Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Hits And Runs

Last week, Lindsay Lohan somehow scraped the entire passenger side of her car and early this morning she hit someone with her car. Then ran away in her car. Lucky for her, she hit the manager of the club who claims he was not injured. If he had claimed otherwise, Lindsay might be in jail right now. Oh, and her probation revoked. See what happens when you take your cheek fillers out to party. Only bad things happen. Wasn't it just last week that Lindsay said she does not go to clubs anymore and prefers to stay home? The next night she went out and the next night after that and pretty much every night since she has said that she went out. Oh, and before she said it she had been going out too, but Matt Lauer just sat there with that stupid grin on his face and let her get away with it. Not as bad as the drool which comes out of Ann Curry's mouth when she interviews Brangelina, but still not acceptable.


  1. She is so deep in her lies and delusions she wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in a car and sped away.

  2. And the cuntroach will outlive us all.

    There is no god.

  3. She's going to kill someone soon.

  4. Who cares if this guy was injured? The next one might be.

    Somehow = Drunk

  5. So much for her "comeback". Why doesn't she just stay home to party like everyone else does? It would be cheaper.

  6. And why did she run away - couldn't be that she was under the infulence of drugs and/or alcohol, hmm.

    This girl will never learn.

  7. The pope is catholic

  8. Surrounded by enablers.

  9. She must be taking Halle lessons....

  10. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I hate the fact she's never called on her shit. I wonder what the club owner will get out of this.

  11. the fire is hot!

    the snow is white!

  12. I have a new phrase for my arsenal at least: cuntroach.

    Thanks, Vicki Pepper!

  13. Just REVOKE the dumb cunt's DL, wouldja please, DMV?


  14. Seriously, she needs to go to jail for at least a dozen years. I might take that long for the spray tan to wear off and her hair to go back to normal, not to mention all the drugs to leave her body.

  15. What happened to using a taxi? Dumbass arrogant liar.

  16. God, I cannot believe how I can hate her more and more each time I read something about her....and yet, I do.

  17. Okay, well now TMZ is reporting that the guy who was hit, went to the hospital and is now hiring a lawyer.

    TMZ also has pictures and video of Lindsay pulling away, behind the wheel, then a short time later, stopped by the police, where she switched seats with her passenger, who was now behind the wheel.

    Why the hell would anyone want to take the rap for her?

  18. Surfer, I'm thinking assistant was in the passenger seat. Taking the rap seems like it would be in the job description if you choose to work for Lohan. Read she got a new one after long-suffering Eleanor quit.

  19. I was working on the set of one of her movies, about a million years ago when she was employable. A guy was there with his daughter. The girl had leukemia, it was pretty obvious. The daughter loved Lohan and wanted an autograph. I didn't say yes or no, just that'd she walk this way towards set. Finally coming out of her trailer and down the block, the dad said "Excuse me, Ms. Lohan." but before he could get any further, without a look she walked passed saying, "I only give autographs to important people." I was in shock and the girl was crying. I wanted to do something, but the dad picked her up and walked away.

  20. AbderianLaughter - I'm sure you're right. People are just so dumb and stupid.

  21. from MK @ Dlisted:
    Right after LiLo hit that dude, he told the paparazzi that he was fine and didn't need an ambulance or anything. But then the paparazzi told him that world famous baby stroller-hitter LiLo was the one who kissed his knee hard with her car. The manager said he didn't know who that was, because he's not from America. Dude must've found out quick (note: he Googled "Lizzie Grubman of crackheads" and LiLo was first item), because suddenly he started complaining about pain. He went to the emergency room and he's telling people that he's going to press charges. LiLo is only 14 days away from being probation-free and this could fuck things up for her, but that's not going to happen.

  22. It's not a lie if you really believe it. At least that's what my ex always said. Seems that way for LiLo too.

  23. I have been hit by a car and at first I felt fine. Then an hour later my back felt like I was being stabbed with a hot poker.

    The adrenaline masks any injuries at first. Even if you don't have blood spurting out of you doesn't mean you aren't hurt. Soft tissue injuries are a bitch.

    He did the right thing going to the hospital. Is it a money grab also, maybe. But "Miss. Homebody" should't of been out partying.

    The Judge is not going to be happy with her at all if he really presse charges.

