Friday, March 30, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Apparently Adam Sandler does not limit this expression to his movies. He does it in real life too.
Beyonce has the new Blue Ivy cradle delivered. Isn't the baby going to be too big for this really soon?
Beyonce showed up a short time later, but without the baby.
Dallas shows off its new ad campaign.
David Beckham shows some love to his son Romeo while
Orlando Bloom does the same with Flynn.
Eddie Kaye Thomas worships at the feet of Jennifer Coolidge while
Seann William Scott signs autographs in Berlin.
Andrew Garfield might melt away. It's rare in Hollywood you see an actor thinner than his actress girlfriend.


  1. the cradle is not too small for the end of the pregnancy fake bump, it did its work, now let it rest.

    Loved Dallas back in the day, I hope this is good!!

  2. Dude carrying the cradle is hot.

    I am showing amazing self restraint not to comment on the appearance of Adam Sandler's daughter. She is lucky to have a loving father.

  3. Adam's daughter looks just like him, hope she outgrows it....
    I worship Jennifer Coolidge also....she is always wonderful.
    Look at Beyonce's face...I fooled them all !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ^Hunter- I came on here to add the exact same thing.

    Ummm, Beyonce can have the cradle, I'll take the deliverer thankyou~

    Also, YUCK to Andrew Garfield. I've dated guys that are too thin similiar to this and (how shall I put this delicately?) Their hip bones left bruises after sexy times.

    Romeo looks EXACTLY like Posh here- awwwww.

  6. That Dallas revamp picture looks terrible, like it needs more people or something. Remember when there was some kind of amorphous Dallas movie with Jennifer Lopez? What the heck were they smoking to think that would work? Strange times.

    If they have to revamp something Texas-related it should be Austin Stories.

  7. Great sense of humor in that Dallas ad. Love it.

    Andrew Garfield does look way too thin in that photo, and he had bulked up a bit for Spiderman. How is he holding up his fabulous hair?

    I would like Orlando and Miranda to adopt me, I want to be part of that pretty family.

    Every day I am inching closer to the fake pregnancy bandwagon. Pathetic Beyonce, really sad.

  8. Ha ha Jasmine, looks like we're on the same page.

  9. Seann William Scott has gray in his beard?! Is that fake for a movie, or is it natural? I think it looks good on him.
    I have no clue who Eddie Kay Thomas is, but he has followed and unfollowed me twice on twitter, trying to get me to follow him.
    The Beckham kid's teeth are freaking me out, I seriously hate kid teeth so much.
    And I really wish this John Lennon-looking, circular lenses glasses/sunglasses trend would STOP.

  10. I've said this before, but I actually think Sadie Sandler is going to grow up to be a real beauty. Not a classic beauty maybe, but beautiful nonetheless.

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The context of the Dallas photo is hilarious. The 1985-1986 season ended with it being a dream in Pam's head, Bobby was still alive, and coming out of the shower. Funny wink at the original show's history.

  12. how can Beyonce have lost her baby weight that fast? so fake.

  13. i don't think its a craddle, looks like something to put stuff in. a cutsey stuffy or book holder.

  14. Maja, I agree with you and I think she's already getting cuter.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    And there's nothing wrong with how Adam Sandler's daughter looks. Yeesh, talk about cruel. She's practically a baby and you're putting the SO UGLY label on her. And then have the nerve to wonder why someone is so self-conscious as an adult. Those of you with kids don't want anyone calling your offspring ugly. You're some mean ones, Mr. Grinch! BOOOOO! :-(

  16. I really hate babies*, but Orlando Bloom's son is adorable. Look at that face he's giving! Good lord. It's just too much.

    *If I wanted to spend time with an inarticulate shit and puke factory, I'd still be with my ex.

  17. Sadie is cute and I'll bet she is a blast!

    That picture of David Beckham is making my biological tick... I thought I dis-mantled that bitch already!

    I love how Stiffler's mom and that other guy are keeping in character. I think that is hilarious!

  18. The Blooms have become one of my favorite celeb families. That kid is getting SO MUCH LOVE, and lately looks like Orlando too.

    I think that Dallas ad is hysterical. I thought Linda Grey was coming back?

  19. I'm with Hunter and Jasmine. The man carrying that cradle is damn sexy. He's got a Lenny Kravitz, chiseled thing going on. I can't stop staring.

  20. I think Adam Sandler's daughter is cute... that picture reminds me of Punky Brewster - and Soleil Moon Frye turned out gorgerous, so I'm not worried about this kid.

  21. No surprise the orlando's baby boy is a cutie! Its funny that sean williams scott has a "beard"!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @Maja & Allison -- agreed, she seems like she could easily grow up to look something like Liv Tyler. Regardless, she looks like a happy kid, I bet their household is pretty hilarious

  24. Hey, Andrew Garfield stole my coat.

  25. Andrew looks horrible. What in the world? That's painful to look at considering Emma is very, very thin herself.
    I too love the Kerr Bloom family. They are delightful!

