Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Prince Harry is back from his world trip and was at a celebration honoring his great grandmother yesterday.
"Hi, I'm Rihanna and would like you to notice me."
"What? Is this for me? I never expected this when I wore this outfit to a radio interview."
Rooney Mara deals with phone calls, dry cleaning and the paps.
This is a machine that dispenses ballet flats for women at the end of a night of heels. They are popping up everywhere, but $20 seems a bit pricey for something you only wear once or twice.
Stacy Keibler took some charity event for TOMS and turned it into her getting a pedicure.
This is the lucky kid who got to help Sofia Vergara bring in the food to school.
No matter where Sam Worthington goes, his girlfriend is always there. This time, London.
Taylor Kitsch however is flying solo.

I could totally see spending $20 on flats. Nothing worse than wearing a pair of shoes that are killing your feet. I've seen these shoes that fit in your purse and thought it was a great idea.
ReplyDeleteIn the first photo of Rihanna, she looks exactly like a barbie doll.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Sam Worthington's GF, I'd stick close, too.
ReplyDelete@Cathy - a cheap, tacky barbie doll wearing Ken's jacket, maybe.
ReplyDeleteI would KILL for Stacey's legs.
@EmEyeKay - very true! I didn't mean it as a compliment, just the arm position and overall plastic-ness looks exactly like one of my barbie dolls from when I was younger (you know, if my older sisters had taken all the shirts for theirs).
ReplyDeleteThe only drawback to those "portable" flats is they provide no arch support or shock absorption. So on the one hand, you can get out of your heels but the flats may be no better.
ReplyDeletePrince Harry is moving in with his brother and his wife. On paper, this sounds like the deadbeat younger brother living on his brother's couch. But it's a palace. I still like to tell it (to who?) in the unemployed, deadbeat kind of way.
I hate Rihanna.
ita @ mynerva
ReplyDeleteRihanna is not attractive at all.
Didn't Dr. Scholl's come out with rollup flats for about $6 a couple of years ago? I remember seeing the commercials right after I got back from Korea.
Anita, Prince Hot Ginge can move in with me. I think there's enough room in my bed for His Hotness.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have Stacy's legs too.
ReplyDeleteRhianna looks like she threw a wig and a funky bathrobe and ran out the door.
ReplyDeleteEnty - why can't Sam's girlfriend travel with him?
And I, too, would love to have Stacy Keibler's legs.
That's a nice picture of Stacy.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have Stacy's legs too.
ReplyDeleteEh- I personally think the cupcake ATM is WAAAAAY cooler than the ballet flat one.
ReplyDeleteI mean, if you take your high heels off- poof! Built in flats.
But however hard you try to conjure it up- cupcakes are not as easily attainable.
I've tried.
@Cathy - I had a barbie with the same mouth. She was my big sister's, and she had red hair. I know what you mean ;)
ReplyDeleteForgot to comment on Stacy's legs. Heck, yes. (WHY was I born short?!)
Stacy is looking prettier and prettier.
ReplyDeleteI thought Rihanna was Nicole Richie at first.
Yup, these days Rihanna has a face made for radio.
ReplyDeleteYES stacy is looking amazing! who wouldn't look amazing if they are dating a multi millionaire oscar winner?.....she glows :)
ReplyDeleteI don't see the hotness in Harry. If he weren't a prince, he'd be very ordinary. Stacy Keibler, on the other hand, is stunning. She is quickly going to my list of women I'd consider being gay for a night with.
ReplyDeleteShe keeps messing with her looks, but Rihanna is quite pretty. The forehead she can do nothing about other than cover it with bangs, which she tends to do. Beautiful, but an emotional wreck, it seems. Same with Katy Perry.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the list of those who want Stacy Keibler's legs. Her whole body is pretty rocking. In fact, she just looks amazing. I'll take her whole look. I'd actually rather look like her than have George, and I'm a Clooney fan from way back!
ReplyDeletePrince Harry is so fug, I have NEVER understood why people find him attractive. William was hot as fuq before he started balding.
ReplyDeleteRooney Mara gets big-time respect points from me for picking up her own dry cleaning.
ReplyDeleteI think Prince Hot Ginge is cute, but only because his personality seems to come through his smiles. I have a weakness for that. It's not conventional good looking, but I smile when he smiles, without even thinking about it. I like people like that. Ellen Degeneres is kind of like that too. I don't watch her show, but when I see her on TV and she smiles, I smile too.
ReplyDeleteRihanna, please get help. You are a mess and the whole world sees it. Nice jacket dress, but surely it's meant to have a camisole or something underneath it.
Stacey's legs are sending me off to the gym as soon as I catch up here.
I wanna BE Stacey!