  24. I cannot effin BELIEVE she's out driving drunk again. I have said it before: When she kills someone, and she will, I hope the family of that person sues the city, the state, and every damn last judge that let her off again and again with MULTIPLE duis and a carjacking/kidnapping and at least two hit and runs now.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Agree, @timebob. Happened to me, too (was just a few hours later). Was so scared about what could have happened, and being in car wreck at all, I was sort of flying high.

    Tsk, tsk... oh, Lindsay...

  27. I couldn't care less if he's hurt or not. She gets off for everything. She deserves to have her probation revoked and be sent to jail. The justice system doesn't apply here as it doesn't work with her in the last 100 cases.

  28. The bitch needs to be locked up....really locked up, no haircolor, no extensions, no lip plumper, no booze, no drugs, no special special anything for at least one year.

  29. @K.T. - thats horrible! I would add it to my list of reasons she sucks, but frankly I don't think there is room

    classless nitwit

  30. Any ounce of sympathy and good will I had for her is gone. She really is a heinous human being. I hope the club owner sues her for all she's worth, which mean's he won't be getting a plug nickel.

  31. Timebob's right - I've see people not feel their injuries for 24-48 hours and then they're miserable. I'm not saying that's the case here, but it does happen.

  32. Cheek fillers? What are these women trying to achieve?

    They look bloated, like they are on steroids or auditioning to be the next Godfather...

  33. I believe what goes around comes around. I just hope I'm alive to see the Karmic smackdown this bitch gets some day!

  34. proud of yourself now for the "great" job you have done, Shawn Chapman Holley? Every time you get this stupid bitch off for one of her crimes, she fucks up. Next time she may kill someone. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

  35. And she still has a license because...???

  36. I was in a bad wreck a few years ago. Fine at first then couldn't stand upright. My muscles had locked up and I was bent over like an old lady. The driver who hit me had hit me with such force she bruised my kidneys. I was fine at first. Anger and adrenalin had me amped up because the old lady who hit me wanted to skate before giving me insurance info. When I came down I was in so much pain I could have wept.

  37. ENTY!

    I thought I was the only one that thought Ann Curry drools over Brangelina! Lol!

  38. ENTY!

    I thought I was the only one that thought Ann Curry drools over Brangelina! Lol!

  39. Anonymous11:18 AM

    You know what you guys? Your b'ing really mean. Linsy has been a good example to me. She inspires me a bunch. I wnat to cry, ok?

  40. I agree with Rose, I don't care if the dude is just going for a money grab, I want the crackenroach locked up! The roads ain't safe while the Cracken drives free!

  41. How in the hell is she driving? We all know NO GOOD will come out of this and in NYC? No one has to drive there. Dumb bitch! If I had any $$ I would not be driving myself.
    So I am watching my local news (before Noon) and this story made the news. Still saying that IF the guy is not injured she will NOT be in trouble. According to D-listed he is injured so this should be interesting. I am sure the Judge will not want to be seen as letting her make MORE of a mockery of the system than she has, then again............

  42. Oh good lord, you guys know they aren't going to do anything to her.

  43. Give her an ole' slap on the wrist. That should set her straight.

  44. Leaving a club after midnight? Didn't she have to be on a movie set somewhere at 6 A.M.?


    Aw Jeez, that's a good one.

  45. For a sweet minute there I thought this had happened in New York. But no, it was LA. Which means this twat will once again face zero consequences.

    Apparently the manager was in his car when she came close to hitting it, so he got out of his car and asked her not to hit his car, at which point she "grazed his knee with her Porsche" and took off. I actually once had an ambulance bump my knee. It was so bizarre that I didn't realize it hurt for a good 6 hours but by that evening my leg was swollen like an inner tube. Even if he's not hurt, fuck her! People apparently shouldn't leave their vehicles outside their workplace in LA, Lindsay Lohan might want to fill that exact space with her car. Entitled cunt. Wasn't Judge Sautner supposed to be "no-nonsense and media savvy"? How is she still free to drink and drive. Well documented. In front of paparrazzi. With dozens of witnesses. Take her fucking licence away!!!

  46. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Get a driver dumbass.

  47. Maybe she jacked up her face like that so it could be used as an airbag in one of her many crashes??

  48. Her still having a drivers license at this point is the most baffling thing of it all. Will not be surprised when she does end up hurting/killing someone.
    @KT - Awful story. :-( Karma, though for what her "career" has become!

  49. Whatever, it would be funny/karma if she got busted for a crime she actually didn't do.

    I'm not advocating that, but just thinking about it makes me smile.



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