Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson ThisClose Yesterday
Ahh, I think I smell the spark from here. Lindsay Lohan had lunch with her sister Ali at Chateau Marmont. Or, as Lindsay prefers to call it, the place I can get wasted out of my mind in a bungalow and no one notices. Lindsay was celebrating her freedom after five years of probation. The current over/under for how long she goes without being arrested is one year. As I Tweeted a bit ago, I am going with the over. I think she can stay out of jail for one year. Notice I did not say out of trouble. I think she will limit her partying to indoors, steal only from people who will not press charges and otherwise make herself scarce except for the occasional spill onto the sidewalk which she will blame on faulty sidewalk construction and sue the city and win millions of dollars to get back at them for making her life miserable for the past five years because it is their fault for her problems, not hers.