Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rihanna And Ashton Kutcher

So, Rihanna headed over to Ashton Kutcher's house at midnight and did not leave until 4am. I think everyone wants to make this a booty call and believe me I am all for anything juicy, especially since Ashton is supposedly dating one person and has only cheated on her a few times. At this point I think it is going to take him awhile to get into double digits as to cheating. In this case though, I don't see Rihanna being attracted to him that way. Justin Bieber came over to Ashton's house the other night and no one thought they were playing naked baby oil Twister in the living room. As douchetastic as Ashton is, he does have a lot of projects and maybe I am wrong, but I think it was more business than pleasure. Either that or one of them got some really good pot and could not wait to share it.


  1. Who discusses projects from midnight to 4am?

    It's either drugs or sex.

  2. What Seachica said!

  3. I want to say drugs, he must have a good stash of weed, cus RiRi loves to smoke.

  4. In her defense, this outfit can ONLY be worn during the times of midnight and 4am, because it's too too hideous to be worn during the day where people could see it~

    Also, yeah, what Seachica said.

  5. They were doing drugs, not sex.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am more likely to believe that the Biebs and Ashton were playing naked baby oil Twister than they were actually discussing a worthwhile "project."

  7. Don't care, He's vapid and she's stupid....soooo

  8. Wonder if Ashton is a dealer?

  9. They were talking business. Just look at their lifestyles and traveling schedules. Unconventional life = unconventional business hours.

    They were also doing drugs during this unconventional business meeting.

  10. i can't stand her skanky "look at me again" self ... but drugs or sex - doesn't surprise me. Ashton is as skanky.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Jasmine - this is actually the outfit she wore to dinner last night which was the night after the Ashton 'business meeting' took place. Which makes it worse, don't you think?

  13. Rihanna is slowly but gradually losing more and more weight, real easy to notice since she went blonde and i am sure she felt the reference to scarface with that grammy(?)dress she was pictured everywhere in.. I think she is on a reeeaaally slippery slope with the party scene, lots of drugs and alcohol. Keeps an artist creative ya know! Stay away from the gak and pills Ri!

  14. I choose to believe it was a pot fueled booty call. I also believe that a more appropriate title to this post would be "How to Make an STD Stew".

  15. Ashton boning either RiRi or Bieber wouldn't be hugely shocking. I'd say drugs is more likely in the RiRi case though.

  16. Rihanna would hit that. Please.

  17. @rtsew it was Mary Kate who was involved with Heath.

  18. Ri IS continuing to lose weight. I wonder if it's drug related. She used to have a very healthy body image.

  19. I've heard stuff on Ri but I don't know much on Ashton. What's his deal other than his open marriage/cheating on Demi Moore history?

    Is he a drug dealer too? Into underage girls? Rapey? Prostitution? Bearding? Bisexual? I kinda thought he was one of the more "normal" celebs out there.

    "At this point I think it is going to take him awhile to get into double digits as to cheating"

    On a side note: So confused with that statement above. Wouldn't someone cheating already be into the double digits sleeping with more that one person?

  20. I vote drugs, not sex for these two. I don't think he's nasty enough for her, and that's saying something

  21. I actually don't care! Don't really know why

  22. She's single and he's SORTA single.
    Who cares?

  23. @Mother Campfire- uh yeah, that TOTALLY makes her dress offense worse!

    Sleeping with Johnny Depp notwithstanding, THIS right here is the real crime ;P

  24. So Im the only one on this blog that gets together with friends and stays up half the night? I don't drink or do drugs and I'm a grandmother! I find myself saying, ok I need to go now, 10 times before I actually do and next thing you know its 3am or 4am or the sun is coming up and people are getting up and I know I'm going to be tired for days.

  25. I'm a night owl, and I have the most energy around midnight. I think the Hollywood lifestyle is night-oriented, so this doesn't seem that strange to me. I'm sure they are both regularly partying until the early hours of the morning.

  26. LOL, Anotheramy. You make very valid points.

  27. GROSS! I can't stand either one of them, more power to them keep each other busy and out of my face

  28. I vote business first cause I think she wants to act, then drugs and sex to seal the deal. I think they did the dirty deed trifecta.

  29. I rather like wearing white t-shirts and jeans or shorts...therefore, I think she looks particularly cute in this piccy.

    I'm thinking Ashton couldn't possibly be worse than Chris.

  30. I've been nocturnal most of my life, as was my mom and is my sister. "Night time is the right time," as they say.
