Random Photos Part Two
Jessica Alba is back from Paris and Honor seems pretty happy to see her.Jaime Pressly has that just come back from vacation look.
I did not recognize Ke$ha at all.
Katherine Heigl was going to give money and then realized she will be lucky to ever get cast in anything again and should hold on to her money.
What's worse? Hulk Hogan sex tape or Kathy Hilton going out braless and see through.
Lana Del Rey sells her soul to Versace for a few bucks.
This is Michael Hebranko. He used to weight 1,120 pounds.
Then he lost all the weight and now
he is back close to 600 pounds. He has gained and lost 4,000 pounds in his life.
It is so much harder to keep the weight off then just lose it. In some ways losing it is the easier part. The pounds always creep back in a few years and then some.
ReplyDeleteWhat has Kesha done to her face? She has liked different in every picture I've seen of her recently
ReplyDeleteI wonder what Kyle Richards thinks of her sister going braless?...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to be insensitive, but ick, nast.
ReplyDeleteHow does a human grow that much skin? (or grow it back?) And where is all the old big skin in the skinny pic? (chest, neck and face all look tight...other than the shiner...) Was it all surgically removed after the weight loss?
And is that a hospital bed in which he's eating what appears to be a loaded egg sandwich?
Actually I do not want to know any of this.
(backing away from the computer)
Lana Del Ray is dressed like D.J. Jazzy Jeff. Are the early nineties making a comeback or something?
ReplyDeleteThey are scratching and clawing to come back. We'll see some elements in high fashion but it should filter nicely to us plebs.
Delete@timebob, very true. If you'd like to learn the science for why the weight comes back, read this:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/magazine/tara-parker-pope-fat-trap.html?pagewanted=all
ReplyDeleteIt's a lot easier to maintain a healthy weight than to gain weight and keep it off.
It's not like that's a new look for the Hilton mom...
ReplyDeleteAs a person with the opposite eating disorder, it's so difficult for me to wrap my brain around the fact that a person would reach a certain weight and not want to do everything possible to get to a normal weight. I'm not skinny by any means, at least lately, and it took a LOT of therapy to get me here... But when I see the numbers creep up past a certain point on the scale, my brain goes into a tailspin. It caused many issues for me in my current pregnancy, where I've had to keep a food diary to make sure I eat enough every day, to keep both baby & I healthy. Because as we all know, one must gain weight in pregnancy...
So yeah, how does one get THIS fat??
Kesha once again looks like she needs to be sprayed with a power washer and some Ajax.
ReplyDelete@Ida, everything moves in 20 year cycles...starting to see colored denim popping up here and there...
Someone last week wrote that although not everything she wears is great, Katherine Heigl at least makes the effort. I never ... what do we say now instead of "give props?"... I never gave kudos to that comment but you are right. I'd rather see a questionable presentable outfit than baggy sweats and flip flops.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm wrong but I think tonight, TLC is airing the "how are they doing now" episode of My 600 Pound Life. My bet is only the first woman kept the weight off.
I think people gain that much weight, lose it, and gain it back again because they have not addressed their addiction to food. Some people don't believe in food addiction,but I do. I have watched a close friend gain and lose the same 110 lbs for the last 20 years. Food is her drug, booze, etc.
ReplyDeleteI totally believe in food addiction. I'm an emotional food eater and have gained and lost weight... I am fortunate I have played tennis for 30 years and can still move and work out, but my back and knees are becoming shot.
ReplyDeleteAnd this guy was on the Richard Simmons commercials in the 80's... I totally remember him .
People lose weight then gain it again because when they lose weight, they're in "diet mode." They know to work out and watch what you eat. When it's time to maintain the weight, they think they can stop working out and eat whatever they want. Then it comes right back two fold. Going on a diet is must be more of a lifestyle change than a temporary fix if you expect to keep it off.
ReplyDelete1100 lbs.?? 600 lbs.??? Holy shit. I have about 60 lbs. to lose thanks to pregnancy + thyroid cancer back to back. And I thought I had a tough road ahead of me!
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ReplyDeleteI'm curious as to how Enty's diet is coming along. I met a girl last week who told me it took her 3 years to lose 120 lbs. She looked great. She said diet is just as important as working out. I've been working out 2 hrs a day for two months but am not losing much weight. The reason: I'm addicted to chocolate. I have to have it everyday. Not a huge amount but I'm sure it adds up. I cut out diet soda and drink lots of water. Meeting with a trainer tomorrow and dietician next week.
ReplyDeleteI've got to have chocolate everyday! I keep a stash of dark chocolate kisses in my office & space 3 or 4 of them throughout the day. I savor them verrry slowly. It's either that or I go back to my 2/day Snickers habit. Good luck!
DeleteOn another note, Jaime Pressly looks like E.T. in that photo.
ReplyDeleteI too could never imagine getting that heavy. I freak out if I gain TEN lbs and take it right off. I am physically uncomfortable carrying extra weight, never mind how it looks.
ReplyDeleteKathy Hiton is a mess, no wonder her children are such assholes.
