Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Kiefer Sutherland is in the land of milk and vodka. I can see him thinking about that Russian vodka and knocking over Christmas trees.
Miranda Kerr forgot her son, but remembered her dog.
Nicole Richie in New York. She never goes anywhere so this is kind of rare.
Russell Brand and his new girlfriend. I think she has the noon-3pm shift.
Rihanna showing off some really bad hair.
Riley Keough showed off a new engagement ring from Alex Pettyfer.
Steve Coogan takes some time off from getting stalked by Courtney Love to make a movie with Anna Friel.
Shiloh Pitt thought the flight was black tie and wanted to be prepared.
Susan Sarandon wears something sexy for Jason Segel and Ed Helms.
Vanessa Hudgens on the set of her latest movie and if she is lucky she can keep the shirt for her next job.

Kiefer looks like the love child of Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke.
ReplyDeleteI has a case of the sads.
Is the Miranda Kerr picture a reference to the earlier Blind??
ReplyDeletePlease tell me fanny packs aren't coming back in style...please.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Dani. It's Rihanna. Bitch wouldn't know taste if it bit her on the ass.
ReplyDeleteGood point...she obviously has no taste, CB is a prime example of that.
ReplyDeletefiggy: ima thinkin' so!
ReplyDeleteRhianna is just disgusting.
ReplyDeleteNicole looks great except for trhe stupid sunglasses. there is a pic of her wearing a gorgeous black and white outfit- she loos fabulous. I still hope that stupid show bombs.
Rihanna goes from bad, to worse to yet even more horrendously awful.
ReplyDeleteThis month there are promotional posters for her new album all over the subway, with a close up shot of her face with her tongue out and a possessed look in her eyes.
They're disgusting.
It's tragic to think that that's an attempt at "sexy".
A professional must've done Rihanna's hair, and that professional MUST have told her that lifting her hair to blonde would SHRED it. I would hate to think she wasn't aware that she would be destroying most of her current length going to blonde.
ReplyDeleteIt looks ratty like a dirty dog's hair, I'm sorry.
Nicole Richie is wearing what I used to wear when I was playing dress-up with my mom's 80s clothes. By the time I was a teenager, I looked back at that and felt bad for my mom, that she ever wore those clothes.
ReplyDeleteAnd now it's back in style? I still think it looks terrible.
Well, we knew it was only a matter of time before the fanny pack returned. It IS 2012, after all.
ReplyDeleteSHILOH! I love that kid. But it is disturbing that her mother has the skinnier legs of the two.
I think she's on drugs. She just seems out of it most of the time.
ReplyDeleteEither that or contact with Chris Brown is even more damaging than previously thought.
toldyaso85, I just wrote the same thing! Lol
ReplyDeleteVanessa is looking THICK as hell. And I love that they FINALLY did something with Zahara's hair. Dayum did they just find a black stylist to do it?
ReplyDeleteAm getting psychotic douchebag vibes from the Pettyfer kid. Surely he's been the subject of a blind item by now.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Pettyfer the answer to the blind about some kind of abuse?
ReplyDeleteI love the Jolie-Pitt kids, Shiloh is a hoot and Z looks all elegant.
Love Kiefer, yeah he drinks and I'm so glad he doesn't drive anymore but you have to admit that he did his time with no complaints and even arranged it so that 24 and everyone employed there wasn't screwed over. By every account he's a complete professional when it comes to work, he drinks on his own time. Wish he would stop, and also the smoking.
I've got nothing to say anymore about Rihanna.
Wow - Vanessa Hudgins has Matthew McC arms - stubs! They barely hit her hips! Eh - maybe I'm just jealous; my arms are 1/2 way to my knees ;)
ReplyDelete@Maja: Jeebus! I didn't even notice that Angelina's legs were the same size as her kids. Scary.
ReplyDeleteK HUD is looking rough! Drinking all night will do that to you. Around her age I got round because of all of my drinking. Cut that crap out!
ReplyDeleteV Hudgens is so unattractive. What is so great about her that she keeps getting work? I just don't get it. She's just so blah and ordinary.
ReplyDelete@Figgy - Miranda's child is a baby, the blind is about a school-aged child.
