Paris Hilton Shows What A Horrible Friend She Is
Paris Hilton went to a Miami club to see the latest victim on her tour of dating. The guy who will wish he never met her when all is said and done is DJ Afrojack, which is not one of the favors in Apple Jacks. Great cereal. Anyway, DJ was playing at a club in Miami. And when I say playing, I mean he hooked up his iPod and charged some money to listen to what he had on shuffle. According to the NY Post, Paris rolled up with a dozen people and five cars and they all tried to get in. The doorman said you needed to have a ticket. Paris told them all to f**k off and went inside and left them to deal with their own issues. Paris was not alone though. Nope. She now has a personal photographer who travels with her constantly to document just how horrible one person can be.