Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Nadya Suleman says she has dropped 140 pounds and decided to celebrate by exposing her breasts and posing topless. Presumably for money. She does have 14 kids to raise after all.
Ryan Gosling on the set of his new movie. I'm guessing there is violence in the movie or he loves blueberry jam.
The always smiling one, Ryan Reynolds. I like to keep the Canadians together in one area of the photos.
Speaking of foreigners, do you remember the Russian spy, Anna Chapman? She made her annual Moscow fashion week appearance.
Sam Worthington and Liam Neeson at the premiere of their latest movie.
Tori Spelling really does not look pregnant. Did you see how she ignored Dean's oldest child in her birth announcement? Yikes.
Tim Tebow was hoping he would have his entire offense on the dais with him so they could recreate the Last Supper.
Uma Thurman still in the Caribbean.

Octomom needs posing lessons. Or just to go the heck away.
ReplyDeleteyeeiihck, Enty..why, why did you put that one on top? The cheese I ate for lunch is curdling in my stomach.
ReplyDeleteActually, she looks pretty decent considering she had 14 kids. Plastic surgery will do that to you I hear...
What did she say in the birth announcement? Gee, how did I miss that one :-)
I know some of you will not like the body snarking, but Nadya's body looks like mush. And her ass hangs down to the back of her knees. Gross.
hmmm...several mentions of canadians and "foreigners"...could this be a hint at the abusive blind re: "foreign born" actress...a canadian maybe?? or am i reaching? :)
ReplyDeleteDid someone hack Nadya's phone too, cause I doubt she'd put that picture out in the world on purpose.
Enty...I can't believe you really made out with Uma. Was she a good kisser?
Crila, now imagine Tori's *shudder* face on Octoskank's body.
ReplyDeleteJesus, now I've made myself nauseous and sterile at the same time.
ReplyDeleteDoes Dean even see his oldest? As Doc would say it seems "he has been erased from existance"
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's weird to see Tori look so thin while she's pregnant. She usually plumps up and looks like a normal pregnant woman. Ryan always looks fine. No need to smile.
ReplyDeleteYou think Tebow will try to part the East River?
ReplyDeleteI kind of want to rip my eyes out of my face and scrub my retinas.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Uma needs a bra.
ReplyDeleteOw, my eyes. That came unexpectedly out of nowhere. Ambushed by the hideosity. How about putting stuff like that behind a screen or something?
ReplyDeleteUma has some RIGHTEOUS titays.
ReplyDeleteHer son, Levon is great-looking. She & Ethan seemed to have held it together when it came to the kids...as I remember. I hope my memory's correct on that.
Seriously, where is that memory eliminating pill?? You should put a warning before exposing us to a picture like that of octamom!!! I applaud any woman's sense of confidence with posing nude, but just didn't need to see that thank you very much. What next Trump in a thong? eww that image didn't help.
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't too frightened to look, you can see the tummy tuck scar along octo's side. She claims to have bounced back naturally. Pathological liar. Undoubtedly she is posing nude for $$ to keep up her lip injections and shopping trips to Hollister...let someone else pay her mortgage, boo hoo.
ReplyDeleteWTF did Tori do to her face? She looks more hideous all the time. She was a pretty girl in 90210.
That Ryan Gosling picture looks like a remake of Bonnie and Clyde...
ReplyDeleteI've got to say at least one thing postive..I'd still jump Liam Neeson if given the chance :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't think Uma has worn a bra once in her entire life.
ReplyDeleteLosing 140= fantastic reason to celebrate.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, denying that MUCHO help in attaining this was most definitely at the very least caused by tummy tuck and most by an addition to lipo is WRONG.
I've lost 65lbs and there is some skin streching DUH, because I lost half an Olsen twin, of course there would be.
This trick lost double that and her belly and parts of her are toned like it never happened- this is the magic of medical help.
Own that, dont make women (and men) feel like they are less than for not looking like you do after losing weight or haveing babies.
Also, normally I'm not a proponent of tanning but DAYUM.
When you make Gollum from Lord of the Rings look like Snooki from Jersey Shore, ya know you've gotta work on the pale situation happening~
boomom - get out of my way! Oh Liam. We were meant to be together.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Tori video?
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Tori video?
ReplyDeleteSorry Jasmine, I have to disagree. You've lost an entire Olsen twin. And that's awesome, btw. Congrats!
ReplyDelete@msgirl...from what Janice Dickenson says about him, I think there is enough for both of us...hahahaha
ReplyDeleteEnty, you failed to mention (or maybe do not know), but when Dean left his wife for Tori, they had TWO kids, one a newborn. Google it and you will see. Mary Jo, his ex, talked about this often.
