Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Jessica Simpson Is The 34,116 Pregnant Celebrity To Pose Nude

Elle Magazine showed some originality this month. They put Jessica Simpson on their cover nude. Wow, has that ever been done before? A naked pregnant celebrity on the cover? I honestly can't believe they did it. How many times must it be done before people give up on it. At this point there have been so many celebrities that have done it that you could have a set of trading cards made. I will give you two Demi Moore's for a Christina Aguilera.

The only thing interesting in the article is that Jessica has already said she will die if her daughter does not like shopping and that their baby name is going to freak everyone out. Probably another Jungle Book character.


  1. I don't know... I think she has the most gorgeous pregnant body I've seen on a celebrity. It's so in-your-face (vs the being "caught by husband in a solemn moment" bullshit.)

    (Still looks photoshopped though)

  2. Wow! That’s a lot of photoshop cause Jess is huge! Im surprise she is not having twins! Hopefully a little girl will be smart!

  3. I guess I'm old. I don't like any of the celeb naked pregnant photos. Baby bumps look much cuter with clothes on.

  4. She looks beautiful, I wonder how much weight she gained...and did she sign with Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig...lots of money to be made.

  5. Why don't they show the stretch marks, popped out belly button, etc. if they want to show the "beauty" of pregnancy.

  6. I guess this is the stuff you do when it is 14:57 on your 15:00. Yawn.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I think she looks beautiful, photoshop or not. She's a short woman, that baby has no where to go but outwards!!

    @MAC- not everyone gets stretch marks and an outie. I had 4 kids (one set of twins), and don't have a single stretch mark- thank you good genetics!

  8. I think she looks great, unoriginal idea, but she is a normal looking pregnant woman. This has to be several months old though because aren't mags ready to go to print up to 2 months prior than release?

    @Mac, I didn't get an outie and I have one stretchmark! Very proud of that.

  9. That's a lot of Photoshop yo.

    As for the cover - meh - whatever sells magazines & makes her happy I guess.

  10. becuase an original idea would die of loneliness in Jessica's head. She is going to give her kid a kooky name so she can trademark it like it Beyonce did for a future kids fashion line name.

  11. Yeah...definitely some Photoshop (but what's new there?). Her hair looks awesome though.

  12. How is it she's still PG but BEYONCE's surrogate has already spit out the kid?

  13. I remember when Demi Moore did it years ago. It was such a controversy. Now it's considered totally normal and acceptable. I personally think Jessica looks beautiful.

  14. @MISCH Lainey says she signed a 3mil deal with Weight Watchers.

  15. @MISCH Lainey says she signed a 3mil deal with Weight Watchers.

  16. I think she looks great. She is probably photoshopped. However, I got much bigger than her and didn't have a single stretch mark and my belly button stayed an "innie" . I agree with the person who said she looks better than all the others they have seen. She may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but she is a stunning woman.

  17. She looks thinner pregnant

  18. RE: the stretch mark comments. I think you either get them or you don't.

    Pregnant twice, twins the first time. I got stretch marks on parts of my body that weren't even pregnant. Phbbttt.

    Second pregnancy, who knows because I had so many the first time. And cocoa butter does not work.

  19. Who cares? I had stretch marks before I got pregnant! I don't know if I got more while or after. I didn't getting an outie, but I got that long line down my stomach and my boobs were huge!

    Chestica is admitting to naming her kid something stupid. How unoriginal is that?

  20. that has been photoshopped to make her look much smaller than she really is.

    I don't think that any spawn of jessica will be interested in much else but shopping.

  21. And they all do the exact same pose that Demi Moore did.

  22. I think she looks adorable.

    My guess for her baby name is "Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly"

  23. Ewwwwww. Sorry I am thinking about Papa Simpson's reaction.

  24. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I can't stand Jessica Simpson but she looks beautiful in that photo. I know she's photoshopped but I don't care, all magazines do it. I've never been pregnant but have stretchmarks on parts of my body that grew (and I'm not fat) and hells yes would I be demanding they photoshop those out, along with my blue veins. They're not aesthetically pleasing.

    Her hair is so beautiful. I'm sure it's all extensions and such but still, gorgeous.

    You just know that kid will get a really stupid name. And it will either be spelled phonetically because she's dumb or it will be full of Ys.

  25. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Maybe it won't be a "stupid" name or super-out-there like Bronx Mowgli...maybe it's going to be something super traditional like "Martha"? That WOULD be a shocker!

    One of my best friends has a three year old daughter named Betty. I love it.

  26. I just don't see the point of running an airbrushed nakety prego lady on the cover of a fashion mag that never really features any clothing for big-ass prego broads. The pic is gorgeous, but I just think pregnancy shots - especially the nudey kind - should be showcased in your home.

  27. Anonymous9:31 AM

    If I'd looked like her during my pregnancies, I would have gotten naked for every photo!

  28. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Just don't see the "beauty" in this photo. My first reaction was, "Eww". She looks fat. And pregnant. Not pregnant, then fat. Terrible to say, but that's what I see.

  29. I bet she names her ......
    Princess Barbie Pink or Hello Kitty.

    Tired of naked celebs at any point. I'm only suprised Pimpa Joe didn't use her belly as a billboard.

  30. I will probably get heat for this, but oh well. Her belly isn't just pregnant-fat, it's fat-fat. Her belly button isn't sticking farther out because there is so much pre-baby fat, it isn't as firm as a regular pregnant belly. Like, there's fat on top of fat. I know I shouldn't care, but that always irks me.

  31. That's gotta be an old photo. In the last one photo I saw, each breast was the size of her head.

    I got one stretch mark, it's a little squiggle right above my belly button. I think it's kind of cute.

  32. I was thinking Jessica must have announced her pregnancy the very second she realized she was pregnant because it feels like at least 10 months to me..

  33. @seaward, where would you like us fat people to go? Should we just drop dead?
    Jessica is not fat, she is beautiful. Even if she was fat, so what. Don't care what someone's size is, I look at the person, their character. I think her photo is beautiful.

  34. I think that she looks great, but that she hasn't gained as much weight as she wants us to think. Those flowing dresses she wears don't do her any favors and this way she can say she gained a ton, used Jenny Craig and lost it all in a month. With that said, I think she looks great and always looks so happy to me.

  35. i am just happy that she is a real human and pregnancy suits her.

  36. I think she looks gorgeous in this photo.

  37. Please go and take your fat problems elsewhere. Jessica looks incredible, in this photo and all the other photos where she has clothes on and she's not photoshopped. Not all of us can be Posh Spice and be willing to starve ourselves into pregnancy - I was ALL baby when I've been pregnant, I hardly gained any weight except that double ol'bowling ball that eventually gave me two squalls that are the loudest things i've ever heard to this day (they're teenage bottomless pits now). so fuck off with your fattist bullshit and admire the photoshop that is jess.
