Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Kylie Minogue kicked off her anti-tour tour yesterday. Huh? If you go on tour, then how is it anti? Sitting at home in your pj's while watching tv would seem to be an anti-tour.
Katy Perry in London and still with the blue hair. At least she will be prepared when she is old.
Liam Hemsworth doing Hunger Games tour, this time in Berlin.
Michael Fassbender salutes his large peen with whiskey.
Miranda Kerr seems to be popping up everyday now.
Robert Downey Jr has backed out of Mr. Peabody. Would have been good.
Prince Harry looks at himself on the Jumbotron. Hopes he looks his best.
The weekend child exchange. No one looks at anyone.
Not sure Rose McGowan really needs to emphasize her lips.
Vanessa Hudgens took time off from filming her movie to wander New York with her boyfriend.

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ReplyDeleteWho else here is "friends" with Himmmm's FB page? he said today Enty would post a photo to "confirm the whole thing or make people convulse"
ReplyDeleteNot sure what he was talking about (?!??!!) but there's a photo of RDJ - probably just to throw us off at this point.
I'm pretty sure it's the Dick Van Dyke/ Julie Andrews photo. The prior blinds and the wording of the caption seem to indicate. Plus the intentional misspelling of Andrews' last name.
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ReplyDelete*said Enty would post a photo TODAY (specifically)
ReplyDeleteYep, I just read that, too, hunter. Still not convinced either way. I'm just a natural skeptic, though.
ReplyDeleteWho is Vanessa Hudgens fucking to still be getting roles?
ReplyDeleteThere's an unfortunate baby name - isn't it Bronx Mogli?
ReplyDeleteI don't think the Hemsworths are cute. There's something funny about their mouths and tiny eyes. Yes, I know I'm the minority.
Wasn't there a blind about an A list singer going bald? I am convinced it is Perry...why else would she wear these juvenile colors of cheap wigs?
ReplyDeleteVanHudge and her new dude, look like Kunis and Caulkin----
Jungle Book needs a haircut in the worst way.
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ReplyDeleteI always knew Himmmm was Mr. Peabody... that snarky li'l dog...
ReplyDeleteInteresting RDJ sighting post Himmmm's FB, still not convinced, but I sure love playing along =)
ReplyDeleteHey hey I'm back, it is here:
You just have to "like" Himmmm and his feed will appear on your page.
I also get the CDAN FB pagefeed because I'm a junkie.
Somebody should tell Vanessa that her BF is gay.
ReplyDeleteOh, maybe I shouldn't have said that. He just looks too together there with his maroon pants. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteugh. Fucking Katy Perry. when will she go away?
ReplyDeleteWhen did Vanessa Hudgens start dating Macauley Culkin?
ReplyDeleteHe would have been perfect as Mr. Peabody. :(
ReplyDeleteWasn't Mr. Peabody also called Mr. Know It All?
ReplyDeleteEnty, if that's what Kylie is wearing in her concerts, then that's an anti-tour. Her shows are spectacles on par with Madonna, but she does it with a sense of humor, an actual sense of humor. I highly recommend Kylie concerts. So much fun!
ReplyDelete@MayB Mr. Know it All was on Rocky and Bullwinkle
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting all day for the random photos cos the "himmmm" fb page said to watch out for a pic today. Bit of a coinky dink that RDJ pops up!! I dont care who "himmmm" is, I just want that scoop!!! :)
ReplyDeleteAnyone else think that if Himmmm wasn't "him" then CDAN would get a cease and desist to take down all the Himmmm comments because they are purporting to misrepresent the likeness of someone well known?
ReplyDeleteI'm on the pro-Himmmm train, mostly because if I was the actor's lawyer I would send a C&D to get those comments taken down and "Himmmm" blocked as fast as possible given the allegations in the reveals. Case in point is the Gawker article covering the Douglas story.
I have been waiting all day for the random photos cos the "himmmm" fb page said to watch out for a pic today. Bit of a coinky dink that RDJ pops up!! I dont care who "himmmm" is, I just want that scoop!!! :)
ReplyDeleteUgh, Kylie is wearing stockings with cut-offs! I hated the look on all the teens at the outlet mall and I'm hating it even more on a woman old enough to know better.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm off to write a reminder to "like" Himmmm on FB...