  26. you know something else, I just caught myself thinking, "Well some people are just naturally skinny, and I bet Andrew Garfield is just one of those super thin types" but if I saw a photo of say, his girlfriend looking that skinny I would assume there was an eating issue going on. Caught myself in a double-standard mindset...tsk tsk self.

  27. Baby Flynn would turn me into a high-pitch, squeeee-ing woman that wants to pinch his wittle chubby cheeks and tickle his tummy. Embarrasing.

  28. Sadie is going to have enviable locks when she grows up. I hope she doesn't dye her hair when she's older.

  29. Anonymous2:29 PM

    You guys, Sadie is a million times cuter now than she was as a baby and toddler. She was EXTREMELY unfortunate looking when she was younger. This is a huge improvement.

    WTF is Beyonce wearing? I think my grandmother had a muumuu in that print. In 1974.

    MsGirl, that's Linda on the far left in the Dallas pic.

    Join the club, Eddie Kaye Thomas. Join the club.

    I am not maternal at all, but I for reals want to grab little Flynn and smoochy him. Sooooo cute! As for Romeo, his Godzilla teef terrify me.

  30. David Beckham is perfect. Just.... Perfect.

  31. @Layna Day - THANK YOU! I came on just to post about how wretched it is that people are so mean to kids. Seriously, I doubt there are many of us here who looked perfect as kids. I had frizzy hair, braces, and baby fat when I was 12. It's called NORMAL LIFE!
    Sorry to rant, but it really makes me mad when people are cruel to kids who had no choice in being in the public eye.
    And to the folks who seem to think it's so cool to go on and on about hating babies/, if you weren't hatched out of a pod at the age of 18, then you once were a baby and kid. Get over yourself.

  32. Ecua, it's called a joke. I'll "get over myself" if you get a sense of humor. Although, I am fairly narcissistic, now that I think of it. And I do compose all of my public opinions to fit in with what's "cool." Crap, I might not be able to hold up my end of the proposed bargain.
    Ok, wait, how about this- you make a joke (a good one, don't be stingy), and I'll send you a link to some of my baby pictures. And I was one adorable baby. Seriously. Adorable.

  33. TERRIBLE PHOTOSHOP on the Dallas poster!

  34. @mformayhem - oh, there's no doubt you're narcissistic. Keep indulging yourself. I save my jokes for people with wit instead of base humor.

  35. I'm not overly fond of children either. There's nothing wrong with that.

  36. I love seeing Becks with his kids. He obviously loves spending time with them, and does it often. Is there anything about him not to love...other than his wife, I mean?

  37. Where's Pam (Victoria Principal) in the Dallas picture?

  38. Was reading another blog today where blogger called Blue Ivy, " Bleuyonce"- i love it!!

  39. "Bleuyonce" for the win!

  40. Euca. We're in the comment section of a gossip blog. Calm down.

  41. Who is the hubba with Blue I-V's cradle?
    Nice work, if you can get it!

  42. I love David Beckham. But I wonder why he's in the pics every day.

  43. @Maja: Your pic is adorable! I want to squeeze you like baby Flynn. But I won't b/c that would be inappropriate ;)

    Rock on!

  44. I think Sadie is cute.

  45. That cradle is the kind of thing you have to let the baby nap in for any given room where you may is dude toting it!

  46. I must confess my horrible (not so) secret problem ... I LOVE to eat babies.

    The cuteness is unbearable and I want to put the whole baby in my mouth. Those cute cheekies! Those chub chub legs! The darling feets! Zerberting the baby belly! OMG! Babies are delicious!

    Baby Flynn and Baby Aleph - I am coming for you!!!!

  47. mformayhem-I'm just pointing out douchy behavior. If it applies to you, so be it. I am calm. I just don't see the point in saying how awful kids are, when we were all once kids ourselves. Sorry I didn't respond sooner - I had more important things to do than troll the comments section all night last night. Peace out.

  48. Kids are kids, it's the parents that make them assholes.

  49. I think Adam Sandler's daughter is adorable! Amazes me that anyone could think otherwise.

    Wow, look how Beyonce's lost all that baby weight so far. Hehehe

  50. What the hell is with Andrew Garfield's neck? It's freaky.

  51. Agree with Texshan, Sadie is much cuter now. She looks like a normal lil girl that loves her Daddy and whose Daddy obviously loves her.

    I spose I'm at the end of the line for the cradle carrier. I spose if I had to look at Jay-Z's mug every day, I'd be sure to surround myself with hot pieces of ass to help me cope.

    Flynn Kerboom looks like my brother did when he was a babe. Those cheeks warrant some serious zerberts.

    I didn't realize Jennifer Coolidge was on Seinfeld as the gf who wouldn't give Jerry a massage, it wasn't just the hair colour, she just looked...different. Loved her on Party Down.