ReplyDeleteLosing weight (if you are indeed overweight and not hollywood overweight) is hard and anyone who does it should be proud of their accomplishment. However, if you have help (hello Ms. Aretha Franklin,) then own up to it, and don't insult our intelligence. There is nothing wrong with having surgery if your health is at risk from your weight.
ReplyDeleteEnty, as a stepmom myself, I was a bit surprised by what you said.
ReplyDeleteMany times, mom doesn't ALLOW the kid to be part of the new family. And if I recall correctly, mom is long distance. The child, through no fault of his or his dad's, isn't much more than a frequent visitor.
Also, if I have the story right, the girl was adopted as a newborn, but only the mom's name is on the final adoption papers. Dean left mom before it was final.
I don't think it was deliberate slight, it was more out of sight, out of mind.
Lioness70 - all I remember was that they had a newborn at the time he left - wasn't aware of the details (leaving before it was finalized), although it's still pretty crappy.
ReplyDeleteI once met a guy who separated from his wife shortly after they had a baby (no third party involved). It's unfortunate, but I guess it happens.
Ryan Gosling. He's mental for blueberry jam!
ReplyDeleteWait I'm still wondering why on earth anyone would pay octomom to take her clothes off. Just donate the money and spare our eyes please!!
ReplyDeleteEven the sight of Octomom in the top spot has no effect on my Gosling fantasies...my gosh, he can do no wrong. I love the Tumblr that's dedicated to him (probably one of many, but I'm old and lazy) I think it's ryanf*ckinggosling at tumblr dot whatever. I feel like a 15 year old girl again just typing that. :/
ReplyDeleteAlso agree with the comment on Octomom's ass...WTH? If I could only afford *some* plastic surgery, I would have found a way to tuck some skin and lift my ass off the ground. She's almost got a Tara Reid tummy going on...it looks like saran wrap stretched over mashed potatoes. So weird.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ, she couldn't have spared $40 for a spray tan? Shit. I mean, she looks good for popping out all those offspring but ol girl is see through!
ReplyDeleteUma's always letting her massive udders swing. Seem like it would be uncomfortable to me. Anyone over a B cup needs a bra. I don't care if you're 18 and they sit up on a shelf. Put on a fucking bra!
ReplyDelete^I think most women need bras. Last week I saw a woman who couldn't be more than an A cup and she wasn't wearing a bra. They were tiny and pointy under her white shirt and my husband was grossed out (and he's a breast man). They looked terrible.
ReplyDelete@Jasmine congrats. My sister lost 150# the same way she gained it: A little at a time. Changed her diet, started exercising, etc. She also had the surgery to remove all that excess skin but I guess there will always be scars. Nonetheless, I am so vry proud of my sister. She still struggles and she may gain it back but she will always be my hero and everyone who goes through that as well. I am lucky to be tall and (look) thin but not everyone is that fortunate and I understand your struggle.
ReplyDeleteRussian spy lady looks great from the clavical down.
ReplyDeleteSurfer, Dean and his wife were in the process of adopting when they split. She went through with the adoption anyway. It was still super douchey of him to leave her the way he did, but the child wasn't really his.
ReplyDeleteDitto on Octomom ass. Guroosss! I got a thing about women wearing bras esp. if their preggers. It hurts to look and Uma's on a boat! Ouch!
ReplyDeleteThe photo of octomom made me throw up a little.
ReplyDeleteDid her photographer never hear of a little tool called Photoshop? Why are her feet so discolored? Her boob job looks uneven.
Eeeew, it just isn't right.
If I'd have been given the choice, I would have chosen forks in my eyes over seeing that photo of octomom.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand the whole Ryan Reynolds thing. I don't find him attractive in the least, nor particulary likeable...he's not even a very good actor. Why is he considered such hot shit?
Octomom is so obviously lying - do any of you remember how extremely, tremendously huge and stretched her stomach was while she was pregnant? I remember a picture that was out there and I could hardly look at it...not because it grossed me out, but because it looked so very uncomfortable. There is NO WAY she didn't have a tummy tuck. Just like Kate Gosselin. Tons of plastic surgery. Your body can't go through what theirs did and just "bounce back". Lots of moms of singles do it, lucky them! But not Octomom. What an insult to our collective intelligence.
ReplyDeleteThis is my Life & Sherry- thank you both for such positive compliments/remarks.
ReplyDeleteLoves to both of you~
I love me some Ryan Gosling and a jar of blueberry jam! Lol
ReplyDeleteFYI,Lainey outed Uma as the pregnant druggie. Or at least was a druggie before she found out she was Pregnant. It was in her Smutty Tingles column yesterday as the response to her blind about it , and I'm pretty sure Enty posted a blind about it as well.
Omg omg omg! Just almost lost my breakfast. WTF is octomom doing. Oh my that is just so gross!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that it seems the Canadian stars are the most normal in Hollywood? On second thought, forget it...I forgot about Jim Carrey.