Olivia Munn went all out with her response to the hacked cell phone naked picture controversy and part of it is really funny and part of it seems a bit cruel. I will let you be the judge. Here is the letter she sent in place of herself to the premiere of her movie at SXSW. She also sent the photo above.
March 9, 2012
Dear Everyone at "The Babymakers" SXSW screening:
I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you all. I'm currently in Sierra Leone helping build wells for the thirsty. I thought I'd have time to stop through Austin on my way here, but I was detoured when I saw two beached seals on the Gulf near South Padre and used all of my strength, sweat and tears to pull them back into the water and save their lives.
(NOTE to JAY- Hold for applause and gasps. About 2 solid minutes...)
So, I come to you only in this letter, by way of my director of "The Babymakers" Jay Chandra-shay... shay- Jay Chandra-something.
It’s hard for me to sit here with these small, dysentery-ridden children and know that I cannot be there, with all of you wonderful friends and supporters, for my SXSW Hollywood movie premiere.
I must end this letter short, as I'm on my way to Seoul, Korea to speak with the starving children who have been denied food by their country and educate them on a motto that I have personally lived by and think will give them some hope: Thinner is Better.
I pray this letter finds you well and God keeps you safe.
Oh, and one last thing- Some of those pictures weren't even me. I mean, you can't even see my penis… and it's pretty big for an Asian. Sheesh.
Til next we meet again...
Your Cable Television Darling (from the upcoming HBO Aaron Sorkin series, "The Newsroom"),
Olivia Munn
I didn't think any of it was funny. She's an asshole.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing funny about this. I saw the photo on Twitter, and thought "What the fuck is wrong with this girl?". Then I came here and read the letter.
ReplyDeleteShe's an asshole. I understand if she's pissed off. But come on Olivia, what are you, twelve? She's a pouting baby who writes this crap instead of attending her movie premier.
To make up charity work and describe it in the disgusting way she did - fuck you, Olivia.
hey dummy, when the background is exactly the same as your bikini photos as your nude ones. Then yes, they are you. Cutting your head off in the pictures wasn't enough to protect you from being a dummy.
ReplyDeleteIt would of been funnier if she just owned up to it. Ms. Techy fail.
yah making fun of charity work will really get you fans...what an ass glad her skanky pics got leaked and thank god her and brad richards broke up. We don't want no skanks up here in PEI
ReplyDeleteErmmmmm, I thought it was funny and she was making fun of HERSELF. This makes me like her even more.
ReplyDeleteI get what she's trying to do here but the sarcasm is just falling flat. Instead of making it seem like she has more important things to do (i.e. charity work) than worry about ppl releasing hacked photos of her, she comes off as a bit up herself and insensitive. I get what she's trying to say but comments like "thinner is better" when talking about starving kids are just never going to sound good to my ear.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was funny right up until that part. Joking about starving children is horrid.
DeleteIt is obvious what she is trying to do. But it only works when the person is actually funny is doing it.
ReplyDeleteTina Fey,Steve Martin or Ricky Gervais could pull it off. Oliva, not so much.
Was she high when she wrote this? That's the only explanation I can think of that she could possibly think this letter would paint her in a favorable light. Her sarcasm just doesn't translate well and it sounds like she's making fun of charity work.
ReplyDeleteHey Olivia,
ReplyDeleteI dodn't give a shit about you or your "career" before the photos broke, and still don't give a shit.
All you letter proves is that you are an asshole. And stop trying to play the Asian card when you're all of 1/8th Asian. Idiot.
A bit tasteless but not overly offensive I think. The kind of humour she is going for here really should be left for the professionals to do. Like someone said up thread, Tina Fey could get away with it.
ReplyDeleteI don't even think she is smart enough to even come up with this on her own.
ReplyDeleteI hope she hired a comic to write this and they turned around and crafted this to take the piss out of her.
She should get a refund if she paid for it, or spit the cum out of her mouth.
If I only cared...
ReplyDeleteAt least for once she has her mouth closed!
ReplyDeleteDesperate attention-seeker.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the joke's on all who give her any attention, including this blog for posting about her and us for reading it.
The only part of this thing that interested me at all were the last few words. I don't give a damn about Olivia Munn but I can't wait to see Aaron's new show.
ReplyDeleteProbably not the reaction she was hoping for.
Bad taste. And woefully ignorant. The starving kids are in NORTH Korea...last time I looked, Seoul was in SOUTH Korea. What's that saying about...it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
ReplyDeleteAnd a single fuck wasn't given that day..
ReplyDeleteEh, I thought it was funny, dark humored and self deprecating.
ReplyDeleteBut maybe that has to be your sense of humor to get it?
The thinner is better line WAS funny, because taking it seriously would have to make me believe her to be the most fucked up person in the world to think such a thing.
She is seeming to blow these whole nude pics thing out of proportion with this type of reaction, but whatevs.
I LOVE when no-talent actresses think they are funny !
ReplyDeleteWhat a dope.
When did S Korea start rationing their food?
ReplyDeleteOh Olivia, you're not a good actress and you're not a good writer but ever since the Rattner thing I hate you a little less. If he's not violating women/girls physically, he's doing it with his eyes. Either way you never ever feel safe around him again.
Ha. I love the fact she never comes right out and denies the photos are hers. I know she did so when they first came out but didn't that come from her publicist? Has she ever publicly said the photos aren't her? I don't think so. Even on twitter she never denied them simply made another joke about what photos you'd fine if "My cell phone is ever hacked".
ReplyDeleteAlso what's with the excuse of working on the Aaron Sorkin show as a part of her not being able to attend SXSW? I thought I read that show wrapped production a little while ago and I thought she posted somewhere, probably twitter, that she wasn't going to be able to make it because she wasn't feeling well.
All in all this isn't funny. I can see where she is trying to be humorous but it really isn't. It's arrogant and abrasive which it seems more and more is exactly the kind of person she is really. Kind of sad cause I loved her on AOTS and thought she did a great job there. Now she's in crappy movies re-hashing the same acting over and over. She's lucky she's attractive but she's already in her 30's. Unless she's hiding some secret comedic genius she doesn't really have a chance to be "famous". imo. She'll be hitting up playboy for a nude spread within 5 years I bet.
I must have a thing for brunettes that have a some snark - I find her funny. I wish she came to SXSW - I live in Austin and was sitting in a hotel bar today waiting for my husband and saw Matthew Mcconaughey (he looks really good), Willem Dafoe (looks the same as in movies but is very short), Gina Gershon (very pretty - I guess she and Mcconaughey were doing a press junket), Robin Tunney and Jamie Chung (very pretty, nice and a little insecure looking). I was really hoping to see Andy Cohen, who has been by several times I guess. Anyway thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
ReplyDeleteWow. This attempt at humor makes it clear to me that these are her pics - she's got no class in either situation.
ReplyDeleteNot funny, just obnoxious and rude. And wrong.
To me, she's not making fun of charity work, she's making fun of the celebrities that rush out and do charity work as soon as a scandal hits them, and they pretend to be really into a cause that they really couldn't care less about. That's why she has the sarcastic tone about the charities, not to make fun of doing good work or helping others that really need it, but making fun of the celebrities that think that by pretending to care about something for two whole minutes will wash a scandal away. I think it's funny, it makes me like her more.
ReplyDeleteJoking about Jay Chandrasekhar's name like that is ignorant racism. I know he has a good sense of humor about it, but that shit must have gotten old really quick. Once you've heard it once or twice, it really isn't that hard to spell or pronounce. I can't stand her.
ReplyDeleteJesus, she's like a more vocal Megan Fox.
ReplyDeleteWhat the f*** is she saying about South Korea?! It's one of the wealthiest, most technologically advanced nations on the Earth? She's clearly one of those ignorant clunges who never listened in school history lessons about that little thing called the Korean War and still believes 'KOREA' is all just one big nation. What an ignorant, ignorant lady/clunge.
ReplyDeleteMooshki- okay, good point.
ReplyDeleteSome of the other stuff wasnt too bad though, come on, admit it ;P
you would think she would be a little more racially sensitive considering she is half Asian..but no, dumb, ignorant, insensitive and UN funny. Looks fade..stupid lasts forever. Makes me cringe when I see someone of my gender who makes it so obvious she never looked at a world atlas.
ReplyDeleteDear Ms. Munn:
ReplyDeleteI can 'go' with someone using satire to defend against slurs against oneself. However, when 'one' is so illiterate that one confuses the capital of South Korea, Seoul, with the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, not only do i lose sympathy, but i detest and deny the validity of your "Poor Me" whimpers.
Seoul Korea is a thriving prosperous metroplex in a country that has a healthy growing economy. PYONGYANG is a withering city in a pathetic starving country beset by a deluded dictatorship.
At least get your countries right before you go to their rescue. AS IF you could get into and safely out of North Korea if you're there to rescue the starving children of North Korea.
I don't know, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. It sounds to me like she's making fun of celebrities who are completely self-absorbed. People who would say, "Thinner is better" to starving children, who wouldn't bother to learn their director's name and mistake North Korea for South Korea. I'm not a fan of hers and have never seen anything she's been in, but I think everyone's being way too hard on her attempt at being humorous.
ReplyDeleteAnd she is still a waste of time and space.
ReplyDeleteThere was one funny line there, but the rest of it was trying a little too hard. Maybe she was stoned or something when she wrote and sent it.
ReplyDeleteI think she's attractive, and I would not mind seeing more naked photos of her. Preferably taken with my iPhone, in my presence.
Olivia, if you are reading this, please drop me a line. I promise I will laugh at your jokes that I think are funny and will not mind if you upstage me. Thanks.
Give this woman a little credit... She's not a moron, and the fact that she can fire off a gramatically correct, well-written and hilariously scathing howler like that kind of convinces me that her sauce is pretty badass.
ReplyDeleteJesus, it was a riot. She's not making fun of starving sex-slave peasant children with awful dentition, she's commenting on phone hacking lunacy, Hollywood fakeassery and other fucked up issues.
Y'all should check out the onion sometime... This really wasn't bad.