Thursday, March 29, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH Grammy winner’s marriage ended because his young wife desperately wanted kids and he was dead-set against it? The New York-based singer-songwriter is already a papa of one, and refused to have more kids. So his wife flew the coop!


  1. Why is this gossip? It just sounds sad that they didn't discuss this before marriage.

  2. There's no way this is Billy Joel. Katie Lee was looking for 2 things only - $$$$ and fame. Not kids.

  3. This is not Billy Joel cus he wanted kids and she just wanted $$$

  4. BJ and Katie separated a year or so ago and is public knowledge.

  5. Yeah, Billy Joel fits, but I'm sure Katie Lee just wanted the name and the money for her stupid cookbooks. I don't think kids were the reason for the split; I like to think that Billy just wised up.

  6. Don't really care.

  7. A golddigger like Katie Joel wants kids, to increase the attachment and insure child support payments. So I can see this being her, though it feels like Billy/Katie Joel is old news. This should be someone more recent, but I don't have any guesses.

    Ugh, I hate National Enquirer blinds. They are so boring and vague.

  8. I'm sure that this is supposed to be Billy Joel and Katie Lee, but I'm guessing that her people put this out there as a way to stay relevant...

  9. Isn't Billy Joel a bit old to be having kids?

  10. Anonymous8:30 AM

    What do women see in Billy Joel (besides money)? He's probably shooting blanks at his advanced age.

  11. I know a girl who was friends with Katie Lee in college. She met Billy on a trip to NYC and he gave her tickets to see "Moving Out." According to the girl I know, Katie had never cooked anything before she married him, but needed to make a name for herself somehow. She was with Billy because of how famous he was was, though "she grew to love him."

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My first thought was Billy Joel and Katie Lee, too. I like Katie and wish her the best in regard to having kids.

  14. @ Karen - I always found him attractive, even as a kid. I just have a thing for those NY/East Coast-types.

  15. Have to applaud men who are honest about not wanting kids. Hopefully they will carry it one step further & have vasectomies.... instead of years of child support.

    Personally, i too never wanted kids so i took the iniative and had a tubal ligation while in my late 20s. No muss, no thing i ever did.

  16. ITA @ AKM. I have a thing for those NY/East Coast-types too.

  17. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Re: why don't some people discuss it before marriage? From personal experience b/c of what happened to someone in my family, a lot of people lie about wanting or not wanting kids depending on how their partner feels, and then only start telling the truth after walking down the aisle b/c they knew that any other way that the relationship would have been over. Needless to say these marriages always end in the divorce.

  18. @Diana, sometimes people promise one another things they cannot deliver in the passion of the moment.

  19. When men marry women 20+ years their junior HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY SURPRISED BY THIS?!

    Oh yeah, odds are their narcissistic a-holes who dont bother thinking about anyone's perspective but their own. So it's not surprising he was dead-set on not having more kids. Goddess forbid his wife get to experience having her own kid.

    Billy Joel (while a brilliant musician no doubt) is a dick of massive proportions if this is him. How dare you marry a woman in her late 20s/or 30s and tell her not to have kids if she wishes it.

  20. I guess it's suppose to be Billy Joel. But he actually was talking wanting to have kids when he married Katie.
    Plus they split up because of her cheating.
    And as a golddigger she could have gotten more millions if she would have gotten preggers.

    @Cathy, loved the details you gave about her. Another person once wrote;
    "My college roommate knew her when she was still Katie Lee from Huntington, WV. Said she went looking for an old geezer right out of high school and didn't look back.
    She probably would have done better to stay and stalk Matthew McConaughey when he was in town filming "We Are Marshall"."