Soooo over people fawning all over Himmmm.
ReplyDeleteSoooo over people using the word "peen" too. But I would like to be 'over' Michael Fassbender's...if you know what I mean ;)
I like Bronx's wild, curly hair. He is a pretty cute kid =)
If Enty posted a pic possibly verifying who Himmmm is and Himmm posted on FB before that, that Enty would do so, then that might verify at least one thing for me, and it isn't that Himmmm is RDJ.
DeleteSometimes, the simplest most obvious answer is the answer.
I think we should form an anti-fawning group. It will be called Occam's Razor, Obviously. Our first album will be called Publicity Stunt, which will include the single Page Hits.
DeleteFor MayB and skeeball: Mr. Know-It-All WAS on Rocky and Bullwinkle, but so were Mr. Peabody and Sherman.
ReplyDeleteHimmmmm is obviously Ken Berry from Mama's Family. Read all the Blinds from December 2011.
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ReplyDeleteI highly doubt Himmmm is RDJ. And the only reason I, a true skeptic. do believe in Hmmm's postings is because Enty lets him. So that's a vote of confidence.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about that movie and RDJ out - I read it on Friday and wondered if he was fired because of all the flack going around! Their loss.
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ReplyDeleteMr. Peabody's pic, then Prince Harry. Same connection on fb?
ReplyDeleteThat guy with Vanessa looks like Chord Overstreet from Glee.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Katy could very well have lost a ton of hair. When she went from black to red to blonde it probably broke off. My daughter dyes her hair pitch black and decided she wanted a blonde streak underneath her neck. She convinced her stylist to do it after many warnings and.......ta da! That shock of hair broke off completely.
ReplyDeleteHimmmm? Why did you ask Jax on 4/11/11 to look into why the radio show never took off after so many people sent in money? Or why the Tamblyn book never came out after people sent in money?
ReplyDeleteHimmmm said...
Wow - some good guesses on here! But remember that the actress is AMERICAN here. Also, a "foreign born" actor may be someone you think is AMERICAN but born abroad. That's the tricky part ;-)
A good place to start might be in looking at recent red carpet reunions of a classic movie from the past - released in oh, say the past 20 years or so. It might help.
As for those ranting against Enty and the money and radio show? I'm sure that there is a good reason for this all going sideways. Did you say you had or had not emailed enty and received a reply? If JAX is reading the comments? Perhaps SHE can add some info as to what is going on or wrong. Just a thought...
Lol @EmEyeKay. I thougt the same @ RenoBlondee.
ReplyDeletePrince effin Harry is just... I'd totally hit that. Is it hot in here?
RDJ is a big star that makes lots of $$$$ for studios. I don't think he'd get fired from a project over this - if it was indeed him (no pun intended) posting here - which I don't think it ever was. RDJ wouldn't have been so open about it. It is true that celebs do join forums and post (Hayden Christensen used to post on his own IMDB page and Patton Oswalt posted on AICN.) It was probably just a scheduling thing as RDJ begins prepares for Iron Man 3. And I don't think it's Corey Feldman either because Corey is an attention whore. If it was him he'd have made sure we all knew it.
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ReplyDelete@EmEyeKay And here I thought I was the only one who thought that about the Hemsworth guys. That there's something just....off. Don't find them attractive at all.
ReplyDeleteMichael Fassbender AND a dram of whisky? Yes please.
Jason Blue Eyes, I completely agree with you. Yet, I have this little nagging thought in the back of my mind...who in the world would have the balls to purport themselves to be RDJ? I just cannot imagine...unless it was with permission.
ReplyDeleteUm... RDJ being replaced as Mr. Peabody was news exactly nowhere (Google it, you might get three hits). So the composite of Peabody and RDJ didn't come from a wire service - it looks a bit home-made to me. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteTrue believers, are your friends as worried about/sick of you as mine are with me about this? It's getting embarrassing.
Well its clear Michael Fassbender is Himmm and the proof is that he got Enty to say he has a large penis.
