Robbie Williams Is Going To Be A Dad
Sorry Jax, but it looks like Robbie Williams is one step deeper with Ayda as he announced today that he and his wife are expecting a baby later this year. He said on his site that he already has planned the nursery, named the baby, cries every second he thinks about the baby and has planned everyday of the baby's future. He also says the couple had sex. Huh. I was wondering about that. You would assume they had sex and did not go the Clay Aiken baster route, but these days you just never know. How come no one has cloned a human yet? If we can clone all these other animals, you know someone must be trying somewhere. I know about the ethical things and all that, but you are telling me there are not some scientists somewhere in the world working on this? Lets just hope that in their downtime they don't watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians.