Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Katy Perry Has A New Guy

Those rumors of Katy Perry having a new boyfriend who is also the face of Chanel appear to be true. Not only did he do the walk of shame from her Paris hotel last week, they also have been spotted traveling together. Kind of. She bought him a ticket but made him sit far away from her because she thinks paps are idiots and have never seen that trick. "Oh, what a coincidence that the two people are on the same train at the same time going to the same place after coming out of her hotel room last week."

Just pose together. When you do the whole separate thing, it makes you look dumb and that you think Gwyneth Paltrow has good ideas.


  1. It's a smurf thang.

  2. He's hot. Good for her getting her model on.

  3. This guy won't last long enough to bother.

    Hey, think that kp and jlo shop at the same boy toy for the newly single store? Does the store give discounts for repeat customers?

  4. Enty, this guy is Karl Lagerfeld's "the muse"and he did pics for gay magazines

  5. Is she bearding for him? This picture makes me wonder

  6. Katy strikes me as the maneater type. She knows what she likes and she's not afraid to tell you! Why she ever got hitched I'll always wonder...

  7. Yea they must be bff'z cuz this dude is just not straight.

  8. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Maybe he is bi?

  9. I didn't know Vanilla Ice had a son, awesome!

  10. another one who cannot be alone.

    get some self esteem, ladies.


  11. Holy Douche, Batman!!

  12. He's hot! Vanilla Ice's son -- that's funny.

    Hell, she's single, attractive and famous. She should do whatever she wants but this will definitely be temporary.

  13. Now that Tebow is getting back seated to Manning maybe KP will have her chance to get into his pants like she(her parents) want.

  14. What is with the whole "Thinks Gwyneth Paltrow has good ideas" comment? Makes ya wonder who the Goopster has been traveling nearby separately from lately...

  15. Pfft. Tebow wouldn't have anything to do with someone like KP. He has much better taste than that.

  16. Oh please. Perry is a flash-in-the-pan fame-hog, but she can throw a better spiral than Tebow.

  17. Hahahaha! That guy is Baptiste Giabiconi aka Karl's boytoy and muse! I'd wager that she's dating him as much as she's dating Markus Molinari ;).

  18. @Easy Village Gyspy.. I might just be naive but I took this to mean that Gwyneth travels with her husband like this because they're always going to such great lengths to not be papped together? Maybe we should be reading more into it than that though?

  19. I'm pretty sure this guy is gay. Is she just trying to piss off her folks?
    I wish she'd ditch the blue, pink, hair, or hook up with the jolly green giant so she didn't look weird by herself.

  20. If he wants to bang Katy Perry then that's his business. Doesn't matter if he's gay or straight.

  21. If she were an average person she would still be crying on her friend shoulders. In Hollywood everything is on fast forward. Ive had fights that lasted longer than it took her to bounce back from the end of her marriage.

  22. When did being gay ever stop these male models from banging celebs? Vadge has been doing it for years.

  23. I'd say this blind is really about Gwyneth.

    Katy has plenty of gay boyfriends. Nothing new there.
