Porn Star Says Lindsay Lohan Paid Him For Sex - Michael Lohan Was Upstairs
The porn star known as Voodoo was on a Toronto radio station and said that he had sex with Lindsay Lohan. That is not news in itself. You could throw a dart in a club in Hollywood and half the time you would hit someone who could claim the same. This time is a little different. The porn star says that Lindsay paid him to have sex with her. So much for the saying that you could never pay me to have sex with Lindsay. Obviously someone was willing. I hope he got paid cash. Maybe it was Dina and it was dark? Without light, I am sure they are both leathery and rough and have that years of chain smoking voice.
So, this whole thing gets even better. Apparently while the guy was downstairs servicing Lindsay, Michael Lohan was upstairs. Was he listening? Was he on a conference call with Thora Birch's dad and Pimpa Joe Simpson talking about it? Voodoo is the guy who made a sex tape while skydiving. Yeah, he jumped out of the plane, umm, already together with the female.