Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Situation Is In Rehab - Blind Items Revealed

With The Situation entering rehab to deal with what he calls exhaustion and what the rest of the world would call his substance abuse problem. His rep denies there are any substance abuse issues. Uh huh. Why treat people like they are idiots. If he needed rest and relaxation he would go on vacation, not to a rehab facility. Now no one will believe a word this person ever says. Anyway, I thought we would revisit a blind item from a few months ago.

September 2, 2011

#2 - This Jersey Shore star has had a rough year. They need rehab and Valtrex now.

The Situation


  1. I really could care less about these people.

  2. It's probably safe to say that the entire cast of Jersey Shore can benefit from Valtrex.

  3. This is the ONLY TIME I've had an ounce of feeling towards any of the JS cast. All I know of them is from online gossip, and they seem like annoying, vacuous people. However, it's a drag when life sends you to rehab. Hope you learn something, buddy.

  4. @ Em. He won't. Sadly have a 2 degree connection to him. He was not playing up much if at all to the cameras. Delusion of grandeur does not even begin to scratch the surface here.

  5. I guess this explains the antipathy towards Mike lately. Lucky, lucky Angelina to have escaped this mess.

    I have to admit to watching this show, but it's mostly because I find Deena endlessly fascinating. She is a bit of a troll.

  6. Am I the only one stuck on the Valtrex thing? Mike is always hooking up w/new girls. Including Snooki. *shudders*

  7. You know, as much hot water as Dr. Drew gets himself into when he comments on celebs, I was so happy the other day when I was flipping channels and came across him for 2 minutes. In that 2 minutes, he said "there is no such thing as exhaustion in a young person that requires hospitalization, they need to be honest". He was talking about the Invisible Children guy, but now when I hear things like this guy is in rehab for exhaustion, it just makes me mad.

    Also, The Dirty has been saying Mike was on coke for awhile. And there are reports during the last filming for JS, Mike was paranoid and sweating.

    Just say you have a problem with coke, seriously. I remember a while back Snooki said Mike was broke. Sounds like he blew all his money on coke.

  8. Herpes- the gift that keeps on giving.

  9. Good on him for getting help. How in the world will he stay sober once filming starts again? He won't be in an environment that will help his recovery. At this point it is way past time for Jersey Shore to go. Who want's to watch a, pregnant Snooki and a recovering Sitch at Karma every week??

  10. I think him and Ronnie should be in rehab for coke.. I'll admit to watching this show religiously and they don't go to the club without hoovering up a ton of coke between the two of them.. alot of times it's painfully obvious.

  11. Well this last season of Jersey Shore is sure to be a hoot with Snooki pregnant and the Situation sober.

  12. It was so obviously cocaine.

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    When your client looks and acts like that (he's wearing an MMA shirt for fuck's sake), why care about your client's reputation, it's trash anyway.

    I watch, I admit it. Did anyone see that last episode with Mike's brother? He looks like he had been in a fire, he's like Mike with a fuck-ton of plastic surgery.

  14. Yeah no hi slams his head into a concrete wall not on something

  15. Wonder if they made him get off the 'roids too.

  16. HA HA HA - THIS:

    "It's probably safe to say that the entire cast of Jersey Shore can benefit from Valtrex."

    Sooooo true. And we all knew he was a cokehead...

  17. @anita_mark: When Mike's brother showed up the other night (with Deana's sister, no less!) I thought, "Jesus, how old is that guy?" He does look like he was in a fire! And how many times on that show has someone said, "Tonight, we're just going to relax, go to Karma and have a good time?" Every night? A season at the Jersey Shore--a season in hell!

  18. I wonder if his boyfriend The Unit has a need for Valtrex too.

    This one had to be all coked up when he bashed his own head into the wall. Afterwards, when he was home alone muttering to himself and crying - priceless.

    Yes, you all know I watch this show. And can't wait for Pauly D's new show to start!

  19. Wasn't there an article recently about The Situation taking a million trips to the bathroom while on a flight from JFK to LAX? Or was that a recent blind? It's all blending together now.

  20. What? I don't believe this.

  21. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The best part is the multi year contract he signed with a certain tactless Vodka company-
    That sure is great press when you have a guy that is hired to be out drinking the product weekly enter

    Crash... and Burn.......

  22. Anonymous12:44 PM

    @Robert, you made me laugh. All I can hear is Pauly D saying that. And Deena. And Snooki. The show is so ridiculous, that's why I keep watching it. I figure Mike is about 48 so the brother is probably 52? 53? And I wanted to see more of Deena's sister. She looked cla-see!

    I do get a kick out of how they all gave up trying. The camping thing came out of nowhere, Snookie still wants to be Mike's friend?? It's like the cameras have booze and drugs taped to them and as they (the cameras) move, those idiots just follow.

  23. About Dr. Drew's comments that there's "no such thing" as exhaustion for a young person. Screw that to the barn door.

    When I left college, I had never had a drink of alcohol. I had never ingested a single drug. I was a total goody-two-shoes. And I had worked myself into a state of complete physical exhaustion. I was hospitalized for two weeks. Not in a rehab center, but in a regular normal hospital. It took two weeks for my system to regulate itself.

    Now, do I believe "The Situation" is in rehab for exhaustion? Please, anyone who's ever seen him knows better than that.

  24. I'm sorry, I've never watched that show. (That's a lie. I'm actually not sorry that I've never watched it.)

    What distinguishes this guy from any of the other guys who have been on the show?