^I feel the exact same. I freak when I gain 5 pounds. It goes right to my thighs and I feel so blah. It's not fun.
ReplyDelete@Jason B E--Most trainers will tell you losing weight is 60% diet and 40% exercise. I personally think it's more like 70-30! I can work out til the cows come home, but if I eat like shit no amount of exercise in the world will make a difference. I concentrate more on diet than exercise, always.
Anita, I commented that while we might not like her, Katherine Heigl does take the time to look pretty darn good. I'm still ewwww'ing over J.LoveHewitt's Starbucks run outfit of what looked to be pajamas. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for the obese guy. It's a sickness and I hope he gets help.
I think Enty must have a little crush on Jessica Alba. :) I can't think of any other reason why she would be in the photos every day. Has she done anything lately besides that terrible New Year's Eve movie? Why is she even still photographed so much?
ReplyDeleteThat story about the man's weight gain/loss/gain is very sad. I think food addiction is like any other addiction - you have to treat the source of the problem and not just the symptoms. It's like people who get gastric bypass and then gain the weight back. I think it's because they never addressed the reasons why the overeat in the first place. The same is true for some people who get plastic surgery to boost their self esteem. My friend got a nose job and boob job and was so sure that it would make her feel better about herself but after the surgery she was the same insecure girl just with a straight nose and DDs!
Ida - yes, they are, and it kind of terrifies me! A friend just posted some old pictures of me from the 90's on Facebook, and...EEEK!
ReplyDeleteI just started a "get fit" challenge for myself (I know we aren't supposed to self-promote, but if anyone wants to join me or just have a laugh at my expense, click on my face!) - and while I am well aware that you can't exercise away a bad diet, I know that if I start dieting, it's over for me. I stopped that years ago, and I never weigh myself, but lately, I've just become really aware of my back fat, you know? So I've started moving more. I just figure that if I focus on the fitness aspect of it rather than on how much I weigh, I might be able to stick with it.
But yeah, I do - sort of - understand how someone can get that overweight. Food addiction is very real.
For a second I thought Lana Del Ray was Phoebe Price...
ReplyDeleteNot a fan of Kesha, but it's nice to see someone who has a healthy-looking body.
ReplyDeleteKathy Hilton is wearing a white bra. You can see the edge at the top of the cup.
For someone who loses all that weight, he had to have had multiple surgeries to remove excess skin. Such a shame to have had half of his weight loss come back.
Ricky Gervais was on Piers Morgan the other night. He said he didn't diet to lose weight, he just chose to work out. He eats what he wants and when he eats too much of he wants, he exercises like crazy the next day.
I can't diet. As soon as I tell myself I "can't" or "shouldn't" have something, I go ahead and eat it. I chose to use Lent as an excuse to give up bread. I had a sandwich today, but I don't miss bread as bad as I thought I would. Now, if my husband came home with fresh-baked bread, I'd have beads of sweat on my face.
Maja - you're so cute. I hate you.
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with ya! Lol.
DeleteMy name is Dani and I am a sugar addict and emotional eater. It finally took a very strict 30 day cleanse that permits no sugar (artificial sweeteners included) or starch to realize how bad it was. It took me 1 year to gain 95 lbs. & I spent the next 18 years in a vicious cycle fighting the same 20 lbs. I lost 40 more with diet & exercise, only to gain it back. After detoxing my body & realizing why I would eat when not hungry, I have been able to lose it all & now maintain a healthy weight. Exercise is a BIG part of this. I know it is something I will always have to watch. I will, because the clothes I wear now are just too cute to have to pass to someone else because I can't fit in them. Don't get me wrong, I still splurge & have something bad from time to time, but it is occasional - not a way of life.
ReplyDeleteBody Ecology Diet. This book changed my life. For those who think they can't cut out sugar and bad carbs like pasta and bread. If you stick to a certain diet, not only are you eating all the time (good food though), but you stop craving sugar and pastas. I can look at a whole tray of brownies and can walk away without a giving a care. You lose the taste for sweets and junk food completely. I also lost 25 lbs (not on purpose) and I don't look drawn looking. When you eat right, your body naturally goes down to where it should be without you looking unhealthy or sickly. Your skin and hair glows too. I'm never sick anymore either.
ReplyDeleteIs the skinny/obese guy standing next to Nancy Grace? I swear that looks soooo much like her.
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ReplyDeleteI don't care, when you are so overweight that you can't walk, I blame the people bringing him the food.
ReplyDeleteI am so sad for this guy.
ReplyDeleteCripes. For all the people going on about obesity being a choice issue or a food addiction, why don't you read some recent research sometime? The body undergoes physiological changes in reaction to weight loss. It interprets it as being a threat and goes into a survival mode to try to regain the lost weight. By changing the body's metabolism. By sending stronger hunger signals a lot more often. This is why diets have a better than 90% failure rate - the body fights back, and almost always wins. Even people who've had gastric surgery usually gain the weight back in a few years.
ReplyDeleteResearchers are looking for ways to stop or modify these physiological changes, so that keeping weight off will be less of a challenge.