ReplyDeleteEh, Kevin Smith has gone on about Fassbender's large member in his Hollywood Bableon podcast. Apparently it's comparable to Liam Nesson's.
ReplyDeleteThose Hemsworth boys have a bit of a George W. Bush thing going on, it seems to me...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's an anti-tour if she doesn't charge admission and she buys everyone food and beverages, dope, and merch.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Kylie can sing, her face is so frozen.
ReplyDeleteKaty Perry makes me stabby.
Cut that boy's hair.
@Reno, my husband did that when he was a teen (in the 80s). But he did it himself and didn't know what he was doing. And it fell off.
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ReplyDeleteWanted to jump in and say that I'm a believer!! I totally believe Himmmm is him. (btw Himmmm if you're reading this I loved loved loved you in Ally McB - glad you turned it all around) And to the non-believers... what would you find convincing? I don't know much about Corey Feldman, but if it were him, why wouldn't he reveal his molester before disappearing, instead of RFO and KFD?
ReplyDeleteAlso, wasn't Christian Slater a guess for a blind recently. Forget which one. Maybe the Party of 5 one...
Katy's hair is most definitely fried and broken, which is why she cut it to a short bob. Her hair is blue, but those are clip in bangs, which may add to a "wiggy" look. But I still think the Nicole Kidman guess is good for that blind, her hairline does seem to be receding. Could be hereditary or from damage (have you ever seen Naomi Cambell's hairline from decades of weaves?).
ReplyDeleteI believe it personally bc why cant it be "him"? So hes a millionaire hes also a human whose heard/seen some horrible things and wanted to say something. Honestly idc who it is I think they are quite brave in everything they revealed. He could post a pic of himself and say ITS ME and thered still be non believers, who cares. Himmmm is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced that FB Himmmm and Enty (be they two or one) intuited my naughty fantasies about an amber trifecta of Fassbender, PHG, and Oban single malt... all in one post = CONVULSES, per the FB post. The RDJ pic is just smokescreen. [in future, Enty, if you're posting RDJ pics can we have the one of him shirtless with the Sherlock pipe?]
ReplyDeleteHimmmm remains awesome, even more so in anonymity.
I love Kylie- if any of you over the age of 40 can rock short jean cutoffs and micro fishnet better than her, let me know. Ok.
ReplyDeleteThat might be Katy Perry's actual hair. I went blond to black to the dreaded baby chicken blond to red to blue, within a year, and I have thin hair strands. However, her music is seriously the most awful thing I've ever heard. I would rather listen to The Eagles' Hotel California AGAIN than any song by her.
Lastly, to the Himmmm-is-Robert-Downey-Jr, um, "believers":
ReplyDeleteYa'll are creeping me out with your Twi-Hardness. Seriously. If you want to be obsessively fixated on a made up thing, for the love of Heathcliff, read a book or two.
I think Enty is Himmmm. Just my opinion, hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteTo misquote an old song:
ReplyDeleteYou don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Himmmm
I prefer for everyone that HIMMMM remain anonymous. I don't want any of the people who make up HIMMMM in trouble and I don't want to lose the stories HE/THEY bring us.
Add me to the list of non-believers that himmmm is RDJ. Just because he said things like "connect the dots" doesnt mean that he's Sherlock Holmes.
ReplyDeleteBut if it really was RDJ? Freaking awesome.
Whoever it was, it was fun while it lasted.
@rocaco - I thought himmmm was enty too. I said it once before weeks ago. The alter ego gave him the opportunity to say all the things he wanted to but couldn't. Although... I choose to believe its RDJ as I have a mad crush on himmmm and his dreamy brown eyes! So jealous of you herrrr.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Himmmm on FB, is the page now gone? I checked it and commented on it around dinner time, just went to follow up, and I can't find it anywhere even by direct link. Has it been deleted or is it me that was deleted? :(
ReplyDeleteCentaurea, I'm SO glad you said that....I thought I'd been banned and was feeling horrible!
ReplyDeleteI don't know...I'm really confused about how far to guess on what items without hurting anyone. I think it's time for me to go back to lurking for another four years.
