Sandra Bullock & Heidi Klum Sure Can Party
What do you get when you put together two single mothers with a penchant for partying and nothing to do the night before St. Patrick's Day? You get Sandra Bullock and Heidi Klum trading shots of tequila. Last weekend, the pair went to dinner together at Mr. Chow. Who even knew they knew each other. Apparently they do and apparently they must have a great time at dinner, because they both decided to do two shots each before they got into a car. At least they had a driver. The bar is actually really close to the door at Mr. Chow, so I'm guessing they were passing it and one of them talked the other into it. It would be more fun if someone yelled it out and dared them, but the most exciting thing to ever have happen at that bar is the bartender dropping a glass or Luke Wilson getting hammered at noon. It is kind of fun to think of them slamming back a couple of shots though.