Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kate Winslet Hates Titanic Song

If you really want to punk Kate Winslet, what you should do is make it so the only sound she is able to hear is Celine Dion singing My Heart Will Go On. Apparently Kate hates the song so much that she said it makes her want to throw up and that she rolls her eyes everytime she hears it. Am I a fan of the song? No, not really. However, Titanic made Kate Winslet's career and that damn song had a lot to do with it. When the movie came out the song was on every few minutes. It was worse than trying to find a station not playing Adele now. To just throw the song under the bus is kind of wrong. I'm a big fan of Kate, but she should just suck it up and not say anything.


  1. This video is the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever seen.

  2. The movie was good (judge me!), but the song is so cheesy. I was 12 when the movie came out and I was rolling my eyes at it then.

  3. This is exactly why I love Kate Winslet. She's not afraid to speak her mind. I would have left out the throw up part, but the eye rolling - I'm down with that. She's a no nonsense lady saying that this song is really sappy and annoying. Which it is. And she didn't diss the film, which is great, and still would have killed it without the song. Just saying.

  4. At what point would Celine actually stop and say, "Wait, wait. I think maybe this is too much." Someone please send this to Michael K.

  5. @nolachickee - MTV News has the clip where she says that.

  6. I can't stand Kate Winslet. I think she is a whiny, narcissistic, spoiled actress. After Titanic all she did was complain about James Cameron too. What a brat.

    Also, I think she is a big hypocrite regarding the whole "body image" topic.

  7. Hey, she's put up with listening to it for what fifteen years? I'll give her a break on this. Also, I guess everyone plays this when she appears. I think if some song I hated was played for my entrance (not likely), I'd have said something sooner.

  8. I'll never forget sitting in the movie theatre in 1997 and my friend balling her eyes out next to me. I was dying laughing it was so cheesy.

    I do remember how people were judging her for getting the role and it was make or break for her. Leo at the time seemed to have a pass since he had proven himself already as an actor.

    So she does have a lot to thank for Titanic and whatever song is in the movie.

  9. @surfer - thanks for the info! I just watched the clip. I love that woman. I like the part where the Italian talk show people tried to get her to sing it live. She's too funny.

  10. I don't blame Kate. If I had the same cheesy love ballad following me around for 15 years, I'd probably want to vomit as well. I like that she's doing publicity for this film (I haven't seen Leo doing any) and I love that she speaks her mind.

  11. @nolachickee - I saw part of the clip on TV - but can't view it online from Canada. Grrrr!

  12. Look, I know Celine is a hard ass worker and a technically good singer BUT I just cant with her.

    The WAAAY too old husband who has been managing her since she was practically a pre-teen...the style of her singing and even that odd french canadian accent...she's just weird to me.

    And so I obviously get what Kate Winslet's saying- it was a cheesy cheesy song that was played for years after Titanic and got on most everybody's nerves.

    Where was it written that actors had to kiss ass to every part of a project that they worked on? They're human, let them express their opinions. Sheesh

  13. I'm with Kate Winslet. The movie was great; the song blows.

  14. That song is terrible. Kate should buy the rights and make sure it's never played in public again.

  15. They used to play this song on the set of Revolutionary Road just to piss her off so I can understand how she'd hate it. I hate it because it was the favorite song of a former girlfriend who broke up with me for someone else. And now I get to hear that song in Titanic 3D movie ads on TV every night. Joyyyyy!*Sarcasm*


  16. This reminds me of Sheryl Crow saying, "If I had known how many times I was going to have to sing 'All I Wanna Do,' I never would have written that song!"

  17. How awful it must be for you, dear Kate, to be associated with one of the most successful and biggest money making movies in Hollywood history.

    I'd take your place in a second.

  18. Love her, but man she should shut up. That movie and song made her career... Kinda ungrateful and disrespectful if you ask me

  19. Plus I'm a huge Celine stan.

  20. Whenever I think of Kate Winslet (whose work i do love) I can't help but to think of Craig Ferguson.

    Apologies for not embedding the video properly. Hello for the first time as well.

