Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ray-J Has A Room Of Whitney Houston Sex Tapes

I don't know if I would want a room full of Whitney Houston sex tapes, because that would mean that I would have had sex with her or watched her have sex with other people, and lets face it, the woman was on crack and strung out the last few years of her life and that is not fun to watch. Star Magazine is reporting though that Ray-J has a room full of sex tapes and that Whitney's family wants him to keep them locked in a safe place and not try to exploit Whitney. I think they should be more worried about the other tapes he has and what that will do to the family.


  1. oh dear. Bobbi Cristina?

  2. So he has a Bobbi Kristina tape as well??? What kind of sleazeball has sex with both mother and daughter and then records it??? There is a special place in hell for this P.O.S

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Or Bobbi Kristina and the pseudo-brother she's engaged to? Possibility it may not even be a sex tape...I'm sure plenty of other things went on, as far as drugs are concerned, that were caught on a cell phone camera. People who are as whacked out of their minds on crack, cocaine, pills, etc., will do some desperate things. Ray J. doesn't seem like the most respectful guy in the world, either...wouldn't be surprised if he tried to profit of this.

  5. Sad. Sick and just sad.

  6. I doubt this has anything to do with Bobbi Kristina - I heard somewhere that they didn't get along, and that Ray J was quoted as calling her a brat.

    But I don't doubt that he has tapes with Whitney, as he has shown himself to be a real low-life.

    And in any case, in order for tapes to be released (at least by the "legit" porn shops like Vivid), both people have to sign off on it, which obviously isn't possible in this case.

    I think he's just looking for a big pay off.

  7. From Twitter earlier:
    Whitney Houston is the not only Houston Ray-J has sex tapes of. He just has way more of Whitney.

  8. People don't make sex tapes to lock them in a safe place. And no normal person would want to drag out the old VCR six months after their "partner" dies and watch a tape of them "having fun." And destroying the tapes would simply be too safe and too respectful - something this guy knows nothing about.

    When these are "stolen" and end up on some website, and you know they will, the denials and the finger-pointing and the lawyer posturing will be long and loud.

    I hate that the world is so jaded that we know exactly how this will play out.

  9. I think he means W using drugs

  10. Man, the stories lately are making me sad. Please give us another Kindness Bandit-type blind, Enty. Soon. :-(

  11. This is a sad sick thing Ray-J might possibly be doing.

    Saying all that...Michael K. on dListed started a thread where he renamed some of Whitney's greatest hits to be able to work as possible titles for the porno tapes.

    Here's a few of his:
    Waiting to Sexhale
    Greatest Poon of All
    Where do Broken Condoms Go

    And I'd like to submit mine:
    I Wanna Get STDs With Somebody
    You Give Good Dick
    I Wanna Cum to You

  12. I love how Ray-J goes out of his way to tell us how much he loves his mom and she's his spiritual guide, blah blah then he puts out sex tapes with a dead woman who is probably the age of his mother.

    Who is creepier than Ray J?

  13. Maybe he has a sex tape with Bobby Brown?

  14. @Jasmine lol you always make me laugh- thank you for that :) Who in the heck would want to see a Whitney sex tape? She could sing but the girl was not a dancing queen she was stiff!

  15. Of course he does. Does he tape all his encounters?

  16. @ivy haha sick, I hope that's who it is

  17. He may have taped BK and whoever doing whatever through a peephole, or when they were so out of it they didn't notice the lens.

  18. Ray J is a Piece of Shtttt. If he had any humanity in him at all and respect for the dead, he would burn those tapes, not try to make money off of them.

  19. Katja- I take that as the highest of compliments- from one long time reader to another ;))

    P.S. Are those chocolate Swedish Fish with sprinkles?! WTF? My taste buds are confused but intrigued by this combo lolol

  20. Anonymous12:09 PM

    can we please blast him off to space w/Ashton so we can never hear from this creep again?

  21. How the Hell did Brandy's brother become such a prominent figure in the Celebrity Scumbag Underworld? I hope Monica's brother is a good guy.

  22. He keeps trying to become famous! Is it that hard to have a famous sister?

  23. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I can't stand this fartknocking little talentless shit. Fuck him if he EVER releases something like this to her.

  24. You all are a bunch of sanctimonious little prigs and self-appointed moral police. Please stay in your sanitized bubble (but I know you won't, because you're hypocrites). You may prefer the care-bear version of a life cut short, but I prefer to know what happened to Whitney, and to deny her life experiences is just ignoring the hind-sight of history. Remember when history was valueable because it taught us not to make the same mistakes? So you smug pablum feeders should just get off your computers rather than parading and flailing around as internet Popes and Reverends determining the truth and morality that you deign to find acceptable. In fact, I say fuck you, all you jerks, and go exert your energy towards solving socities massive and multitudinous problems, rather than contributing to the barrage of smoke and mirrors. You want to save Whitney and her image? Too late. She's dead! And you are not her cousins, aunts or uncles. If the truth hurts you, then you should get a life rather than peddling your naive sychopantic psycho-babble. The truth of Whitney's life will help and aid people more pro-actively than concocting fairy tales and suppressing the facts that contributed to the loss of a great talent. Tony Bennet is a very old man and understands that the veil that tries to suffocate the life experiences of the rich and famous only contributes to further harm to the fans and on-watchers who may identify with the pitfalls and ruination of drugs and their self-denial. The wisdom of the aged was once valued the most, but what we have now is a bunch of human leeches who think they own the moral high ground and have deemed themselves the protectors of a white-washed legacy of someone they have never met, nor will ever know. It is pesky little bugs like you that are a retrograde on the earth's axis. If you want to remain delusional undesignated spokespersons, FINE! Just get out of the way of us who would like to discover the lessons that Ms. Huston's life may reveal.

  25. You're adorable when you write sychopantic.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Oooohhhhhh! I guess UncleVanya told us! LMAO! So much anger for strangers Uncle V.? Get a life my friend.

  28. Uncle V., that is such a wise and truthful statement. I myself, am not trying to save Whitney Houston's image. She wrote her story long ago. I am capable as a decent human being to feel sympathy for her daughter. She was left along at such a young age after being raised in complete dysfunction. You couldn't be more right, that makes me a complete jerk and I will fuck off. Besides, I'm more interested in what the autopsy says about Ms. Houston, as I don't know any recently departed Ms. Huston. Feigning concern about a Ms. Huston would feel quite hypocritical.

  29. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Are we talking about sex tapes of Whitney Houston with Ray J ?? Or are there tapes of Whitney making it with other women too ?
