Thursday, March 01, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH legendary British singer has cut off his son from receiving any of his hard-earned cash? After a recent club gig in New York, the son, also a performer, actually passed a basket around to collect money for his band.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Without knowing the exact circumstances, there's a lot to be said for a wealthy person encouraging their child to make it on their own, rather than live off of dad's money. It's a character builder.

  3. Mick Jagger or Paul McCarthy?

  4. i feel like i heard somewhere that paul mccartney really wants his kids to earn their own living and make their own way. hes my guess

  5. Paul McCartney's son works with him, but he was in the US recently to promote his solo work. He was on Letterman in the fall.

    I think Jagger's oldest son is an actor, not a singer.

  6. James McCartney's band played Feb 1, 2012 at Rockwood Music Hall in New York City.

  7. Is Rod Stewart a possibility? He's always been very prudent with money.

  8. James McCartney, FTW!

  9. I'm guessing James McCartney.

  10. Yeah, Rod Stewart came to mind for me, too.

  11. At some age these kids need to go out in the world and earn their own way. Just beucase your parent is rich doesn't mean you are. If you have access to the best education money can buy take advantage and make something of yourself. It doesn't mean you can just drift through life on a trust fund.

    Good for the dad I say.

  12. These fathers dont have to be complete dicks tho, do they?

  13. I hope it is Rod Stewart, because his son is a mega jack ass

  14. Rod Stewart is Scottish. I guess Sting. I believe the McCartney children received a large inheritance when their mo passed away.

  15. I'm going to go with McCartney as Paul was spotted at his performance in New York.

  16. I think this is an excellent idea! If it is Paul McCartney, good for him! His kids will still be riding on his coatails. Whatever happened to Dylan's kid, Jakob? He sure disappeared.

  17. I think this is an excellent idea! If it is Paul McCartney, good for him! His kids will still be riding on his coatails. Whatever happened to Dylan's kid, Jakob? He sure disappeared.

  18. Chrissy, considering that Scotland IS in Great Britain, we CAN still call someone British who is Scottish, correct? Scottish is obviously more specific, but I THINK I'm right. Someone who is from that area can certainly correct me, though.
