or August?) so the timing doesn't work.

    I love that pic of LL. I see crazy eyes looking for a soul to steal. Good thing I sold mine years ago for shoes.

  12. Yes but WHY did he leave? Obviously not for anxiety or ENTY wouldn't have mentioned it. What's the SITUATION here? (yes, I had go there). I hate that tool Mike, btw.

  13. Even one of my 12-year-old piano students thinks Jioni (is that how you spell it?) is NOT the baby daddy.

  14. my gut feeling was that Vinny left because he needed a coke break.

  15. I hope she pops out a real oompa loompa. green hair and all.

  16. Snooki's face look really weird in this photo. It's giving me the creepies.

  17. is she Beyonce pregnant or Jessica Simpson pregnant? There are two kinds of pregnancies!

  18. Jionni's an idiot. Acts like he has morals and calls her a pig, etc. when she exposes herself in public, and it looks like Mike's about to tell him about the bj incident with her, but he's still with her??? Money must be good.

    Is it just me or doesn't Lindsay look an awful lot like Nancy Grace in that photo.
