Apparently Jessica Chastain is actually 30, like Catherine Zeta Jones is not entitled to AARP discounts at Denny's. Celebitchy did some research and discovered that Jessica will not discuss her age but that they found an article from a San Francisco newspaper back in 1998 when she was just starting out and doing theatre that she was 21 then. Hmm, carry the one, yep that would make her at least 35 now if she was not already trying to make herself younger then. You know she probably hates being "30" and if she is really 35, the next thing you know she is going to be competing against Meryl Streep for roles and Joan Rivers and Betty White are going to have her over for pot brownies and botox.
The photo above is from her yearbook photo supplied by Mandisa from Idol (they went to school together) where she was a senior in 1995. I guess she could have skipped 7 grades.
Who cares.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, who in Hollywood doesn't lie about their age, or are evasive about it? Betty White on Conan (from a few days ago) was talking about lying about her age at the beginning of her career. She said that she shaved off 4 years, so when people asked how old she was, sometimes she couldn't keep it straight and she would say, "I was born in 1926, you do the math." lol!
ReplyDeleteWho CARES how old she is? She's a radiant actress who can act circles around her younger contemporaries. She shouldn't HAVE to discuss her real age, and if lying about her birthday has helped her land roles, I don't blame her (or Catherine, for that matter) one bit. NO one asks male actors how old they are. It's maddening.
ReplyDeleteIf Hollywood weren't such a sexist cesspool full of shallow horseshit, this wouldn't even be an issue.
I'd probably do the same thing. People freak out about the 40 mark no matter WHAT you look like. So she bought herself another five years.
ReplyDeleteI don't appreciate being lied to, but I'm not going to take it personally.
And per IMDB, her last name was "Howard" until she left home. Sounds like her yearbook listing wouldn't have read "Jessica Chastain".
ReplyDeleteI watched her yesterday in "Jolene" where she very convincingly played a teenager at the beginning of the movie......
ReplyDeleteBut hey, didn't this get us all to talk about Mandisa for a second?
ReplyDeleteBut why do celebs even think they can get away with it nowadays? It's the easiest thing in the world to scan a yearbook and post it online. Even CZJ, should be easy to determine her age once and for all.
ReplyDeleteNot that I really just sayin', it's not like it was in Betty White's heyday.
I don't get the youth obsession of Hollywood, etc. I wouldn't trade my age for anything. I think the ageism in Hollywood and modeling is just sad. Age is just a number. If someone can convincingly play a role, what does it matter?
ReplyDeleteI love Betty White, so her interview cracked me up. Much easier to get away with deception back then!
Also, who is this Mandisa?
ReplyDeleteWhen Richard Kind was on The Bonnie Hunt Show, he told a story about accidentally "outing" Bonnie's age at a party with Demi Moore, and it turned out she was lying too. Who cares?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, that's really hilarious interview if you can find it.
As my mom always say's "Am I the only one getting older" , it isn't just actresses ...
ReplyDeleteMy mom is now older than her friend who is 10 years older than her....
we're all saying, 'who cares?'...but um, she does. she's a cute girl, but she's the one shaving yrs off her age. talent or not, it's her doing, so let her be accountable.
ReplyDeleteHer real last name is Howard, Chastain is her mom's maiden name
ReplyDeleteYes, when they start banging on like this about the age of male actors I'll be amazed. Actresses tend to have such a short shelf life, I'm so sympathetic to her wanting to make the most of the years in which she'll be offered decent parts and not have to play the mothers of actors barely younger than she is.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking it would be better to say you were older. Like, if CZJ came out and said "I'm 65 years old!", everyone would be all like "OMG, she looks AMAZING!".
ReplyDeleteSally Field went from playing Tom Hanks' wife to his mother. So she's lying about her age? What of it? Please don't turn this site into as big a woman hater as Celebitchy is.
ReplyDeletepointing out that she is lying about her age isn't being a "woman hater".
ReplyDelete"So she's lying about her age? What of it? Please don't turn this site into as big a woman hater as Celebitchy is."
ReplyDelete^THIS, THIS, THIS.
Sure, point out that she might be lying about her age. That's fair, I guess. But what *isn't* fair is to ignore the reasons WHY she might feel the need to lie about it -- that even because she's a gorgeous, immensely talented woman, she still might lose a role to a much less competent and way younger actress.
