Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Russell Simmons Now Dating An Ex Miss Universe

I wonder if Russell Simmons date from the other night, Angela Martini knows that Russell loves hanging out in bathrooms picking up women. You don't think he met the former Miss Universe at a bathroom do you? She does not really seem the type. The two went to a premiere and after party together on Monday night. Am I missing something? Russell always looks like a dork, but he just has women lining up to be with him. Do you think she also "dated" Donald Trump?


  1. Well we do know that at the very least she does't "talk much" per the blind reveal...

  2. Money f@cks, BS walks.

  3. The size of his stock portfolio probably hides the dorkiness.

  4. Well...she DOES look like she has to pee really badly.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautiful women want validation on being beautiful so they date men that only date beautiful women.

  7. I see she knows how to position and pose herself in back of him to minimize the height difference.

  8. Speech impediment AND he wears hideous white shoes and a baseball cap with a suit. I've said it before - ain't enough money in the world to tap that.

  9. I think your missing the almost half a billion dollars he has.