  21. From someone who wants to throw up every time Adele comes on <3 you Kate

  22. The version of the song actually used at the end of the movie isn't too bad, but the single version that was ALL over the radio was way too bombastic IMNSHO (really, when the Peruvian pipe band in Harvard Square is covering it, you KNOW it's been overplayed...), so I have no problem at all w/Kate not liking the song. (Frankly, if anyone should be grovelling, it should be James Cameron to his actors, for making them recite his godawful dialogue--there's a reason the screenplay was the only major part of the production not even nominated for an Oscar, and should be thanking God daily for the fact that the actors he hired were good enough that they made his shitty dialogue at all compelling. Sorry, but while he's an excellent director, when it comes to actually writing lines that sound like something that human beings might actually say...*thumbs down*)

    Anyway, Kate's been "sucking it up" and dealing w/the damn song for years, so I don't think she can be accused of throwing the movie as a whole "under the bus". (Enty, do you say some of this stuff just to see how many of us will get pissed off and respond? I wonder sometimes...)

  23. Having said all that, I do recall hearing 2 cover versions of the song that made me laugh my ass off, and might do the same for Kate as well: (1) Bella Morte, a goth band, did an appropriately gothy version of it, but the pants-wetting part is when the lead singer, so tongue-in-cheek that he's Frenching his own ear, yells over the bridge "JACK, I'M FUCKING FLYING!" (2) SNMNM (hope I've got that right), a sort of folk/thrash band (yes, really) who did an appropriately thrashing version of it live, leading into it by talking about Kate's big nude scene and joking about the title Titanic starting out w/the word "tit", and going on to talk about Kate's rack (which was quite nice, even by this straight woman's standards...). Now if we can just get a Norwegian death metal version...

  24. I don't blame her for saying that - I hate it too!!!

  25. omg youve got to watch the video!

  26. The fact that she came out for the red carpet for the re-release (unlike Leo) shows me she is grateful for the opportunity.

    That song makes a lot of people throw up. She isn't commenting on Celine Dion's voice- but that song was so overplayed during the time- I can understand her feelings.

  27. I know it was played out, but what popular song isnt'? I used to like Katy Perry and Adele, but jeez, enough already.

    I still like the song and Celine too.

  28. But it IS an annoying song. I don't see why she can't say it.

  29. I watched the video expecting to feel snarky and cynical...instead, it brought back in a gush how I felt when I first saw that movie....I hate romantic musg usually but that movie just wrung it out of me...part of it was because Leo looked just like my beloved late brother, which brought up all kinds of personal feelings...and yeah it was over the top and so is Celine...but that's what they were going for...this is the Cirque du Soleil production from her Vegas stint...IDK, looks pretty amazing to me...the production was huge. Having said that, I think Kate was also being a little tongue in cheek, and I think she is well aware of how that film launched her career...I find it interesting that Leo shunned the red carpet though....I wonder if he's not getting a cut of the 3D release box office?

  30. oops. "romantic mush"

  31. The NY Post has an article about CDaN:

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Celine is grating and so over the top - but she sure is wearing the hell out of that dress!

  34. I really liked the movie and the song - the latter if I don't hear it 1,000 times in a 2 week period. There was just so much hype. Even too much chocolate will make you sick.

    The song is beautiful. I haven't heard it in years, so I'm going to listen to the clip now.

  35. Last I checked, Kate had a rather prominent career before "Titanic" with "Heavenly Creatures", "Sense and Sensibility",and "Holy Smoke". "Titanic" merely allowed her to command more money for her work. So I wouldn't give "Titanic" so much credit for a career that had been on the rise for years before it came out.

  36. Well I like Kate and the song.

  37. Well, in 1997, that song WAS overplayed. Still to this day, when I hear it on the radio, I switch the channel faster than the "Arms of An Angel"/SPCA commercial.

  38. great now that song is stuck in my head!

  39. When I was 8,I was OBSESSED with this song;Now I'm like whatever.I understand Kate's hatred of the song cause if I had to listen to a cheesy song like that for 15 years;I would commit some pretty horrible acts to electronic devices:D

  40. The video shows why the Cirque thing didn't work with Celine. I liked her in the Vegas show, but not all the crap flying around.

    Oh, and interesting article in the Post, Enty.

  41. I too give Kate a pass on this. She's not dissing the movie. She's not dissing Celine Dion. She's dissing an overplayed song that is not the sum of her career - before or after the film.

  42. Too cool for school and needs everyone to know. First rule of work is you don't trash your own work. OF course it's a cheesy movie and a cheesy song but it made you a star so STFU. Nobody actually believes you like the song, play it on the radio in the car, etc. So insecure.

  43. Everytime I turn the station...there IS an Adele song on. I said that to my friend this past weekend. It was on all 3 stations. I'm so sick of it. Overkill.

  44. Everytime I turn the station...there IS an Adele song on. I said that to my friend this past weekend. It was on all 3 stations. I'm so sick of it. Overkill.