ReplyDelete@ msgirl - I think you're right. Wasn't Alex Pettyfer involved with Diane Agron? Can't believe I know this, lol.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I just love Miranda's coat, especially the bottom. So different.
ReplyDeleteV HUD not k HUD. Sorry. She has no place in my mind to remember. Nice cameltoe as well. I guess she is playing trailer trash, that's up here ally. Otherwise why does she get paid!!??
ReplyDeleteI thought Pettyfer was the one who was abusive to the pretty girl from Glee.
ReplyDeleteI think bumbags will come back but won't be a big thing. I'm sure hipsters are wearing them ironically. Don't know how drug runners will feel about them stealing their style.
surfer - yes! Thanks, it was Argon.
ReplyDeleteVanessa does look kind of big and going blonde does not agree with her.
ReplyDeleteEverything about Rihanna's outfit is a big, fat NO. From the terrible hair to the all-denim outfit, to the fanny pack. Sweet Jesus! That ridiculous shirt that showed off her nipples from the other day was definitely worse though. What is the deal with her? It's like she's trying too hard to be "edgy".
ReplyDeleteWow, Alex Pettyfer marrying into Elvis money...how nice *eyeroll*
ReplyDeletein regards to the fanny pack, day-glo, Ritchie's shirt and every other god-forsaken 80's trend that has made it's way back around the Circle-o-Fashion: I just can't. Literally. I just can't go shopping anymore and actually find something that looks attractive to me. I'm in my mid-20's. I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with me. But then again, I lived partly through those years and I know the feeling of looking back at pictures and ::shuddering::
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's cause I consider Elvis one of the holy but every CDANer worth their salt knows about Pettyfer and those blinds about him and Agron. So I am NOT happy that Elvis's freaking grandaugher is allowed to be ENGAGED to this dude! Uhhh, you would think the family would be especially careful who they let into the Elvis money, apparently not. Dayum.
ReplyDeleteFirst Rihanna was wearing her nipples out yesterday in dListed pics, and now this fanny pack situation has confirmed it for me. Girlfriend is definitely substance abusing or something. Yikes.
I will NEVER get the Russell Brand sexual appeal. But then again, I havent been attracted to a man that was under what looks like 140lbs, since middle school. He's like a too thin hipster middle schooler to me. And I think I had that pleather jacket in 97' , when I was in 8th grade. This confirms it.
Nicole R looks like shit.
ReplyDeleteRussell definetly did a down grade.
Steve Coogan was great in The Trip. Vanessa Hudgens just seems prettier as a brunette. And quite a bit more attractive with her ankles behind her ears. But then, that probably is the case for a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteRussell and rhi rhi should go out in those outfits together they both look homeless.
ReplyDeleteI wish Rihanna would just slither away, she is another classic Don't.
ReplyDeleteShe tries too hard, and looks trashed.
I think Pettifer's blind was that Diana Agron got pregnant and chose not to keep the baby even though he wanted her to. I don't remember abuse being part of it but it's entirely possible that I'm misremembering or confusing it w/a different blind.
ReplyDeleteU can take the grrrl out of the ghetto but U can't.......
ReplyDeleteNicole's face is looking different to me, and I can't figure out what it is...It looks more "birdlike" or something.
ReplyDeleteI thought Vanessa Hudgens could not look any fuglier, but then she dyed her hair blond. Seriously, is this what life after Zac Efron looks like? She's gotten fat even, I mean look at her thighs. I'm a big girl myself and I appreciate big people but Honey put some clothes on. Also, not digging the navel piercing at all.
ReplyDelete@ lola
Lola, I remember that, too. Supposedly the deal was that Agron got pregnant and Pettyfor was very excited and wanted to have the baby, but Agron had an abortion without discussing it with him or even telling him first. When she told him afterward, he freaked out and went on a rampage and trashed their house. She left that night and then told everyone she was scared of him, even though he never hit her and, in my opinion, anyway, had a right to be pissed off.
ReplyDeleteV Hud, one of the original duckface smirkers, along with the Olsen trolls. Yeah, she looks trashy and thick. I don't like commenting about people's weight, especially since I'm hardly svelte, but she does not look good.
Also, Steve Coogan is hilarious.