And how should she be held "accountable", exactly? Public humilation? Should she stage an Obama-style press conference and brandish her birth certificate to silence her doubters? What's she guilty of, besides career preservation? She didn't beat someone up. She's not a child or animal abuser. She didn't drive drunk. She didn't utter any horrifically offensive statements. She's not condoning anything remotely controversial. If she DID lie, it's only because she's tried to ensure some longevity in a town that tends to toss women aside once they hit thirty.
Yes, Sally Field played Tom Hanks mother in a movie that spanned almost 40 years, with the help of a lot of makeup. That says more about her as an actress than anything else.
ReplyDeleteAge shouldn't be relevant in casting, most of the time. It should be about skill and fit, unless of course it comes down to who gives the better oral sex to the director.
Yeah, what Ida said.
ReplyDeleteWho the H E L L cares. She's gorgeous and an awesome actor. If I were in Hollywood, I'd lie about my age too...they're so judgemental there. If you're 25, you're considered middle aged and on your way downhill. I cannot believe how age is such a factor in the US. It's disgusting. You have more respect until you hit 40...where in Europe and Asia, you are considered wise, admired and respected the older you get. This country is backwards.
ReplyDeletepointing out that she is lying about her age isn't being a "woman hater".
ReplyDeleteTrue but the way it's said speaks volumes.
But maybe I'm being overly sensitive. I'm turning a milestone birthday this month and it fucking sucks and I hate it. Age jokes are going to piss me off big time this month.
@anita hang in there... the milestones totally suck but its all a state of mind anyway right? Do better than I did and don't end up yelling at your friends to not tell you how to look at your dog (who was not there) because you are so drunk. My best advice- buy yourself something really nice if you can as a gift. Might I suggest some shoes??? :) Nordstroms is having an awesome sale.
ReplyDeleteAgree that pointing out ladies are fudging their age isn't overtly woman hating but the way that was put in the prior comment is indicative of why women feel compelled to lie about this in the first place. And that's normal women, not actresses.
And everything Ida said.
@Iza, I haven't shopped in months because I'm going to Vegas next month and can't wait to hit up the big American department stores (I'm in Canada and although we have the same brands, everything is cheaper down there). I want a pair of Louboutins but they don't fit me properly (and for that much cash, they have to fit so I can strut).
ReplyDeleteBut check, no yelling at animals (or people) who aren't there. Seems easy enough ;)
I totally agree with Id.
ReplyDeleteanita_mark - I am 42 turning 43 this year and I love it. I don't know what your landmark is, but life gets better. Have a great time in Vegas. My husband and I are going there next year. Please let us know where you eat etc. - love hearing where to go when on holiday.
anita_mark- totally understandable. I may be sensitive about people being sensitive:) Enjoy your milestones...you earned them:)
ReplyDeleteI totally get why people lie about their ages, but I don't. I have been tempted, as I am a college student and am generally the oldest person in class. I am also usually the only one with a full time "adult" job, as well. 32 in a room of 18-22 can be ackward...especially when I get the "but you don't look THAAAAAAT OOOOOLD!" look and comment. I don't look 32, but I am and I own it. I am not, however, an actress.
I also dont think it's Enty's responsibility to underscore why she feels the need to lie...it's just a gossip site, not social commentary and I think we all understand the reasons that she is doing it, whether we agree with it or not.
@Anita enjoy the USD/CAD exchange rate on your upcoming holiday. And don't buy Louboutins if they don't work for your feet. They don't work for a lot of people's feet but people buy them to show off the sole. Might I suggest Vera Wang's Lavender shoe line or Brian Atwood (either the pricey ones or the B line) or of course Mr. Weitzman- who makes the most comfortable shoes ever IMHO.
ReplyDeleteEither way enjoy your upcoming trip and milestone and don't yell at people generally esp. those who aren't event there!
yet you all cry about photoshopping and unrealistic standards for women.
ReplyDeletecan't have it both ways. both set an unfair standard for women to be compared to.
"I also dont think it's Enty's responsibility to underscore why she feels the need to lie...it's just a gossip site, not social commentary"
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more! Yeesh, why so serious?
Her Oscar dress was so beautiful. As is she. If she's never revealed her age, is she really lying? :) It's just an omission. I don't get it, in this age of the internet, but I guess she is doing what she feels will get her younger roles?
ReplyDeleteShe never lied about her age. She just refused to reveal it. Neither way - no biggie.
ReplyDeleteShe never lied about her age. She just refused to reveal it. Neither way - no biggie.