@Centaurea - you're right - it is gone. Hmmmm!
ReplyDeleteAnd Kid Sis - don't go anywhere. We like you. We really, really do, lol!
Right?! Old timer lurkers unite! Lol! (I used to post here ages ago under a different name, but it was too obvious a moniker :)
ReplyDeleteHimmmm is most definitely not Enty. Enty "lets him post" because he enjoys the page hits, and if people are having fun with this, why wouldn't he let the stuff stay?
ReplyDeleteSo, Centaurea, you're not going to tell us who you are, lol?
ReplyDeleteAnd when I typed the link into my address bar, my page just reloaded.
Yep, gone from the Book, that was fun while it lasted...and kid sis, please don't go anywhere, you have given us so much more to think about in these last few days; we are lucky to have you here!
ReplyDeleteI went to check the fbook link too and it was gone. Wah wah.
ReplyDeleteFWIW, I don't believe Himmmm is RDJ, but I don't believe in Ent either.
Who cares. It provides entertainment.
@kid sis - don't go! I agree with all the others. Your input and detective work have been so eye opening!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about the FB thing. By the time I got there, it was a blank page. Boo! Stupid work keeping me from gossip.
I too have been a long time lurker but just couldn't keep my big mouth shut during all the himmmm reveals. That stuff makes me so angry. Today I'm all fired up about the shooting in FL. My heart breaks for those parents. He looks like a sweet promising young man taken too soon. Sorry just had to share. I'm really sad about it.
PS - enty's tone and writing style changes from time to time and I thought some of the himmmm posts mirrored those differences. That's why I thought they were the same person or at least thought enty was in the loop.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't care enough to REALLY know. I enjoy being entertained more than being right. Hopefully we will have a new himmmm! @centaurea - ate you the new himmmm? Wink wink ;) just kidding (it's ok you can tell me. It will be our secret....)
*are (not ate)
ReplyDeleteSorry, tired :(
@ sis cellspool
ReplyDeleteI am a long time lurker-- 2004 (or 05?) baby! And I think Jax is def New Enty.
Case in point...Jax "met up" with Enty a couple years ago and right after that took over the blog for Enty on a temp basis.
I think Jax has been posting as "Enty" ever since.
Jsx dissapeared from the comments going from commenting several times a day to nothing.
Also, whenever someone comments negatively about Enty, Jax miraculously pops up and has her say to defend him.
Then she is mia for months.
Also MOoshki was around at that time. Interesting comment today by her.
I am glad I'm not the only long-timer who seldom or never comments. I stumbled onto this blog three posts in, and have been an avid reader since, just rarely feel the need to comment.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm way late to the game but wondered if anyone else saw Tatum Oneal's twitter recently. She RT'd the Gawker story on RDJ.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that makes her aware, and possibly confirming the RFO info.
This cracked me up:
ReplyDeleteMforMayhem said...
I think we should form an anti-fawning group. It will be called Occam's Razor, Obviously. Our first album will be called Publicity Stunt, which will include the single Page Hits.
heh, Occam's Razor.
ReplyDeletebtw, all this nonchalant posting here since last thurs has me a bit skeptical.
i dont want someone's rape/molestation/job loss/life crisis to be the carrot at the end of this stick.
stay anon Himmmm. avenge in public, revenge in private.
But not telling is tres chic these days, non? ;) The last time I commented was 2008, but then I picked up an unwanted internet stalker. I just couldn't resist the pull anymore during the recent reveals so I finally registered a new name.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm glad it wasn't just me with the FB page. I can't believe all these newbs got to read those posts and I missed them by hours. *arghhhhh*
Vanessa Hudgen's boyfriend looks like that guy that plays Sam on Glee, or is it just me?
ReplyDeleteReally? We're back to thinking Jax is enty? *LMAO* YOU. GUYS.
ReplyDeleteMforMayhem, I'm with ya. It's becoming a twi-hard thing. I'll join your club!
Awww you guys rule. well as long as I'm not being a pain in the ass. It's so hard to tell on the internet, and being a codependent I was convinced it was my fault the FB page was deleted, lol.