And did you know that exercise can make keeping weight off more difficult, because it burns too little calories and actually makes you hungrier? According to research, that's so. Exercise is good for health, but it doesn't help much with weight loss or keeping weight off.
And yes, there are people who don't realize a permanent change in their eating habits is required. There are people who sabotage themselves for psychological reasons. But when your body is constantly sending you desperate signals that you are hungry, hungry, hungry, and when it begins metabolizing so much more efficiently that your weight loss slows to a crawl, and when its nagging means you are hungry all the time - well then, small wonder that eventually the body's survival mode wins over your will to lose weight and keep it off.
ReplyDeleteEverything you say is true. I will add that processed foods are not helping us either. It's really hard to eat foods that have not been processed. You can stay away from fast food, TV dinners, but so much has additives in it.
Exercise does make you hungrier.
I forgot to mention that all the fasts and cleanses being done are not helping either. The body goes into overdrive after a fast and keeps the poundage.
ReplyDelete@Squeezebox: Yes, I've read that your own body makes it harder to lose weight and exercising does make you hungrier. This is why I always have snacks like bananas and apples on hand to help satisfy some of that hunger.
ReplyDeleteHowever, as someone above stated, when you feel that you're beginning to gain weight, ex., your clothes are fitting tighter, etc., you begin to do something about it. This might mean exercising a little more, or cutting back on certain foods. Some people just ignore these signs and continue eating. Why? I think for some it is emotional eating, thinking they can exercise away the extra pounds after the New Year's, eat out a lot, do not exercise hard enough, do not incorporate daily active movement throughout the day, ex., taking stairs instead of the elevator.
A 30-45 minutes 3 days a week on a treadmill at little to no intensity will do almost nothing to burn off calories. 10 minutes of a high intensity workout is much better than a 45 minute easy session.
Jewels- here's how you should think of how someone could get as big as this poor man.
ReplyDeleteYou say you on the opposite end of the ED spectrum. Okay.
Well you know that feeling where you are constantly thinking about food, you might have good days where your control is firmly in place, but food is always susceptible to pop up and just relentlessly circle inside your mind, where you have to control your portions and restrictively diet and exercise like crazy just to get away from that voice talking about food or your body or whatever???
THAT is EXACTLY how being overweight is (for me at least). When you have the overweight ED you see food as a comfort, like a warm blanket, like something that can sooth a hard day or a lonely night. And you like the taste of food, but sometimes you dont even taste it, because you are punishing yourself for reasons you're not always aware of. And when you dont want to eat, when you're being good, food is always in the back of your mind and something you have to consciously block out, and that doesnt always work. And when you do eat, it often feels secretive, and private.
So yeah, there are MANY MANY similiarlities between the too thin and the too fat. I think what makes people end up being 70 or 80lbs, and what makes people end up being 600/1000 lbs is oddly enough the same thing. While Ive been neither I remember being at my biggest and just slowly feeling who I was as an individual,as a woman, and as someone who was a part of society go away. All that there was room for was the food adn the obsession with it. Privately eating a lot of food and isolating myself caused me to see people less, feel more and more alienated, and just feel out of touch with my body and eventually my feelings.
I've lost almost 70 lbs, gained almost 20 lbs back and once I really saw that happening, I've been working at losing more weight again. That loss of identity was fucking shocking and I never ever want to let food control me to that point where my self-worth is lost. This has turned into a bit of a tangent but I wanted to address you because I really feel the two spectrums are kissing cousins to one another, and anyone who's survived that shit and lives to tell about it is a fucking super star in my book. People who dont think food can be an addiction (in some ways worse than drinking and drugs because you HAVE to eat) needs to get a clue~
^^^Jasmine nailed it^^^
ReplyDeleteI think for the majority of people it comes down to eating the wrong foods, not enough exercise, and not enough daily activity throughout the day.
ReplyDeleteIn the 70s very few kids were overweight. Now companies make clothes in "husky" sizes.
I just love how people who don't have issues with food so blithely say "just stop eating unhealthy food." Like it's so easy. That's exactly like telling an alcoholic "just stop drinking." There are a variety of reasons why people are overweight, and very, very few of them are just "lazy." I have fucked up brain chemistry, and that causes issues with sugar that go hand in hand with my depression. My mom said when I was a baby, I would only eat the fruit baby food, I wouldn't eat the veggies. So for me, it is a biological issue, not just one of "will power." On the other hand, my wish to punch anyone who blabs about "will power" in the face is probably something I should be able to control.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know why so many people are overweight, take a look at the stress, anxiety and depression levels in our society. Food, and especially sugar, make our brains produce the good, happy chemicals. Until our lives our less miserable, we are going to keep eating junk food to feel good. And then once we gain the weight, for the reasons other people talked about, it is almost impossible to lose it.
It takes a hell of a lot of work to retrain your body and mind to be healthy, and most people don't have the time, money or support system to do it.
Thanks Maja love
ReplyDeleteand Moosh also nailed it.