Paris Hilton went to a Miami club to see the latest victim on her tour of dating. The guy who will wish he never met her when all is said and done is DJ Afrojack, which is not one of the favors in Apple Jacks. Great cereal. Anyway, DJ was playing at a club in Miami. And when I say playing, I mean he hooked up his iPod and charged some money to listen to what he had on shuffle. According to the NY Post, Paris rolled up with a dozen people and five cars and they all tried to get in. The doorman said you needed to have a ticket. Paris told them all to f**k off and went inside and left them to deal with their own issues. Paris was not alone though. Nope. She now has a personal photographer who travels with her constantly to document just how horrible one person can be.
I doubt I'm alone in wishing any mention of her was permanently banned from this site.
ReplyDeleteWho IS this??????
ReplyDeleteJust more proof that money can't buy class. Or good manners. Or taste.
ReplyDeleteTour of dating, Enty? That's too polite. She's more like the STD Cropduster.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this tale worth mentioning? Of course a dog killer may be mean to her "friends". I doubt she has any real friends.
Personal photographer??? I guess she got tired of alerting the paps to her whereabouts.
There is no one I loath more.
ReplyDeleteDixie- this is a radioactive creature known as homosapien-hilton. It feeds off copious amounts of male genitals and adoration and frightens children and adults alike with it's sparkly headband and iguana body. It's natural prey is darkness, so it makes sure to constantly have flash photography, club lights and mirrors around it at all time.
ReplyDeleteIf you see this creature run- dont walk- to your nearest pharmacy and attempt to buy what is known as Valtrex, as this stops the spread of homosapien-hilton in it's tracks.
Hope this helped some!
STD Cropduster for the win! Love that, I'll have to use it sometime!
ReplyDeleteThe lazy eye and freakishly large tip of her nose almost make feel something other than indigestion.
ReplyDeleteNo wait. That was just indigestion.
That is one ugly nose
ReplyDeleteIsn't she nearly 40? Isn't it time for her to disappear or something?
ReplyDeleteSTD Cropduster is the term of the day!!
ReplyDeleteKyle Richards, from Bev Hills Housewives, is same cunt as Paris....it's genetic.
ReplyDeleteI would hate her, but that would require effort on my part.i just don't give a god damn about her at all.
ReplyDeleteI bet she is jumping for joy that she got a mention on your site...even if it is just saying what an a-hole she is.
ReplyDelete@Jasmine - You are better thank Wikipedia. That should also be her permanent bio.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that schnozz is pretty remarkable. But why is Paris giving us the stink-eye?
ReplyDeleteShe is a nobody, why even mention her name?
ReplyDeleteI need a personal photographer to follow me around all day. You know those pap photos of celebrities at restaurants, taken in the middle of them shoving food in their mouth? Yeah, it would be mostly those pictures.
ReplyDeleteHats off to @Nolachickee! STD Cropduster is GREAT.
ReplyDeleteWhat in god's name is going on with her nose? Someone playing with photoshop? I'd fire that personal photographer.
@Jasmine lol perfect!
ReplyDeleteI am wishing in time someone will have the balls to put this slut in her place.
STD cropduster is tooooo funny!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap - STD cropduster. Classic.
ReplyDeleteWeezy, I'm 42. Am I past my "disappear date," too?
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't think age has anything to do with going out in public, I DO think she is too old to still be going to clubs and "dating" "DJs." Girl, grow the f*ck up.
She is a waste of space in this blog....can we ban her also ?
ReplyDeleteThe Gonzo nose is really strange looking...and the lazy eyelid isn't very flattering, either.
ReplyDeleteI'm well past my "disappear date", too. Luckily, I'm immature and look younger than I am. I can get away with 40ish behavior.
She has to have her own photographer because the mags aren't interested much any more.
ReplyDeleteI think Paris has, or had a rather aristocratic looking nose. She's always had the wonky eye.
Unfortunately for her the ears and nose continue to grow all our lives, she will look like the wicked witch of the West one day.
I guess she doesn't realize that the majority of popular clubs in big cities have their own photographer and they will take your picture all night long for free. They will take as many pictures as you want and you never have to pay a dime! and w/a smartphone, and a photoshop app, voila - you don't even need the club photog...poor Paris, she actually had a decent nose as a kid and looked a lot better w/her natural brown eyes...she is just as sad as today's blind, just in a different way...
ReplyDeleteIt's been such a treat having people like her, Kate and 8, and Palin fall off the face of the earth. It used to be non-stop coverage. Now she/they almost never get mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBTW, wtf is up the way she poses for every picture. I've never seen a normal looking photo of her taken (like any of us would look in a photo). It's always one leg forward and a weird facial pose. Creepy.
TexShan, that's what I was trying to say. Not that she's worthless because of an age #, but because skanks like her wind up aging out of oh, the Skank Business pretty early on.
ReplyDeleteOh man..Everyone one of you said it so much better than I ever could..Just rolling in the laughs here! Gotta admit Jasmine and Nola said it best.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, Jasmine. That was perfect.
ReplyDeleteParis Hilton is the WORST.
Oh, OK. Gotcha, Weezy. And I agree.
ReplyDeleteParis is strictly "Pay for Play" these days a'la Hayden Panettiere and Victoria Silvstedt. The more money/fame you have, the better.
ReplyDeletelol low priced hooker = free for fame
ReplyDeleteI know we are not supposed to be bashing body parts on here, because everyone has SOME insecurity, but JEEZUS! WE KNOW she has had OODLES of plastic surgery, so WHY ON EARTH did she bring a photo to her plastic surgeon of the bad witch from OZ (minus the warts) to be plastered on her face?
ReplyDeleteI wish Wonky McValtrex (credit to Michael D for the nickname) would crawl back under whatever rock she came from.