ReplyDeleteSO in love with Prince Harry...I've got a thing for redheads that don't have the Howdy Doody look like Scotty McIdol and Carrot Top. blech.
ReplyDeleteBut Harry, Scott Grimes, Zack Ward..totally have a thing for them.
I have to say, I'm liking Stacey more. She's a bit different from his former side pieces. She knows she's having the ride of her life, and she is enjoying it without it seeming to go to her head.
ReplyDeleteOh Enty don't be so damn crabby!
ReplyDeleteTom's does a "Day without Shoes" fundraiser and they partnered up with Essie. They have a special blue polish they created for this.
This is why she is getting a pedicure.
Oh Harry...I am a sucker for a hot ginger. Love them!
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree, Stacy is looking better and better. She is actually growing on me.
$20 for ballet flats? Sheesh.
All that multi-tasking, and Rooney Mara still manages to look aloof. Good for her for fully commiting.
ReplyDeleteAlso, why is there a picture of a man on the front of the ballet slip vending machine? Not to be all Jezebel about it, but if I was designing something that's exclusively marketed to women, I'd, well, put a picture of a woman on the front.
U may not like rhi but to say she is ugly is funny. She is beautiful and would not be where she is if it wasnt for the beauty cause there isnt much else special about her.
ReplyDeleteU may not like rhi but to say she is ugly is funny. She is beautiful and would not be where she is if it wasnt for the beauty cause there isnt much else special about her.
ReplyDelete^I think they thought the handsome dude and the fallic symbol next to him would sway us.
ReplyDeleteThere has been many a two am that saw me willing to pay $20 for a pair of flats!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, Rihanna you can do better with those cheap azz wigs! Aren't you trying to one up a girl with good hair? Kae wins until you up our weave game.
ReplyDeleteI never really cared for Rianna one way or another, but after seeing her being a bitch to some reporter who dared to ask a question that everyone wanted to ask, I think I can safely say that she is unlikable. I'd still like to know why she is famous because never once have I heard one of her songs on the radio except for that M and M one. She is no Meryl Streep so she better not get any ideas that just because she is in a movie based on a GAME, that she she can pull a diva stunt.
ReplyDeleteAh, thank you Reno- that totally makes sense. I don't know about you, but when I seen a slice of photoshopped man meat and something penis shaped, I think ballet flats. Like, immediately. Those tricky marketing devils!
ReplyDeleteI'm five foot two, so put me on the Stacy's legs train!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen those shoe dispensers here in LV but they should be here!
At night, and during the day you see young women teetering along on their stilettos, clearly in pain, and wearing their strapless or spaghetti strapped dresses in casinos where the air conditioning is always on frigid. They should put in a machine that sells a little shoulder wrap as well.
Enty my dear... Spend an evening in 6 inch platform heels and then tell us you wouldn't happily dish out $20 for a pair of flats about half way through the evening.
ReplyDeleteBet it was a woman who thought of this.
Vicki: Yep--they're called Fast Flats, and run about $10/pair. Have to admit that the first thing I thought when I saw them at Rite Aid was "Aha! Shoes for the Walk of Shame!" :-)
ReplyDeleteThe fast flats fall apart really quickly, though, and have no support. I wore my pair twice and they got a hole ripped in the sole.
ReplyDelete@MforMayhem I know, right?
DeleteWhen I used to go out to clubs, I always kept a pair of Isotoners in my purse.
ReplyDeleteSince no one else has laid claim to Tim Riggins yet, I'd be glad to bring him home with me!
Geez, Rihanna and Gaga must be in a competition for the Guinness World Record Attention Whore.
ReplyDeleteNaNa, I too have discovered a latent love of my fellow gingers, but mine seems to be strictly for the English variety. Damien Lewis, Toby Stephens, Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberpatch all make me weak in the knees.
I'm an average 5 feet 5, but have really short limbs. I am eaten up with envy over Stacey's mile-long legs.
If Sam Worthington were my bf, I wouldn't let him go to the next room without me.
Girls, there's a way to avoid the pain of super-high heels. Don't wear them. Your skeleton and ligaments will thank you.
And yes, I realize Fassbender is German/Irish.
ReplyDeleteThat awkward moment when you're still out there promoting your film but you know your career is already over. Poor Taylor.
ReplyDeleteI find Rhianna to be ugly both inside and out. She is someone who is marginally attractive but her actions just make her hideous to me. And she sounds like a dwarf trapped in a refrigerator.
ReplyDeleteHarry exudes fun.
I wish I'd have thought of those shoe vending machines. Trying to fit back up shoes in a clutch is unpossible.
I own a pair of the black Dr. Scholl's flats. They came with a little gold wallet like thing to carry them in. I can totally see spending $20 in a time of desperation.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the long list of people who want legs like Stacy's.